Eve Concurrent Average Online under 20k now :(

The first Dominion wasn’t 10 years ago yet.
Apocrypha only just came out.
So everything post Apocrypha.

Bung some magnesium sulphate paste on it for a couple of days, it’ll start to draw it out for you, then hoick it.

Good for splinters and stuff too.

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I shall try it. Thank you.

God bless the internet, America and Jonah.

I’m not going to partake on your need to be literal. I understand it but I’m not going to play. I stand by my statement. Eve had more features APPROXIMATELY 10 years ago than it does today.

You can tell me that 9.24 years ago certain features were in the game…I had pancakes for breakfast.

You haven’t listed a single removed feature, and I don’t mean one that pkayers no longer do because the meta has shifted or balance patches happened, I mean literally removed. I just gave you the expansion timeline which clearly shows major features have been added in that time.

You are the one trying to pick a fight over details here, rather than accepting that you were wrong on feature additions.

You’re not worth the time to discuss issues with because you are argumentative and you seek too much validation that your opinion is correct.

The original gist of the OP is that the PCU is obviously down. That is a fact. Whether changing the rorq from the way it used to operate to the way it operates now is a new feature is a subjective thing.

I’m not going to sit here and argue with you over why the colour orange is good. I will, however, debate the idea that recent “enhancements” by CCP are not actually doing much to win people over. As a player who has been subbed to this game since 2005, a lot of the reasons for the state of decline are actually quite clear.

A big one is this forum and its inability to have reasonable discourse because everyone wants to be right all the time.

You can’t deny the fact that PCU is down.

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Hear hear.


Of course you can, it just takes effort.

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Says the person who made grand claims and then failed to do even the slightest backing up of them.
You don’t have to like the additional content, that’s fine, but pretending it doesn’t exist is denying reality.

And sure PCU is down, I’ve openly agreed with that a number of times. However PCU being down doesn’t always mean doom & gloom. The entire MMO market is down for a start, and EVE’s PCU curve was actually doing better than the MMO average (back when you could actually get numbers out of enough MMO’s to make an average, it’s a bit blurrier these days).
If there is a decrease in alt accounts and a decrease in alt accounts logged in, that would also cause a PCU drop without causing a drop in actual interactions between players. If anything it might even increase interactions between players.
If destruction is up & staying up… then that means more is happening in EVE despite PCU decrease.

So PCU is not the be all & end all. Now if alts are up, destruction is down, and the MMO market share was growing while PCU dropped… that would be a very different story.

Do u check ? 14779 players connected now.

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At a typical off peak time of day, duh.

yes in 2005.


Nooooo, Right now is a typical low player time of day.
Later in the day that number will go up.
The peak in the last 24 hours was 22837.

Sure, PCU is down, no-one is arguing that, but throwing out random PCU counts without context is meaningless, as explained above to you.

umm… before the blackout 24000 in my hour time instead 15055 of now. When blackout someties go lower. This is killing high sec.

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Considering the blackout didn’t even impact on highsec, it clearly isn’t killing high sec.


It’s the Triglavian’s that’s killing off High Sec.


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Really, got any actual evidence of that, do the PCU’s do a dramatic jump the day triglavians came into highsec etc?

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You got any evidence that opposes what I said?

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  1. You brought the point, it’s on you to support it.
  2. You can’t prove a negative.
    Now stop being silly, you know better, bring your evidence or admit you don’t have any and are just inventing stuff.

Prove you can’t prove it. :smiley_cat: