Eve Concurrent Average Online under 20k now :(

Thank you for the comments. It kind of underpins how I feel. This game was a significant part of my life for close to 10 years. The reason its gone south is not the fault of the player base. This community was once amazing and I was proud to be a part of it. Not a bitter vet, but just no longer feel the feel good factor which made this game different from all the rest. I genuinely hope the cash grab, watering down core values, wasting eve sub cash on failed projects and undermining what made this game unique in favour of the aforementioned has been worth it for CCP. Grats, CCP Hilmar -genuinely hope you are satisfied with the current state of affairs.


I call ■■■■■■■■: Agondray | Losses | Character | zKillboard

the orca, scorpion, destroyer, several haulers, several barges, a shuttle,are all corp based

alot of the null sec deaths are mostly all due to blues.

there are mining op deaths not even on that killboard before 2009, as well as alts thats died the same way.

ive lost all ive own twice due to deaths to corp members when ive been told to relocate, or a corp member shows up to a mining up but refuses to fleet while sitting right next to you and a gank fleet warps in and loots the barge wreck

ive lost several VNIs in null to just starting a site when a blue warps in and begintargeting and scramming my vni.

lost some wormhole fleets as a corp member that just fleeted on arrival to a mining op was instantly followed by a hic and several other ships

the Mael in Ihak was another death to blues as i jumped through the gate

and theres more ive forgotten over the years

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Welcome to 2019.

From plenty of people over the internet I’ve learned that “using google is an actual skill” CEO’s really care about. Being able to learn things by ones self apparently nowadays is a remarkable skill. Not actually something everyone can just do. Which is super troublesome on one side, but declares people like us two as smarter than the average.

Before I’ve logged in for the first time, I’ve spent two weeks reading up on it. Mechanics, the world, people, stories.

Anyway … the fundamental problem: Corporations and Governments prefer mindless people for several reasons.

  1. They’re easier to control
  2. They’re easier to distract.
  3. They’re easier to manipulate.
    3a. They’re more easily being manipulated into spending money.
  4. They lack the ability to think critically.


Thoughtful people think more and spend less.
Mindless people think less and spend more.

Thoughtful people are idiots for being too reasonable.
Mindless people don’t give a ■■■■.

Mindlessness wins.

The End.

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I’m tempted to give away my stuff to whoever sends me the most entertaining mail, but alas, I would need to log in to check this kind of stuff and eve 2019 doesn’t seem conducive to such tickles and fancies even with the pantomime now being free to play. Misses the good old days and pines for a past that has been scant neglected by those who will be to blame in a short space of time now.

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The best days were when PLEX (30 days game play) was 280 million


When plex hit 500 mill I thought ccp would step in having an economist on the payrol its a shame high-sec bounties have not risen with inflation. They are still way below the average price of plex In this day and age. Its time ccp re-introduced lvl 5 missions back into high-sec redress that inflation balance. Or we still on nullsec nullsec nullsec letting high-sec burn.

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It was more likely the economist saw the plex rising and thought ‘this is normal’. Because it is.

Bounties HAVE risen. Everytime ships get dps buffs, or we got marauders or players otherwise find a more efficient way to print isk, that’s the player wage going up. And THAT’S what pushed up the price of plex. Not the other way round.

So if ccp let you run level 5’s in hi-sec, guess what will happen? Plex price will get even higher.


doing a forum post is a thing but than everyone would also see it

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they also fired that economist years ago

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A couple of null bears decrying how high-sec is the font of all isk and should be nerfed, maybe if ccp had kept the economist on the payroll we would not be in the mess we are currently in, as for lvl 4 mission bounties they have not changed since i started doing them back in 2011 so how have they risen. Null gets buffed buffed buffed while high-sec burns burns burns. The game is on the way out! When i asked hilmar about lvl 5 missions being put back in high-sec he said “If we figure out the risk reward dynamics then we will.” so at some point i would expect ccp to do just that. I would re-sub if that were to happen.

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Yeah he would have been handy to keep around. No argument there.

Oh dear…

Null bounties haven’t been increased either. So ask yourself:

How has null been buffed?

And then remember marauders and pirate ships like the rattler, machariel and gila are used in hi-sec.

If you had a semblance of balance and scope beyond your own little world, someone might care.


No they didn’t. Said economist left to a new job, like people tend to do after a long while gathering experience.

I fly a fleet phoon have done since 2011, and with 130+ million sp in sub caps I fly it really well, it tanks and spanks like a boss. If i want to be an arse i also fly a cloaky loki and have been known to drop dead bodies outside player owned structures in null while everyone is docked up and shaking at the prospect of a cloaked nuetral in system.

High-sec is full of neutrals we don’t hide and dock up when someone new comes into system like a lot of you nullie fanboys do out in big scary null xD. As for my little world I may be high-sec but I travel and travel often, no part of the map is off limits to me.

I like lvl 4 mission running also lvl 5 but soloing them outside of high-sec is a oneway ticked to zkill with a very expensive loss and a GF given to the gang/small fleet that wiped my very expensive pet fleetphoon its happened before and its a bastard xD

Its content I really want to do but alone with one ship and one account it cannot be done properly I will always lose when trying lvl 5’s even with cloak and patience its just not feasible. Mission runners as a rule don’t fleet up anymore either so thats not an option.

Either way fly safe guys o7 thanks for the replies been interesting xD


I’d like to see this list of ‘Null sec buffs’. On a side note why to High Sec pilots always blame null sec for their woes?

9 out of 10 csm members represent null which is a minority, most players inhabit high-sec, the single player with no allegiance to any big group or alliance gets steamrolled over and over. High-sec is always an afterthought except the NPE which CCP wants to improve letting the trigs blow up newbies without any thought whatsoever was/is genius. We want lvl5’s back in high-sec maybe the null csm members could approach CCP for us? News flash they don’t care less. I’ll just sit back and watch the numbers continue to fall.


Probably because a lot of vocal players who identify as nullsec players have spent years screaming very loudly for nerfs to highsec, and have achieved a number of very significant nerfs with the screaming over the years.

Because they need to blame someone.

Protip : when people arbitrarily make groups that fit his view, you know he is just trying to justify his opinion. And so he is making definitions on the spot.
What is “null sec” that gets buffed and “high sec” that gets burnt ? I do not consider that VNI modification is a buff for NS. I do not consider that trigs are a nerf to HS.

This is the kind of BS that people who feel entitled to something will go to justify their opinion is better than another.

News flash it’s a shitty idea. Making twice more isk in HS means the price of the plex will go twice as high. Learn to play.

Even Hilmar is looking at lvl 5’s in high-sec or at least he’s open to the idea. As for “Learn to play” just proves what I am saying, I have 130+ main sp toon I like the way I play its a “sandbox” pfff you don’t give a rats arse about high-sec, lvl4 high-sec mission isk and lp rewards does not allow you to plex anymore, at 500mill isk yes it was feasible.

With the price plex is now no, unless your prepared to put serious amounts of hours in you have to sub meanwhile out in null rorqual fleets and inifite safety means you can plex multiple accounts every month with ease how the hell is that fair. “risk vs reward” its a joke Its time high-sec had a boost bring back lvl 5’s.