
Maybe sometimes they do just that by taking manual control of triglavian and pirate roaming fleets. :upside_down_face: :psyccp:


And just that tells you they don’t play their game… that’s awfully shrewd of you while earlier you couldn’t even understand a simple sentence. What a leap.

I would do just that if I owned EvE, log in multibox, spawn me a dozen badass ships and go to town on players. When ship destruction is my bread and butter you can bet grandma I would.

Good post. It seems the issue is that CCP keeps getting the wrong ideas and the solution therefore is to get someone in charge that doesn’t.

Why not hire an asshole for once.

No. All it would do is stink up the place.

Sounds good to me.

Must be why this whole thread stinks.

So in EVE Online you are allowed to stink up the place. I mean, thats what the last expansion was about.

But stinking up the place must never be allowed to happen at CCP.

Where is the equality?

I told you there’s no Equality, it’s a myth, but you refuse to acknowledge this truism then ask “Where is the equality?”
Reminds me of the farmer who looked for his jackass all day while being on it.

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You saying its a myth is like saying there is no equality which means we agree. But it doesn’t have to be this way unless you can explain why


Because CCP own the game. Players don’t.

They wont own anything of value for long unless they make some changes. Logging in to find something to turn upside down and making an FPS for the umpteenth time is not the kind of change that is needed. But lets see.

That’s for them to worry about. Literally not my business.

Maybe it isn’t but that’s what they’re going with. I always found train wrecks to be fascinating. The one in The Fugitive was memorable.

I’m sure they do. They are professionals, la crème de la crème of devs, tip of the tech spear…


Shut up you communist !


Fun fact: Capitalism made people equal in the sense anyone could start a business, own property, and so on

In communism it was the opposite: The state owned and controlled everything and it didn’t even share with everyone equally :smiley: KEK

But off topic

Not everyone is capable of starting a business or owning/keeping a property. So how’s that making them equal ?

But getting back on topic , the game is CCP property not player property , it’s not something secret if you’ve read the EULA. They do you the courtesy of allowing to play the game and reserve the right to end your account whenever they feel like. Think of it as a private club.


EVE Online is an exclusive club. The base price is $20 per month. In exchange you get to be part of the exclusive club. Its very exclusive.

Not everyone is capable of starting a business or owning/keeping a property.

Maybe not today but under capitalism most people are

Oh gawd…yet another thread where you ask people how to fix some problem you literally just invented out of thin air.


Which problem do you think i invented out of thin air?

You can’t read your own OP ?

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