• Austria: fertility rate 1860-2020 | Statista
I guess that’s right, then. The paragraph below even speaks of a global baby boom,
which makes sense after a global war.
Still leaves the idea that baby boomers in general are wealthy in general, which is unlikely.
I didn’t just complain about the boomers, I also complained about the idea of them all being rich, spoiled assholes.
I understand that they grew up during the post-war-economic-boom, which means tons of money.
The parents’ generation of my parents’ generation had to put a lot of effort into rebuilding everything and reaped the spoils, naturally.
This shitty attitude towards younger generations isn’t noticable around here, though.
I don’t see how that also can be a global phenomenon.
On the other hand are people around here are not hell-bent on owning a house, next to other things,
because people aren’t being raised into believing the lie of the “American Dream”.
I can understand that houses and stuff were also all cheaper back then. There’s lots of people with “SchaniGärten” here,
which is basically a small house and a little garden, densley packed next to each other in the designated areas …
… but those guys are actually mostly of the pre-boomer generation. Their old aged parents. It’ll get passed along, I believe.
I know there’s many who have houses in Lower Austria, which makes perfect sense, because things were cheaper back then …
… but they don’t belong to the baby boomer generation either, they belong to their parents for the most part.
I understand that all of these will eventually be passed on, but that doesn’t change that the baby boomer generation
I know of isn’t as well off as some people wish to believe. Maybe they are in the US, sure, but here … ? Nope.
Most people really don’t have a SchaniGarten or a house in Lower Austria.
The idea of my parents’ generation being wealthy and way better off while shitting on their children
like it happens in the US isn’t a reality here.
From my perspective, whenever people talked about “baby boomers” they were talking specifically about USAmericans,
because all they ever did was complaining about them being assholes.
So … sure … we too have a baby boomer generation …
… my apologies …
… but that’s only half of what I was complaining about.