1v3 is a tough ask, but it’s absolutely possible if the 1 knows their stuff and the 3 don’t.
player skill counts for more than SP.
1v3 is a tough ask, but it’s absolutely possible if the 1 knows their stuff and the 3 don’t.
player skill counts for more than SP.
And once again, I’m not saying it doesn’t. But there is a reason that there is things like multiboxing ganking. There’s a reason people multibox mining while doing something else. It provides an extra edge. In the case of ganking it provides a massive edge.
If you have the skill to get near someone without them knowing, you can fleet warp a bunch of ships in, all with their guns and tackle pre-loaded and then q/w click through cascaded windows to have like 2 ships a second opening fire every tick.
Does it require skill? Absolutely. But is that skill proportional to the amount of extra gun you can bring? No.
You can avoid it most likely by being vigilant. That is your number one defense. But the difference is that if I whiff my detection and escape against a single player in a single ship, I have a chance at survival, even with my abysmal PvP skills. But if that player is bringing the same firepower and tackle as an entire fleet, by virtue of dropping money in the game, then my chances quickly drop to nil.
A big issue even talking about this subject is people are going to misconstrue, strawman and gaslight anyone who has a different opinion to them. I’ve already been accused of having my panties in a bunch because I said… shock horror… I prefer to play in a group than multibox. Now you are going down this whole tangent about how skill points don’t confer more advantage than player skill. No one said it did nor tried to say that player skill isn’t a thing. But dropping money in the game can confer an advantage, sometimes to a massive degree.
It’s pay to win, all we’re haggling about here is the degree to which it is. Every player needs to decide if it’s so egregious that it ruins their gameplay. For me it isn’t, but I can absolutely see how it’d be distasteful to your average gamer.
no, we’re arguing about the definition of ‘pay to win’. in a roundabout kind of way.
it seems everyone is using their own definition of the term in a way that backs up their own point of view.
hell, we have people arguing that simply having a single Omega account is somehow P2W. It’s insanity and makes it impossible to have any rational discussion.
It also ignores the plain and simple fact that there is no universal Win Condition in EVE. What counts as ‘winning’ for one person is very different to what counts as ‘winning’ for another.
It’s a pvp sandbox with no set Win Condition. Its up to us, as players, to each set our own win conditions.
The only actual case of a group clearly “winning” EVE is PIBC on the Serenity server. They conquered the map so hard that all their enemies biomassed. By “winning”, they wrecked the game for themselves and are left with a galaxy-wide blue doughnut. Which must be boring as all hell.
Here we go again with the whole, “There is no win condition in Eve”. I’m sorry, but that such a daft sentiment.
You can’t win any MMO. Pay to Win doesn’t mean literally paying to win. It’s referring to paying for an advantage, which you yourself admitted that SP does to some degree. Now you’re trying to walk that back.
I’m not playing this game. You don’t want to see it, fine. But I called your exact behaviour in my original post when I said that you won’t win people over in an entrenched position. You’ve literally admitted that 3v1 makes it harder, SP offers some advantage on equal footing, but now we have to shift the goal posts.
Multiboxing. . . Ok
So lets talk.
In the game you can do ANYTHING with just one char.
you can go mine the materials, produce the PI, research the blueprints, invent T2 versions, build the thing you want to build. Fly it, Sell it, Scam it, or Lose it.
In the game “Reality” Is Quite different.
You can go mine the materials, but if you want any boosts, you will need another character, or risk joining up with a public mining fleet, either way you run the risk of getting suicide ganked in high sec, or ganked in low/null.
ou can produce the PI, but then compete with others who have multiple accounts producing everything you thought about doing, who setup “market scams” and buys stuff at really discount prices from peope who do now know(It’s not really a scam, but most kinda sees it that way), who will be able to undercut you so you have to sell your stuff at crap prices, unless you can see an opportunity, but then again, 500 already seen that and have already puti n place to capitalize on that)
you can research the blueprints/invent the T2 versions, but that’s competing with players who came before you and already has done that, recouped their research costs, blueprint original cost, and now can sell it on market for pure profit, which means they can under cut you and you end up not selling and losing money.
you can build the thing you want, please see above for the similar result. and not to mention the builders Also use “market scams” thus their overhead will Always be better than yours.
Finally Fly it, but then again depending on what it is(Capital) if you are in Null Sec, you HAVE to have other chars to support your capital(cyno, Fax, the list grows and grows) And NEVER have your Main as your Capital pilot.
Sell it, please refer to the process in the previous replies. Someone is always is going to be beter than you because they have a better station than you do currently(they could be retired/work from home and love playing eve 6+ hours a day, They could be rich and just Credit Card thier way to Tons of characters and accounts to make them a 1 man empire/plex machine where htey make Tons of isk they just plex thier accounts, in fact they don’t even haggle anylonger, they get on discord and just state, Wanna buy 5000 to 50000 Plex. And the big time sellers just shoot em a price and they dont even care, they just say yes.
Bottom line. This game THRIVES on players who have multiple accounts. And CCP could care less. They are a business, Actually they are like drug dealers and we are all the Junkies.
Welcome to Eve
I agree…but its the usual thing on the forums where people complain about stuff they have never done and thus have zero experience of. In reality, even just operating a multibox scout is rather more awkward than if two separate people were doing it. Yesterday I was attacking a station in one account, whilst warping my scout to the next system in another. I don’t have two screens…so I have to watch one or the other. Easy enough to switch with alt tab…but paying attention to activity in two separate areas at same time is not easy. I let the attention off my scout for just a few seconds and it was being attacked by NPCs, for example.
I’ve barely even begun to practice doing both chars in one fleet, which again is not as easy as it looks but is probably second nature for those who are experienced at it.
But it most certainly is not the case that one gets a multibox account and instantly one starts ‘winning’.
It is actually perfectly proportional after the buffs from CCP to mining barges. Every ganking activity including sustaining these multiboxed gankers in omega status is now an heroic endeavor after the nerfs.
There are plenty of instances where people injected a lot of RL money into skill points and plex, and getting a carrier or other capital, just to see it get blapped the first time they undocked with it.
Well, firstly, I wasn’t talking specifically about mining barges. I don’t fly them, I find mining boring and I don’t gank them. My interests in PvP have always been much smaller in scale, so I’ll take your word on the fact they’ve been massively buffed.
But you’ve kind of just proved my point for me. If the example you’re using is that the amount of skill-to-firepower ratio you can bring to kill something massively buffed is now perfectly proportional, that would mean that in a situation where that’s being used against anything not buffed is out of proportion. Which is what I was saying.
I think you underestimate how terrible I am at the game, good sir.
Can’t be worse than me!
anything not buffed like mining barges has enough buff to warp away in highsec.
Challenge accepted! slaps with glove Vargurs at dawn in Udema!
Although if we’re not on a planet, and we can always see the star, does that mean it’s always dawn? That would explain a lot…
Can you show us where the Multiboxer touched you?
But in all seriousness, I play EvE since 2012 on ONE Account and I never felt I was in a disadvantage to someone who has 10. Do they make more ISK ? SURE … but who cares…
I make my ISK and I have fun.
I really don’t see the point in multiboxing. Sure, it can be helpful, but I have enough fun on one account. I think 2 would turn it into a chore.
It is important to multibox when selling mining permits
There’s also plenty of players who injected a lot of RL money into skill points and plex, got a carrier or some other capital, undocked and farmed major Kill Board stats.
Look who came crawling out of the woodwork!
The point I’m making is that, using RL cash doesn’t equate to a 100% success rate in “winning.”
Well now, look who still has their pompous arse sitting high on the woodpile…
FYI, using RL cash doesn’t equate to 100% loss either.
Yes, but that’s not the original claim being made.
Nice try tho.