Oh? You seem pretty emotionally tender for having played games for that long.
Here’s a thought.
Buy 110 PLEX for $5.
110 PLEX = 300 million isk.
Buy 100 frigates or destroyers.
Fly them all until they are dead.
If you didn’t enjoy yourself, then EVE is not for you.
Excuse me, but … because of your post I was wondering.
Are you nowadays paying out catalyst SRP?
Or did that stop being a thing entirely?
That made me think… I really should start a new char that never PvEs and just makes ISK from day one by messing with people.
Of course I am.
Just for the info, ships that are lost in the Abyss are not shown in zkillboard. I’m not sure, but I think I’ve read that ships lost to NPC in fights not involving any other capsuleer are not recorded in zkillboard either.
Anyway, you’re right, I didn’t loose many ships to pvp because I’ve trained Paranoia 5 on low sec, than Advanced Paranoia in null and wormholes as shown in the zkillboard. But it was not my point. I’ve never complained about ship loss to pvp. That’s part of the game, and each time I lost a ship, I learned something, which was more important to me than the price of the ship itself. I’m not asking to make cash rain on newcomers either. I just want to have the same chances in my EvE “carreer” as people who started 2 years ago.
In any case, there is absolutely no need for being insulting, especially when you’re wrong (for both the killboard and the context)
Well, I’m pretty impressed with your progression, and I’m not denying that it required quite a lot of efforts and dedication to achieve this, but you just proved my point: the whole idea of this topic was to highlight that this kind of progression, just 1 year and a half later is simply not possible anymore. And that’s unfair.
Instead of castrating gameplay, devs should takle the real issues that lead the economy to this situation.
I’m not denying that some changes are required, you seems to all agree on that, I just say that this is not the way to go, especially for newcomers.
I think what your post just showed is that progression as shown above should never have bin possible in the first place. Asking for more of it is just a kick in the nuts vs all the players who gained sp the hard way in the 15 years before that.
Game has never bin more forgiving on new players.
He’s exactly right, though.
You’re just a spoiled brat who doesn’t know better.
No, it isn’t. It’s Life.
In this case EVE-Life specifically.
Do you also run around complaining about how all the older people are having an advantage because they were born in better times?
You sure as ■■■■ sound like you would …
… because it’s the exact same thing here.
This whole issue only exists in your head.
You’re not actually running around complaining about older people’s advantages!
Of course you wouldn’t, because that’s stupid!
If you think that what he’s achieved is in any way or form worthy of recognition, then you’re sorely mistaken.
He wouldn’t be having this much ISK if he had actual use for it.
If your whole game is about gaining more and more skillpoints and ISK …
… then you’re playing the wrong game, mate, because CCP is in the process of getting rid of these kinds of players.
That’s exactly what they’re doing.
As players are running the economy …
… they need to get rid of those players who are ruining it.
They do but they’d need to be posted either manually by the victim or automatically by signing into zkillboard.com.
Having is better than needing. Of the total I currently only own 90B, the rest are assets. I was planning to go into production, but currently you are right, I have absolutely no idea what I should spend the ISK on, because CCP changes every aspect of the game every 2 days. I’m just afraid to invest in something and prefer to sit it out.
And yes I even started plexing instead of paying, maybe I will use my ISK for that.
I like to try all areas of the game, you need a lot of SP and ISK for that.
For simple Pod pew pew on Gate you need very little indeed.
Is that 136 million skill points in a year? Yeah… i’m sure you are doing well and should be used as a comparison for all new players.
This is absolutely not my point. I don’t care about having billions in bank. Virtual money exist just for the purpose to be spent. I don’t care about having >100M SP either. I just want to reach 15/20M SP milestone where you can become more proefiscient in some aspects of the game (let’s say the 2 or 3 paths you chose to specialize into).
And to me, this is where the game really starts.
No it’s not. Real causes are well known, but left untouched by CCP.
But you have to get interested in the economy to understand that rather than just being a Yesman fanboy.
Well then explain it …
… if you obviously know better.
I mean you don’t …
… but you could at least try, you know?
Or did I miss a post doing so?
Please point me at it, then!
I did.
If you spent less time trolling and more time reading you would have noticed.
Heya dude. Let me take this one on a little.
First off, you seem to be doing just fine. You’ve diversified your earning streams pretty early on, which is great - had to sit a carrier pilot from corp down the other day and explain that just because it’s not possible to earn 200m/hr today, doesn’t mean it won’t be tomorrow.
The real thing to understand is that Eve is a game that takes literal years to make headway in. I first started playing over 10 years ago, it was only this year that I crossed the 20m SP mark. I can tell you, it didn’t change my competence in any way. What DID improve my skillset in the game was flying with a great corp who could teach / show me how the game works. So I wouldn’t worry too much about your SP.
I also definitely understand that starting the game under the current situation is tough. Lots of changes to previously well-established systems adds a huge uncertainty factor. However, again you still have plenty of options open and should continue to explore them. For example, I’m just now starting to investigate industry as an income stream. By no means am I doing it efficiently, but using an Alpha character parked up in Jita and supplying minerals from a more skilled alt, that character is making some small returns to justify its existence - and once it has earned enough to pay for PLEX (a self-imposed restriction), those earnings will only accelerate. Certainly it makes on par with that 10/20m per hour you mention above (though admittedly this wouldn’t be consistent as I don’t bother with putting too many builds in)
As for comparing to the bygone days of yore and their infinite funnels of ISK… Don’t believe everything you read. Everything was more difficult and far, far more expensive 10 years ago, to what would seem a ludicrous degree to a new player from today. First time I left the game was after being hellcamped for a month by a rival corp who just wanted to remove us from the belts in the piddling backwater high-sec system I was living in. I quite literally couldn’t afford a clone upgrade after purchasing my second Retriever in a week, so couldn’t therefore afford to undock lest I lose everything above 1m SP. Even today when you hear people brag on about their 1bn Isk per hour earnings, they won’t tell you that they spent a full month on Singularity min/max-ing the ■■■■ out of their fit, and another month before that learning all the spawns, and the month after earning those goodies selling off the highest value / rarest items.
Yes, today it seems like it will take you forever to ‘catch up’ in terms of SP and bankroll, but if you keep at it you’ll do just fine. Keep flying what you enjoy flying, earning what you can when you can, and diversify those income streams so you don’t get caught short. Oh, and before doing anything else, find a bunch of idiots like you to fly with. More than the gameplay, more than the thrill of success or failure, it’s the folks you fly with that will keep you in this game - something about how it all works makes those binds absurdly deep compared to more normal MMOs.
The lvl 4 mission payouts were the same and missions looked the same, rats had higher bounties than today, PLEX cost was 360M ISK, and Raven cost was around 80-90M ISK. Skills for flying Raven basically didnt change and Raven did deal around the same amount of damage. In two months people had enough money to PLEX their accounts, just doing missions, I would say casually.
You can absolutely make a contribution in NULL wars flying frigates and destroyers. There are fun fleets using these ships all the time.
In fact just re-looking at your post, I can only give my personal experience here but having a goal of a larger ISK balance does not necessarily lead to improved enjoyment in the game. There are many ways of having fun on the journey that don’t involve grinding through hours of boredom as you put it.
Yeah good point. I’m sure there aren’t rich people in their late 60’s or early 70’s in any other country on the planet. What a super specific demographic confined to one area.