Eve Concurrent Average Online under 20k now :(

The issue is simply that EVE is an MMO that is winnable.
And as such, people achieve the point of winning, winning in the sense I mean as an unassailable lead on new groups. The only way you ‘beat’ one of these groups is by joining another old group, which perpetuates and magnifies the issue.
It’s only ever been a matter of time in EVE, it just took a very long time to get there.

When Skill Extractors / Injectors were first proposed by CCP, they said it was for characters to remove points in unused skills and apply those points into useful skills. When CCP implemented them into the game as an MT item, they realized they could make more money if the Skill Injectors were a Trade Item. Meanwhile CCP basically screwed over high skilled characters by making those Skill Injectors have diminished returns based on the amount of a characters SP’s.

Personally I’ve never used them and quite frankly, I don’t like them being in the game. Skill Injectors diminish the time invested in skill training and have pretty much made the Character Bazaar obsolete.

Taking a look at current user statistics, it seems that EVE is slowly recovering from the active users drop.
As a (not yet bitter) veteran player I understand why other veterans dislike the skill injectors and skill spree events, because for many veterans this somehow gives a feeling that others now get things the easy way what they have worked hard for with a lot of patience.
But, let me tell you, it is a constant (at least for growing economies ), that the new generations get many things easier than the older ones. Just get used to it and stop being joulous. It was a clever move from CCP to adopt to this reality.

I have no issues with the in-game Skilling Spree or Log-in rewards. Those are meant to help boost character training.

Skill Injectors, due to their design, discourage long term gameplay.

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1000th post!

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I agree with you, probably if they would have came up with spring spree first, skill injectors would be obsolete.

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Congrats - maybe ccp cash grab will reward you with a unique skin or something tacky.



We got a 17 billion ISK raitaru yesterday and 8 billion ISK dropped! That was a damn great surprise! Now I’ll sub another of my chars, allowing me to go on suicide roams and I’ll add a bit more PLEX to my stockpile for the inevitable spike next year (or crash, ending the game, if you want to see it that way).

Btw, they’re clearly not cash grabbing anymore. They’ve established new ways of making money and they’re done inflating the price of the company (which was the CashGrab Era you believe is still going) and now they’re in a position where they can implement changes throwing out tons of people, like in blackout.

Inb4 someone declaring CCP stopped the blackout because it harmed the game too much, which is nonsense.


Papering over the cracks toots! Hold on to the good old days all you want- regardless, it’s still downward from here - you are entitled to your opinion, but not sure how many 10 plus year players who have played this game through good times and bad would agree that CCP Hilmar didn’t sell out for shameless cash grab and this is now CCP focus and direction.


It was a shame CCP did not have the balls to hold up the blackout, 10k co current loss on bots. I knew Eve had a huge bot issue but I did not suspect that 1/3 of online account were botters but sadly blackout proved it.

CCP had 2 choices cut them out and fix the game or allow botting by removing blackout. It just shows they did the maths and EVE is not worth investing in or developing, just milk from here on out.

London fanfest is going to be bittersweet, party like it is the end of the universe, because it is.

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You won’t get rid of bots they will always adapt.

With RMT bots they will always be where they can make money. Only way to stop RMT bots is for people to stop buying from them. The way to get rid of RMT bots is to come down hard on those that buy from them. Dry up demand and those using those bots will look elsewhere to make money.

As for personal bots, where people can gain an advantage especially where they can convert in-game currency and use it to gain items without directly paying for them, they will. So they will be harder to get rid of. Not that getting rid of RMT bots will be easy.


Were bots ever truly the problem? I remember 65k online, a vibrant and diverse community, banter and competition between groups and different playstyles - ccp have driven that into the ground with the cash grab - so many people and players that engaged in the community have been driven away - what made the game unique is now gone, and it saddens me to say that - but it is the reality. The fact ccp have no community team now is just indicative of how far the apple has fallen from the tree.


Gotta say I agree with you.

Also CCP catering to the instant gratification crowd, dumbing down the game by making everything easily accessible just made things even worse. There use to be a lot of players in-game with ‘Specialized’ careers who had thriving businesses happening. A lot of those players left because CCP’s game changes made those business opportunities obsolete.


Many people i know left becasue the trig recon in belts.

Myself detect recon squads are mopre heavy in systems with LESS belts. Mine safely in systems with MANY belts.

Some is wrong here.

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yes. if you live in NS and realize to take a constellation is going to mean grinding down 200 structures, or facing 200 supers parked off your structure, or wondering why the plex inflation rate is tripple the rest of the economy–all those have a lot to do with the bot problem.


Plex part inflated due to plex walling which ended with the broker fee increase.

If plex was so high just because of botting then the price would have sky rocketed again at blackouts end.

Isk, mins and other farmed units will once again rapidly decline again while botting occurs alongside upward pressure on plex. Plex will peak to 5bn isk per month before ccp need to pull the plug on TQ. Anything less than 5bn per sub is just undervalue in my humble opinion.

Isk is utterly worthless and everything in game now is just too cheap with no sense of value. RMT Isk trades at $4 per billion currently. A decent fit titan loss is now less than $200 and losing a super is $25, less than the price of a sub from ccp.

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Not following your logic, they removed over 10,000 bots over the past half a year or so, there’s isn’t evidence that they’ve returned in significant numbers since BO ended.

Of course They returned, because RMT in China is a Serious Business.

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RMT is a small part of botting. I suspect that most bots are not RMT related but just alliance try hards farming up for alliance efforts.

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I played this game years ago, then came back recently to simply mess around and burn all my isk/resources. This game is failing for many reasons, but chief among them is the crappy interface. The interface still has the same problems and bugs it has 5 years ago. it’s slow, it’s clunky, it doesn’t respond well, it bugs out and lock up at times…
After getting all my heavy equipment unlocked from low sec safety, I found they made cyno jumping so painfully annoying that I would never return to 0.0. And I can assume from what I’ve read that epic battles are still nothing more than slideshows anyway.
This game has such great promise when it came out, but CCP failed at to many important aspects that this was bound to happen.