Enough with the intel warning programs

There, fixed it be sweeping out the salt.

Seriously though, if you’re bitching this hard about failing to catch people, doesnt that just mean you suck?

Intel programs are a visual way to represent information that players share between them, nothing more. There are many reasons why intel software isn’t unfair.

Intel software is only accurate if the players are feeding information into it.
Even if you could remove intel software, this doesn’t stop players from sharing information about the location of enemy pilots.
It makes logical sense that as a part of an alliance, you have an intel network. Why shouldn’t allied pilots be allowed to communicate with each other and notify each other of danger?

If you struggle to find stuff to kill because of intel then go and hunt in wormholes. Null sec is SOV space, not solo hunter space. This is just a QQ thread because you want easy kills, nothing more.


That’s because you’re looking at the screen, that’s fine and is gameplay. Audio alarms that tell you when to look at the screen on the other hand are bullshiz.

Move to wormhole space and stop QQ.

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That just isn’t true. Some software just watches the screen of an afk alt and reads local chat for standing markers. Nobody has issue with intel that an actual person is feeding, this isn’t about that.

Very original. There’s always one. Actually on the face of it since you don’t understand how the software in question works i’m not sure why you value your own opinion so much :slowparrot:

Where’s your evidence for that. Plus it would require an account for every system. A popular argument that I have seen you use about AFK cloaking so your argument is invalid.

You’re talking complete trash.

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It’s pretty common knowledge. You don’t need intel in every system. It is being done now, so your argument is invalid.

You have no evidence in other words.

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Are you a child? When intel programs warn people from several systems away, there is nothing to catch. Please don’t pretend to be smart, when there’s people who are much smarter than you. Exposing your lack of understanding about the problem will only make you look like a fool, carebear.

The best part about this thread, is how it exposes all those who benefit from intel software.


What you mean is there is nothing for you to kill that is easy and doesn’t fight back. There are plenty of PVPers around for you to fight. Try fighting those players instead of whining that you can’t find easy kills.

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Why… tf… would I want to do that??! Who plays this game for fair fights??!

I want to traverse nullsec like a fluid… like a wisp of air that idle’s long enough to nab those dank 2B SB Mach’s as they warp to ‘supposed’ safety with aggression timers.

This isn’t about fair fights! If Eve PVP was structured for that, everyone would just log out and play the FPS-otm, without spreadsheets!

No… there are some among us still, that focus on real PVP… gank roams.

Not fair fights but GLORIOUS overwhelm-your-opponent-and-hit-their-ratters/miners-as-hard-and-fast-as-possible-and-get-out-before-their-standing-fleet-gets-their-sh#t-in-one-sock-to-blap/bubble-the-living-beejesus-out-of-us blob WARFARE!!

oh and obligatory ‘yarr’ :skull_and_crossbones: :dizzy_face: :skull_and_crossbones:


As a null sec ‘bear’ I broadly agree with your concerns. Automated pinging programs designed to provide Intel are not acceptable gameplay. The problem is that it’s hard to fix directly since CCP can not monitor this type of activity without installing a ‘watchdog’ on the player’s PC, a solution that is unlikely to garner much favour from the community.

Delayed local is also not a feasible option thanks to the cyno. Being able to hotdrop massive fleets without being seen would quickly make null sec non-viable for ‘bears’ as the risk would be too great. The outcome being they will all move to high sec incursions, leaving no targets for hunters. Perhaps cyno mechanics could be re-worked (e.g. delay on being able to cyno after entering system), but there is likely to be resistance to such change and black ops would be hit hard if it isn’t implemented sensibly.

It’s a tough one.

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It’s really not. The information is lifted from chat channels, if intel software was to disappear it wouldn’t make a blind bit of difference anyway as players would just read chat for intel.

Players complaining that local makes it too hard for them to hunt are just BAD PLAYERS that want the game made easier for them. There are tons of PVP opportunities but like the guy above you said, who wants a fair fight these days? Players claim to want eve to be challenging yet only want to fight when they have an insurmountable advantage. If that’s not ■■■■■■■ risk averse I don’t know what is.

They need to take the dummy out and start playing the game instead of whining about game design on the forum because it doesn’t allow for them to suck ass at the game and still get kills.


Not sure if you’re just a really bad troll or if you’re actually as stupid as your post makes you look. That would qualify for stupid even by WoW standards, but you’re also a whiny Provibear so it’s definitely a possibility you’re really that stupid.

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The New Player FAQ, which explains how the game works for everyone:

Page 15:


In EVE Online, any player may attack any other player if they choose to, no matter where they happen to be. This is because EVE Online is essentially a PvP (Player versus Player) game at its core.

Page 22:

The essential core concept of EVE Online is that it is full time PvP in a sandbox environment.


No; there are no systems or locations in New Eden where PvP may be completely avoided.

Your whining, bitching, lying, cheating and twisting words achieves nothing. We will make CCP take down your intel bots. You will suffer from Obsovatory Arrays, because no one is going to shoot the afk cloaker for you. When local is gone, you’re done. There is nothing you can do and your words have no meaning here. Get wrecked, little princess.

I don’t see this as any different to being sat in mumble/TS/whatever with an alt at the entrance to a pipe system…

it would actually be fairly easy for CCP to remove most of the current setups by just not logging the chat channels out to disk… what I think would happen then would be that those with organised intel networks / systems would just move to another completely out of game system

Considering this is neither exposed by any of the api’s nor in the chat logs itself any program that does this would be in violation of the EULA…

There seems to be a complaint against organised intel networks… reporting intel currently requires dragging a system and a name into a chat channel, this could just as easily be moved to a completely out of game system with minimal effort (plenty of live intel maps and intel uploaders already exist) and
you can’t ban people from posting to or viewing a website or chatting on voice comms.

That’s not what those words mean.

No that isn’t what i’m trying to do dude :slight_smile:

I’m only concerned with ensuring someone has to be at the PC looking at the creen to feed the intel bots. I’m concerned with bots that purely look at local chat in bottleneck systems and ring an audio alarm when a non blue enters local. These bots don’t have to be manned (as in nobody has to be feeding the info).

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These bots would be in violation of the eula… as far as im aware there’s now way to get the list of pilots in space automatically without breaking the eula… none of the logs or official api’s support that behaviour

Screen monitoring software, not log scraping.

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