You mean like prove that there are 3rd party programs that do this sort of thing?
How is getting audible notifications that neutrals / hostiles are in a system when you aren’t even actively watching it not a problem?
You mean like prove that there are 3rd party programs that do this sort of thing?
How is getting audible notifications that neutrals / hostiles are in a system when you aren’t even actively watching it not a problem?
If there are only 3 people in the game that benefit from it, then your gameplay isnt affected by it, nor is anyone elses.
How do you figure only 3 people benefit from this? These are public tools available at the corp / alliance / coalition level. I haven’t done a survey to see exactly how many people use this. Perhaps I need that data before I can enter the convo again?
No problem mate, please tell me how many people were effected by the infinite tracking / range weapons those wormholers made a few years back?
Despite the fact you cannot tell me and that the number was small, it effected the game enough that CCP stepped in and made changes. It effected a huge amount less people than intel bots, because it was confined to one wormhole system.
Please don’t ask me for an exact number that nobody has, and call me stupid for not having it. Silly child. Intel bots are effecting enough people that it is currently coming to a head, so quite obviously it effects enough to be causing ripples outside of the game.
Please put your intellect to work on some kinder egg toys or something, so the rest of us adults can talk.
TL:DR : Someone pretends intel bots are made up in some kind of weak attempt at forum-fu. Turns out intel bots are well known and person sounds silly. Person attempts come-back by asking for imaginary number, acts smug when imaginary number turns out to be imaginary. Intel bots still real. Much sad.
I don’t, but my point is that you need to know whether it is more than 3 people before you claim it’s a problem.
That would be wise.
Is it then not also true, that you must know it is less than 3 to claim it is not a problem? When will you be telling us the number oh great seeker?
You must have trained “Back-Rod Stitching” to like 6 or something.
Nah I think you just rely too much on a 3rd party to do your work for you.
Prove 1 person uses them. That would be a start.
FYI imaginary numbers exist.
You don’t even know what I do in game.
If you don’t think 1 person uses an intel bot, you’re disabled. Straight up. No point talking to you (or making eye contact on the bus while you dribble down the window).
I hope it’s not the equivalent to what you do in the forums here.
I’ll be amazed if you know how old you are.
There an automated intel tool on the Goonfleet forums. So the largest Nullsec group in the game has it for their players disposal. I also know many people that eat with it in Provi.
I’m not the one claiming anything, I’m saying provide evidence for YOUR claims, which you obviously can’t.
[quote=“Faylee_Freir, post:78, topic:29435”]
There an automated intel tool on the Goonfleet forums. So the largest Nullsec group in the game has it for their players disposal.[/quote]
Prove it.
It’s like asking for evidence that shoes go on the feet rather than the head. You sound so stupid trying to claim they go on the head, nobody is going to waste breath explaining to you where to put them. It makes no difference to anything where you want to wear your shoes.
Everyone else here knows intel bots are what they are. You are either a troll or stupid (same thing).
Entertaining me through my last hour of work anyhoo
Sorry I’m not going to post a link to 3rd party software that by nature breaks the rules.
Prove it doesn’t exist. Shall I also obtain recordings of the people I know that use it, confessing to it? You’re a joke.
You can’t show that there are more than 3 people that use automated intel systems, and your response to anyone who asks for some evidence is that they are stupid.
Pretty pathetic of you.
You’re not “Ruthless”. You hide behind an intel wall, like a coward.