Encounter Surveillance System Update

local chat still borked. ice belts missing for days now. , percent index steadily going down . can someone from CCP please explain the plan?


look here: [COMPLETED] 20201128 - In-Game Chat Issues
if you still have trouble post it there

not if you clear him within three hours :slight_smile:
working as intended (if this is good…that’s another question)

you have still dreams, good :slight_smile:

we consistently mined ice up until last tuesday patch. the ice has not returned. not sure where you get your info, but actual observation is, the ice belts are gone for some reason we want to know what ccp says the reason is other than the cryptic working as intended

we are doing the same and oure ice respawns regulary :slight_smile:

lucky you our entire region has no ice atm and hasnt for days now.

On the first day when everyone was in rookie ships it might have been?

Hmmm, I fear Id have to get pedantic to suggest otherwise.

Though of course some were better equipped mentally before hand than others when those first spawn swam upstream to be come the salmon… or bearfood… of the primordeal New Eden


Primordeal New Eden would have been a beautiful place. Maybe that it is something imperceptibly lost over time as less of it endured as new, and so much of it festers with mould like a cheap hotel shower.

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Failed to respond as requested, just insults - rant ignored… :fu:

Hi everybody! I just can’t find what are the ship restrictions to go through the warp gate to the main ESS bank? Is it only cruisers and battleships? No frigates and destroyers?

You can warp your capsule to the gate and try to activate it, a window with allowed ship types will be shown.


You start to find the way CCP.

Juste make a reduction of ESS now to have minimum at equilbrium point at 95 % for farmer and you will have achieve what you want.
So make ESS take ‘only’ 40 % fix, or increase again equilibrium point to 145% and we are done for ESS/DBS change.

2 hour : THANK , a lot off poeple have explain 3 hour is to much, majority of people who casually farm make it for 1 or 2 hours. When you en dyou work day, you don’t have fleet, you play 2 hours and you want to go to sleep … Great change.

Uncloack range … it s personnal and maybe not point of view of a lot of people : increase it directly to 500KM if people want to scout they could, but we want blood in ESS, so people need to be active and ready to pvp inside ESS.

And maybe add a part of DBS regeneration rate of % link to the distance with NPC space, to reward people who farm in space easier to access.

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thank you CCP for listening. these were good changes. the issue with the pvp based percentage still suffers if no one comes, but overall, a good response.

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For me, that’s the missing piece to the design. Sadly it’s not a small omission!

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yah, you cant force people to come pvp , and the ones that do come only seem to want to steal and run, or run if they see defenders. so the percent just keeps dropping through no fault of the system owners. funny thing is we chase and kill them next door which helps our neighbors percent LOL


The changes made are still not enough, dbs should definitely be removed or it should be constant 105% like normal ess :-1: :-1: :-1:


That’s an issue I raised right at the outset, quite often you track people down not in the system where you’re first alerted to them, but at a choke point (entry/exit to/from a pipe). That often means you’re killing the invaders in a different system to the one they were targeting which leads the system defence mechanic for raising bounty indexes feeling really random.

I’m going to lay my cards on the table, for me the DBS / ESS changes are just terrible designs IMHO.

I think we need developer time spent on deleting null sec combat anoms and replacing ratting with something akin to Abyssal filament sites where you are losing ships to the pve content as much as pvp. You can’t depend on pvp to keep ratting in balance, you need the additional loss from the pve activity itself. Right now ratting is incredibly simple and extremely boring… Which results in removal of drone aggression feeling punishing as you really don’t want to be forcing people to rat, there are much more engaging games on the market in terms of gameplay!


Yep, this is a step in the right direction. I’m not prepared to say all is well but at least this shows that CCP isn’t completely tone deaf.

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A small thing ive noticed since the bounty changes. Belt spawning for rats seems to fluctuate with the modifier which seems odd and really should have no bearing on the spawn mechanics.

Introduce ISK sinks to the game and get rid of the DBS changes. ESS can stay as it’s a content driver.

Excuse the WoW analogy, but back in Classic 2004, it took 6 months for me to reach 1000g to buy an epic mount. Fast forward to the TBC expansion and you could now do daily quests which rewarded twice the gold you received in Classic. Gold acquisition rates jumped massively… But that felt GOOD.

Why wasn’t that a problem? Blizz introduced new mounts and this time they were 5000g… I never did feel rich in WoW. Even today 16 years and numerous expansions later, the numbers are bigger as quest rewards and other gold rewarding mechanics provide ever greater returns with each expansion, the cost of cosmetics, repairs, transmog etc has jumped such that everything is still balanced with the economy.

They KEY principle is controlled inflation, let players gradually get richer, but introduce ever greater ISK sinks.

To copy the WoW mounts example, CCP could introduce the best skins and make them available for ISK only or a new shipline which cost ISK, link the ability to buy the ships to the invasion content in some way or Edencom standing etc.

Similarly CCP could pinch the WoW / DAOC item level and currency squishes. Make 1, 000, 000, 000 (1 billion) a new domination, say 1 megaisk (daft name). All of a sudden titans cost 90 megaisk and you’re back with meaningful numbers again.