Eve Concurrent Average Online under 20k now :(

yeah, that version sucked as you had to pick up 4-5 of them, hoping to not get the terrible ones.

But if it’s just one every cycle that doesn’t move away too quickly then it’s fine.

So guns need frequency adjustment also then?
Everyone is talking about making mining more action intensive than ratting. While it returns a lower income.

No they are talkong about making mining not best when afking 30 acounts.

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Speaking of limited understanding…

It’s a metaphor, one that I’m also applying to myself as a hisec PvE player.
Do try again.

To the game, yes its a game, ccp could keep the pvp part and throw away the rest. Would that rise or lower online numbers? What do u think.

I think Eve would close down within 12 months, as a pure PvP game Eve would suck, because nothing would have value.

Hs has to be safe while low null has to be full scale pvp,
mixing those was 10 years ago a good idea but now it doesnt work. Hs= focus on mining/indi\chilling chating whatever,
low=pvp fun,
null=ultra fun pvp > no or minimal mining. Give them other resources or bonuses to fight for.

No, go away and play something else.

The market can be regulated by ccp

Once again, NO.

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Mining income depends on the demand for the materials; if CCP adds more “chaos” and demand for the result products stays high - the value of mining goes up. Especially moons, for Tech 2 materials.

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Basic fact is with the release of WOW classic, numbers were bound to fall for several months.

The game has now reached a very playable state for my particular style. This is probably going to be a short lived phase while active player count continues to diminish. I plan to enjoy it while it lasts.

My observation:

I think we get here through a lot of down force. Some comes from CCP, some from the community. CCP keeps tweaking the META to ‘Balance’ and freshen the game often resulting in frustration for a large portion of players by nerfing items, mechanics or even regions or buffing the same causing yet another game wide shift until later changed by CCP. Additionally The rate at which significant new content is added has dramatically slowed replaced by SP gifts and events perhaps seeking to hold veterans just a little bit longer. The community contributes in the forums and local. If you do not play the same as the more vocal or as they may think you should, the labeling starts. Forum threads devolve from idea discussion to banter to denigration. In large part PVE is considered less than PVP. PVE seems projected as a detriment, more PVP is the prevailing idea to a better EvE.

CCP Leadership has now adopted chaos as its guiding principal. It makes economic sense. Everything destroyed must be replaced which takes time that likely extends subscriptions and ISK which is conveniently available for cash.

CCP Hilmar wants a game so stressful your on meds for it, CCP Falcon wants to see destruction on an epic scale. Ironically both were achieved briefly with the Drifter Invasion that threatened player structures. Perhaps the Invasion Expansion should be leveled up to a real threat throughout New Eden inflicting wide spread chaos necessitating an order of player cooperation never seen before. The Triglavian Drifter war spilling even further over onto players than already planned would be a viable means to achieve some of the chaos goals and potentially rally the community.

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Mining in Hi-sec:
You should NEVER be AFK! Stay aligned all the time! Press D-Scan every 5 sec!

Mining in Null-sec:


Yes it can.

CCP just decided to make this game without a market regulation and with possibility to kill people anywhere at its core.
If people cant accept it, they should try another game.

I fail to see any issue in what you quoted ?
People WANT to play AFK but can’t because they would die.

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Well, you may not miss them, but I´m sure that the owners of the game miss their money. I got a bussiness too and no matter how hard I´d love to punch some customer in the face; I can´t.

But hey yeah, maybe everything is fine. 15k now btw. https://eve-offline.net/?server=tranquility


The customers you’re talking about have had a detrimental effect to the experience of your other customers. In fact the majority of your other customers.

Don’t let the door hit you on the way out.

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15k players in the middle of the week when school is starting back? I never would have expected people to put education of self or children before a video game.

Botters come to a game to leech money out of it with RMT and not to pay for it. In theory, CCP will earn more money without them because of less RMT and more people purchasing PLEX instead if they want to get more ISK for $.

it is not that simple. First CCP made rorquals and boost it for hell pushing people to new content. People invest in skills in drones, many use multiply account - and then ccp nerf rorquals heavly - then nerf it again and made this content unplayable because of blackout and drone thiefs. It is not about security bable at all it is all about drones you can protect in anyway.
So CCP changes the roles and scam the people. End of story

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Its not unplayble, rorqs have been used in WH space alot to. The no local never was a big issue to thise players. And they didnt get access to the high end moon ores either.

15257 online right now. Its peak time east coast USA… IN 2 hours it will be peak time West coast Usa it it might get back to 16000…

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but in wh you dont have common 0.0 problem too. No drops on face, no cynos, every enter to wh is scanned and secured and when you kill enemy he cant magicaly respown and come back quickly with 40 of his alts - wh is much lighter space then 0.0 now you cant compare it at all.
Without local you have 0 chance of defence in 0.0 specialy as the industralist and i dont speak about ship i speak about drones and t2 mining is ■■■■. Not even scrambling drone will save them because bombers - you dont even know 40 guys are in system cloaky. And when you have such problem in wh? in terra maybye.
So content called mining in 0.0 was completly killed - it is not rebalace but insta kill, giveing one site 100% winning ticket. It is scam as hell, changeing rules of the game like this.

next part of this story will be force removeing assets of the players - to “heal” the game. Dont you see that? it can only escalate. Scam and robbery called age of chaos.
what the hell i am saying - they already done it… robeing CVA from stations, but not in such direct way


But before blackout when defenders was having 100% winning ticket of intel that enemy is coming from 10 systems away wast ok?

You can’t have 100% safety so something is broken and killed. Null people are really worse than hisec…


In WH space a random connection with a fleet ready to fight could happen at any moment, you wont even have time to scan the new hole before they drop an entire fleet on you. So your argument shows your not farmiliar with WH space.

especially when you sieged the dread and a new sig pops… FFS.