Encounter Surveillance System Update

i like to build my own ships. it has nothing to do with market or profit. it is about personal pride and reward for effort. under the current conditions, unless you have an income stream from wallet or other pursuits or friends in other parts of space to haul things for you, you cannot even build your own ships. wake up guys, it isnt all about making isk. it used to be about gathering your own materials and making things.

also, newer players dont have all those resources you mentioned. they get a bpc during tutorial and then discover they cant even mine the ore required to make it unless it only uses trit. that sounds pretty broken to me

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Okay, fair enough.

And then again, if you had the time to go after the materials before, which have an isk value, you can still go after the materials now, as they still have an isk value.

Let’s say that before, you wanted to build a ship, and you mined everything, and built the ship with 10M worth of materials in isk value.

Now you can only mine half of the materials where you live, but the materials you can mine still have value, which you can exchange for the materials you can’t mine where you live.

You can either buy the materials close to where you live going for higher averages, put buy orders where you live using your own price, or get someone to haul the materials for you after purchasing them in a cheap location.

You mentioned having friends haul stuff for you, but if you aren’t paying your friends for their work, that’s pretty scummy, unless you were building a ship for them, and that was the work they had to put in for you.

If new players don’t have those resources, they can work towards getting those resources.

If they are like you, and enjoy building simply for the accomplishment of doing it themselves, they can still acquire the materials that aren’t easily available close by from the market.

It would only be a broken system if new players didn’t have market access, and actually had to go around the universe getting everything themselves, but that’s not the case.

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i agree with your logic that you can sell what you have access to in order to buy what you need. The sad reality of the economy is that CCP takes not only a cut of your reprocessing fees. but also a cut of the buy/sell. hurray for isk sinks and making what was a simple process for a new player into a more complicated one. (on the other hand, they learn more about how the game works). given the steep learning curve in EVE. i am not sure this is a good thing. In any event. the change as it affects null dwellers is yet another cost and risk element of moving the ore between HS and NS. again, a more complicated process that only seems to benefit the gankers and ccp isk sinks. it does not add enjoyment to the game for the builders.

i guess my main issue is what has CCP done lately that makes people want to start playing or play more?


new question. how are we supposed to fuel stations, get jump fuel .etc with no ice belts in the entire region? this has gone on for several days now


I hear word that CCP plans on mineral, ore and ice packs starting at $9.99. There is always Star Citizen and even Elite Dangerous that are coming out with big game changes. Both games look real as life and not as dated as EVE.


Not a dam thing, the DEVS are to narrow minded and think all anyone wants to do is blow ships up and be a criminal.


I’ll get Star Citizen when it comes out next century.

1 week average at 24k http://prntscr.com/vsksir
1 month average at 25k http://prntscr.com/vsksuy
3 month average at 28k http://prntscr.com/vskszm
6 month average 33k http://prntscr.com/vsktbi

see ya later at 10k average player once the war in null are over @ccp


I set a bookmark on your post for 2 months from now. let’s see. :slight_smile:

well done CCP… taking out evry option to make isk ingame by nerfing anything that can make isk. the NPC MOD is down in lots of sys under 50% alrdy means no ratters anymore so no isk in ESS and then no PVP in that sectors anymore so NPC mod whont go up. just stop this Salami taktik… bring in your store and remove isk from game. thats the long term target.

“hear” as in “the voices in my head are saying…” ?


more like “they do in all their games”

CCP sell mineral. ore and ice packs in all their games ? Citation needed.

more like pearl abyss do monetaryze all their games super heavy… and since pearl abyss bought CCP what will happen?

How long ago was that?

Youre living in past.

Contemporise, man

its been out for years.

So it’s all PA’s fault, is it ? - citation needed - and it should be specific to PA’s relationship with Eve…

we should never have mentioned blackout. it is back, but only intermittently,


For crying out loud! This bootlicking has got-to-stop!

We aren’t beholden to CCP for ANYTHING… quite the contrary, they owe us a pleasant playing experience for the money we give them. These changes are not what I am paying for so I have chosen to vote with my wallet and I know I am not the only one.

I hope CCP pays attention, I do truly love this game but these changes aren’t what I am interested in.

You bootlickers have fun playing the game when everyone else is G-O-N-E.