Eve isn't dying, but it isn't growing. My answer that devs won't recognize

Of course he won’t.

Sadly most peeps don’t got that integrity nowadays.


Have I been proven wrong? The report was sent, it’s in ccps hands now.

I never acused that guy if cheating. I reported the ganker @Sargon_Of_Amerish.

Look who’s talking about integrity. You need a reality check, man.

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My friend, it isn’t too late to admit you got in your feels and retract your wild claims.

I get you don’t understand the game you chose to play. That is a shame :smiley:

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I am not your friend and you are not mine! So you don’t get to call me that!
And as I said the petition was made. It’s out of my hands now.
Obvious ganker shill alt, you are afraid of losing your account now. Don’t worry, I’m sure itbwill be only temporary.

My friend, you need to breath deep and seek peace. Remember, tis only a vidya game.

Alt? This is me. I am in fact a ganker :smiley:

Why would I lose my account? I’m not Sargon? Nor have I ever claimed to be?

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Then why are you so concerned about this topic? Just let it go and see about your life man!

Because you’re slandering someone without actual proof?

Because you don’t understand game mechanics and making it other people’s problem?

Because you don’t understand the game you chose to play?

So many reasons bucko :smiley:

Get gud or get out :smiley:


Then you posted two videos of Adrian Vexier’s stream…


The harder you fight in the forum, the more afraid you are to fight in the game.

Carry on.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:


This Is the Problem, Rather than fix it, you just say change the game you are playing. This attitude is why players are leaving eve. Most of us love eve and we want it to survive, We would not ■■■■■ so much if we did not care. but some people, suggest give up , and play a different game. This is like paying a mortgage for 20 years , and deciding the house is getting a bit mouldy (And Eve is getting very mouldy) to forget the investment of time and energy. and go live in a tent. We want eve to be great again, but CCP seems not to want that. Im Sorry but these forums are being over moderated, A Female Dog is now banned . LOL. ■■■■■■■■, (If this is also redacted. (Male cow Poo) .lol

My AP US Government teacher mandates that I inform you that it is infact libel in this instance, not slander.

APUSH? You mean the thing they are making illegal? :smiley:

It looks like Elite PVP. And in addition it made you salty! The perfect combo.


Gankers are here for the show. Every post and thread about ganking is like a triggering signal for gankers, and those who dont like ganking also like to show they care about getting rid of ganking.

Also I would like to explain some things from other topic. Because not everyone is avare how it works.

Now you can pre-activate overheat on module before activating module itself, then you can also pre-activate modules without target, then you need one click on the target itself with ctrl pressed, or even without, for ship to aquire target and game will then start using those modules on target, all at the same time. This is how the game works now. You dont lose this pre- status when you switch windows. You can do things in inventory even when its all pre-activated and pre-overheated.

You would have to make the pre-activate and pre-overheat status deactivate when switching to new window for the ganks to be a lot harder with micromanaging all the catalysts.

But, how it is now helps multiboxers, and CCP on many ocasions suggested that its how the game is played right, with many accounts that is. Its CCP greed actually.


I don’t know, a lot of folks I talk to who have Eve accounts but stopped playing eve stopped because it in fact did change too much. I guess the changes were enough to drive away the existing playerbase, but not enough to attract new players.

I personally view it another way: MMOs as a genre died off in the Gamer world as being popular sometime in the early 2010s. Compared to other MMOs, Eves numbers outperform competitors on a relative basis.


There are a lot of things that all contribute to why I put the game down, none of which are a deal breaker on their own, but if I had to name just one thing, it’s the sense that Eve is designed for a larger scale than I find interesting. Like, in addition to my observation that numbers seem to be all that matters to some players, I get the feeling that the devs also focused on numbers at the expense of intangibles.

The Triglavian event was sort of the straw that broke the camel’s back. The one over the formation of the Pochven reigion. I lived in Ala and I had intended to defend my space, but I lost heart when a huge fleet of bored nullsecers bulldozed over the entire system. Nobody who really cared about the system was really involved with what went down there and the central hub of my infrastructure, social and industrial, was sucked into the void.

I’ve been around, on and off, since the early days and what kept me coming back was that people were at least interesting. Small groups or individuals would run through the town shooting up things weaking havoc and the rest of us would deal with it by whatever means we may. We had small problems, like how to get our skill books from the lowsec camped system, people stealing a can or ore, or something like that. The opposition was always just a wee bit stronger than us, but not so strong that we couldn’t or wouldn’t try to give as good as we get.

I’m not saying that large scale content isn’t important or shouldn’t be there, but I also don’t see why the triglavian invasion couldn’t have had more systems contested at once over a longer period so that people living in those systems could have more influence. Not unless the developers intentionally kept it that way to cater to a large fleet action that would be more newsworthy than a hasty local militia. Even had I shipped up to shoot at whatever I could have, I hardly had any time for that. The battle is decided in about a day while I’m working and being responsible with my life’s priorities.

I don’t like that wars cost as much as they do and require a structure be at risk for everyone involved because it effectively removes almost all opposition I could reasonably oppose or deal significant damage to. You see all the complaints about not being able to fight back, I’m sure, but people keep asking to eliminate the next most accessible enemy by increasing the difficulty without realizing they’re just making it harder to find someone to fight when they get their way.

I don’t feel like the devs owe me anything. Perhaps it is time for me to step aside and make way for a new kind of player. I don’t know, and it’s not my call to make, but I am glad of my time spent in Eve, the fun I had, and the lessons learned that I now apply to my real life dealings. Risk management is a valuable skill. I still have those memories, and I had a good time. I got my money’s worth.

If the game looks like fun again in the future, I might pick it back up, but I doubt developers would prioritize a few players like me over a lot of players who want objective success methodically attained more than a battle of wit and skill one is more likely to lose but could still win if clever enough.


Oh look, another gank whine thread of a person incapable of investing 5min to figure out how to avoid the mechanic completely.

How original



You don’t win every time but it makes the times you do that much sweeter.

Sadly, I feel it is a generational thing.

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Hello forum

With respect, Laziness and entitlement aren’t a new thing. Individuals of all generations have displayed those traits throughout time. I don’t think putting it all on one generation will help matters much. Younger players like PvP too and I doubt most of them are whiners. Sure it’s sore when we lose but that’s everybody. It’s just that some people are able to take distance and analyze while others get caught up in anger and resentment.
No one is perfect.

Fifie’s analysis.



Someone hasn’t played Fortnite/Warzone/Apex/OW/LoL/Val or any newer game eh :smiley:

Download Apex. Fire it up. Play for a weekend. Then get back to me :smiley:

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