The only joke here is you. You can’t provide a single shred of evidence that intel systems are being used by people and you claim I’m the unreasonable one? You’d be laughed out of any serious debate with an attitude like that.
Even though I don’t use intel systems. Don’t be so butthurt because you’re bad at hunting. Ask me nicely and I’ll teach you how to fight real PVP.
It’s an openly discussed issue. Everyone knows it is a thing people use and hide behind. We’re not talking about the Loch Ness monster or Big Foot. If you are too ignorant, hardheaded, or upset to understand this, then I can’t help you.
I could link you to this software but you would likely claim it’s fake and that I would need to record or stream myself using it. We’re not in some court of law. CCP knows this issue exists.
It’s not about being bad at hunting. It’s about an unfair advantage existing that isn’t part of the games mechanics nor is it part of the meta.
There are ways for hunters to get around these cheats, but since it’s against the rules thay shouldn’t have to.
Why should anyone bother to waste their time on it? Justify it.
Kobran, you have been doing nothing but trolling for the past 15 posts and you have nothing constructive to bring to this topic so please STFU and leave.
Again, I don’t mind if people copy past names and system location anywhere outside the game (slack, discourse, whatever) but taking the information that PLAYERS MANUALY put in the in-game Intel chat so that 3rd party apps can use that to make an AUDIBLE alert for people not being active in front of their computer and in game is a broken mechanic.
As for the few mongoloids saying I’m come to post here cause I can’t hunt, go check out my kb, all I do is hunt, and somewhat successfully. I’m just feeling concerned about the equity in the game, as those intel apps are just contributing to killing the hunting gameplay of the game
Escapist spotted.
What is real PvP?
Not fighting PVE ships.
broken…LOL. over-exaggeration much?
I’m all for banning bots (auto-reporting intel), but what difference does it make If I someone reports intel in an in-game chat channel and something beeps on my pc vs someone reports something in discord and something beeps on my PC ?
What a wannabe tough guy you are.
People are lazy and if they had to post the intel to an out of game app a lot off em would not be using said programs cause it’s much easier to just drag n drop someone from local then drag n drop system location.
CCP can only do something about what is being done in their game so basically do something with ingame chat logs
Nothing more than pure opinion. Worthless.
Um, no, he wouldn’t. But someone as downright stupid and illiterate as you of course wouldn’t know. You couldn’t spot a serious debate even if it were pointed out in a manner someone as you could understand.
Summing up all your posts in this thread, this appears to be more than adequate at describing you:
My recommendation to everyone else would be to simply ignore you, as no matter what they post, you’re just too dumb to get it, dragging an otherwise mildly interesting conversation through the mud of utmost stupidity.
It’s almost certainly a deliberate troll.
A troll would exhibit more basic intelligence than that guy. He’s just plain stupid.
You forgot to post it with your specially made alt, SAD!
So you agree that they would use screen scrapers for the job? That’s the laziest of all available options.
I’ll tell you whats dumb. Complaining about an intel system that you only have anecdotal evidence for the existence of, and can’t provide any tangible evidence that it negatively affects a single player in game.
You butthurts just can’t take it that you’re terrible at the game and have to blame intel systems LMFAO.
If its out of game it could be even easier… copy the name, paste… dont need any more than that as you can get your current characters position through ESI… it would be trivial to do…