Eve Anywhere enters Beta

Not sure if mobile devices and browsers are currently supported properly, have you tried using something like chrome on the ipad to see if its just because of safari

Just tried on my samsung tab, and no prompt came up for playing eve anywhere.

Just tried multiple time to join via chrome or edge but never get in. Every time i get a timeout and it drop back to the Website. Any known workarounds?

All I read in the article was, “Now you can play EVE at work too!”

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Good day.
I am a representative of the Russian-speaking alliance at Eve Echoes. Our alliance has about 500-600 active accounts. We are closely following the development of the Eve Anywhere project. And we have questions about this project. We as an officer corps really want to lure most of our pilots into Eve Online because we don’t really like what Netis is doing with Eve Echoes. Most of our players also want to play Eve Online. We wish we could run Eve Anywhere from our phone. We understand that not all content in the game will be available due to the limited interface size and the lack of a keyboard and mouse. But a significant part of our pilots are ready to put up with this. To do routine work during the day from the phone, and in the evening to come after work and fly to pvp from a computer.
Therefore, we have questions:

  1. Will it be possible to run Eve Anywhere from my phone?
  2. When do you plan to launch a project in the CIS?
  3. Will there be minimal adaptation for phones and tablets?

Please improve the game first.

Any thoughts on when this will be become availible in Scandinavia?

So it’s not exactly EvE anywhere then lol

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