Enough is enough: a newplayer feedback about income drop from CCP latest patchs

Solstice has this weird grudge against Americans. Enough that it blinds him to little facts like the baby boom occurring after the war was over, or that France and Austria had the largest baby booms proportionally, or that Europe is considered an excellent Boomer marketing opportunity.

No problem.

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I love it :slight_smile:

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I don’t understand how this makes sense.
In the early years after the war people had lots of other things to do than producing babies.

It makes no sense to me. Just because there’s a generation being classified as baby boomers …
… doesn’t mean anything at all right now, because they might be classified like this because of the USA.

We didn’t have a WoodStock either.
Our culture is completely different.

My parents sure as ■■■■ weren’t “baby boomers”.

Please explain.

Depending on the birth year of your parents they maybe (probably) are. As “Baby Boomers” qualify people born from 1946 to 1964, due to the high birth rates back then. Of course it is not that clear cut, since the birth rates in Germany, for example, began to significantly drop slightly later than that (let`s say 1967). But, in general, it is not just an American phenomenon.

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• Austria: fertility rate 1860-2020 | Statista

I guess that’s right, then. The paragraph below even speaks of a global baby boom,
which makes sense after a global war.

Still leaves the idea that baby boomers in general are wealthy in general, which is unlikely.
I didn’t just complain about the boomers, I also complained about the idea of them all being rich, spoiled assholes.

I understand that they grew up during the post-war-economic-boom, which means tons of money.
The parents’ generation of my parents’ generation had to put a lot of effort into rebuilding everything and reaped the spoils, naturally.

This shitty attitude towards younger generations isn’t noticable around here, though.
I don’t see how that also can be a global phenomenon.

On the other hand are people around here are not hell-bent on owning a house, next to other things,
because people aren’t being raised into believing the lie of the “American Dream”.

I can understand that houses and stuff were also all cheaper back then. There’s lots of people with “SchaniGärten” here,
which is basically a small house and a little garden, densley packed next to each other in the designated areas …
… but those guys are actually mostly of the pre-boomer generation. Their old aged parents. It’ll get passed along, I believe.

I know there’s many who have houses in Lower Austria, which makes perfect sense, because things were cheaper back then …
… but they don’t belong to the baby boomer generation either, they belong to their parents for the most part.

I understand that all of these will eventually be passed on, but that doesn’t change that the baby boomer generation
I know of isn’t as well off as some people wish to believe. Maybe they are in the US, sure, but here … ? Nope.

Most people really don’t have a SchaniGarten or a house in Lower Austria.

The idea of my parents’ generation being wealthy and way better off while shitting on their children
like it happens in the US isn’t a reality here.

From my perspective, whenever people talked about “baby boomers” they were talking specifically about USAmericans,
because all they ever did was complaining about them being assholes.

So … sure … we too have a baby boomer generation …
… my apologies …
… but that’s only half of what I was complaining about.

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Boomer is just a time frame, like “Victorian” or “Edwardian”.

Its not inherently about our parents being jerks.

But Gen X said Ok Boomer first

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When it’s used in the term “ok boomer” it’s less about the exact generation and more shorthand for calling someone old enough to be out of touch with what the current world is like to grow up in or enter the work force etc.


That is true.

Im just sayin they made us go to bed early before they did whatever it is they did to milleniums.


2000s people.

From the cyberfuture.


We’re way off topic, so this is the last thing I’ll say on it: It isn’t a reality in the US either.

A lot of the things you seem to think are reality, aren’t.

The problem doesn’t lie with the reality, but with the perception. It’s very comfortable to believe the things you want to believe because they suit your prejudices. As we just found out in the previous posts, reality has no need to match your preconceptions.

(Edit: the above is a general observation on the nature of “when your perception doesn’t match reality”, and not specifically directed at Sol or this issue.)

It isn’t too difficult to find a retiree in the US who will insist that they “earned” their Social Security check. If you point out that the system will not work for the next generations unless their benefits are reduced, you inevitably get a “not my problem” response from them.

All right, it’s foolish of me to debate this I suppose. Having spent several decades as a financial planner dealing directly with thousands of people over the years on these issues, it’s difficult to let blatant ignorance on these topics pass unchallenged.

“Finding a retiree who insists X” means nothing. You can find an example of anything. An example does not prove a trend. Stating that a group of people “inevitably” responds in any way simply shows this is a prejudice and a stereotype you hold, rather than rational and/or experienced thought.

The retirees of today are exactly the people who have indeed paid for their social security check, that’s how the funding worked. The “next generations” who haven’t retired yet and are afraid they won’t get the benefits are the ones who haven’t finished paying yet. And most of the eventual funding shortfall is due to less-than-optimal management on the part of the government, not any fault of the “retirees”.

If you want a quick summary of relevant facts on Social Security, feel free to review factual documents rather than Reddit posts for your information. Here, I’ll even get you started:

My apologies for interrupting the thread. Please let’s get back on the topic of how the economy isn’t actually broken (it’s just inflated), how scarcity does not create conflict but rather a greater focus on resource accumulation, and how utterly wrong and boneheaded are the conclusions drawn from
https://www.eveonline.com/article/q80qky/the-eve-online-ecosystem-outlook . Also how CCP has once again completely misunderstood the dynamics of their own game, then applied the wrong solution, and in fact are worsening the very issues they stated they are trying to resolve.

‘Stated’ is in bold because frankly, either CCP outright lies about their intent in most cases, or they are even more deluded about their game than I claim they are.


Or we could talk about something fun.

Like kites


This doesn’t apply to me at all, as evidenced by my last posts …
… and pretty much every time where I learn something new.

I don’t care about defending what I believe
… because I don’t give a ■■■■ about believing anything.

I also don’t give a ■■■■ about defending what I know
… because I’m ■■■■■■■ well aware that this stuff can be wrong.

I can only react based on what I’ve learned about things …
… and what I’ve learned disagreed with what I’ve heard here.

You don’t even notice how I’m trying to learn and understand my mistake,
while everyone else only ever just keeps on defending his dumb ■■■■ endlessly.

No, instead I’m put into the same bucket as all these full grown idiots …
… who are willing to defend their dumb ■■■■■■■■ even if their life depended on it.


Since it is too much in expecting to get back what was promised because it will be too hard on the young ones. Let’s just move in with the young ones and let them take care of us like we did for the first 22 years of their ungrateful lives.

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Some folks like the constant churn of Nerfy/Buffy rule changes, fundamental game operation, etc.

I irritates the crap out of me. Right after the Triglavian solar system poofs I was flying around consolidating all the junk I have laying around everywhere in high sec. I went to the kitchen to get to get a cup of coffee after an undock…just for a second. Almost no one in local…not much chance of a gank, but gankers gotta eat too.

I came back to find myself back at home in my pod. Ah crap. Let’s see who did this…#W$^^@&@!@#^^ that Q@%@#@#$^ Edencom super gun!! Not a gank. A #T%W#@%&#5 arbitrary break of the fundamental concept of High Sec. That character was one of my two VERY skilled haulers. I had to get it plus to the !@#^%^%@#$^ Triglavians to haul multiple billions of stuff out of Ichoriya, so OF COURSE Edencom sees me as a criminal.

I had spent the better part of a day gathering all that stuff up. OK. They say that a single player can have an affect on the game. Fine. I wrote the following in my little Moleskin Tolkien Journal:

“2020/10/18 Start 27 months of Eve Online “Exvasion”. 27 months of reducing CCP’s supply of resources that I provide: my time and money.”

I cancelled my 2 Omega subs and I haven’t logged in since. 26 months to go.

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Sorry, I don’t understand your problem here. You willingly decided to get negative standings with EDENCOM, why are you surprised that you were killed? Do you think that gankers are surprised when their -10 characters are killed by NPCs?

26 months to go.

Why settle for 27 months? If you’re the sort of player to blame CCP for your own decisions and ragequit over it EVE doesn’t need you. Give me all of your stuff, delete your accounts, and go back to WoW.

How is this a problem of, as you claim:

Sounds like you undocked, went afk, and then died.



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