End of LP Donations

This flies in the face of 100% LP taxes. We can still farm boatloads of LP as long as it is in the same corp.

this aged well, the fact is corps can set 100% tax and recieve all LP to corp. No LP transfer needed which is currently shut down.

Also, quickest way to farm LP for the new titan is killing thousands of Thorax from a toon in the minmatar militia. Zkillboard proves this already happened, and first new Titan BPC were on contracts yesterday.

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I assume it also applies to other cruisers. Which is no wonder that cruiser demand and prices went way up.

I guess they hardcoded a LP value per groupId, and cruisers are the higher LPValue/matcost

It aged fine, them trying to do something doesn’t mean they succeeded lol

Can someone tell me how temporary this is and why isn’t it just for pirate store LP? If I’ve got some LP spread around various characters and want to pool LP to my alt corp to buy some stupid implants, I can’t do it. Setting it to 100% now won’t do any good will it.

Well, the temporary removal of the bounty system is projected to conclude in November of 2020 - if that gives you any sense of what “temporary” means to CCP.

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So I gather it’s still “temporary”? :rofl:
And these are the “official” EVE forums; CCP never posts here unless it’s to lock a thread.

EvE Devs used the old forums, they posted often enough that there was even a handy DEV Posts button at the top of the forums.

I used to check the old forums every day and start by clicking the DEV Posts and on a lot of days there would be new dev posts engaging with players. CCP Falcon, CCP Punkturis, CCP Phanton, and CCP Karkur were just some of the devs you could see fairly regularly.

I miss those times so much.


I miss the old forums in general…


Yeah, me too.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:


I’m only around since the new forums is the active one if I recall correctly but I miss the old forums not just for the content and more dev activity and so on but also because this mobile optimized responsive swipe / scroll based navigation and layout is completely disgusting.

Maybe I’m old fashioned but I prefer classic forums with numbered pages and paging, fixed page count per page and so on.

This new trend of scroll for more content never ending page website and forum design because of mobile devices with the wasted space and other nonsense is the polar opposite of good.

Speaking of which anybody likes the new in-game UI? :upside_down_face:


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Uriel, I do!

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:smiling_imp: :innocent: :blush:

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Yeah, well. Why is it still banned?

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