Eve isn't dying, but it isn't growing. My answer that devs won't recognize

I watch 4 teenagers play Fortnite for 3 hours twice a week. Evidently they’re playing with others. Besides the usual cuss words that escape their lips while in state of excitement, I haven’t heard any of them advocate to change the game or threaten anorher player’s family with bodily harm.

Okay. I will. I shall report my findings once done.

However, I feel that pointing the finger at an entire generation is disingenuous and too expedient.

Fifie wants to be fair with others.

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ROFL you think they say these things in front of you?

C’mon mate. Were you born yesterday or

Oh… Evidently I was born yesterday :unamused:
I wonder what else they may be doing while I’m not watching.
I guess my trying Apex shall be useless now that you are adamant that what you say is without error and I am willing to concede that an entire generation is just good for the trash bin. How sad.

Fifie is willing to concede.

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LOL your hyperbole is amusing.

You’re the one consigning them to the trash bin. I’m merely saying the crying may be generationally motivated.

You weren’t ever gonna try Apex bro. Lets not front shall we?

If you think they aren’t saying vile things while you aren’t around well, I got some land in Florida for you to buy. Amazing investment. Low down payment yennoe?

So I’m fronting??


Fifie feefees really hurt now😥
Fifie called liar while she hates liars and traitors😭
Fifie not talkin to Kuro no more.


Maybe its called Juvenoia.


No. He’s saying that about himself in a roundabout way. In psychology It’s called Prejection. Look it up.

EVE is dying a slow death, a multiple-decade’s death that may lengthen to a century.
Meanwhile, I’ll enjoy playing it like I stole it.

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I don’t think EVE has ever been dying. It’s just part of the usual whine: “If the devs don’t do as I say then the game will ( I hope ) die!!” Childish attitude is what it is. It’s ridiculous coming from adults. The devs must have good laughs reading the forum.


That’s not how weapons activation works and even if it worked that way it would be unfair and an exploit.
The fact remains that some single player may use multiple accounts to abuse game mechanics to gain unfair advantages against other players. That isnthe very definition of an exploit and that is exactly what is happening in those videos. I don’t think the game is meant to be played that way because that is just plain stupid. Just look at the videos ffs they are almost two minutes long and in that time he destroyes faction cruisers and T2 barges which take hours or days to mine for materials and craft.
This cannot be healthy for the game. Now you may whine and cry all you want protecting your ganker alts and friends but in the end you know that what we see is just exploiting game mechanics.

haha he can not multibox fast.

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I think everyone would be curious to hear how you believe weapons activation works.

Please be as detailed as possible.


I hope you meant sargon of amerish, because that hardly even qualifies as multiboxing. He just uses fleet warp once, broadcast input, then switches through windows and another fleet warp. True multiboxing would be pvp, logi, looting, salvaging at the same time. Or something along those lines. And that would take real skill and tenacity, which I really don’t see in any of those videos.

I recomend EVE University for you or roll up a new character and go through the ingame tutorial.

Great, got it, understood.


Another false quote. You have no comeback so you resort to this cheap trolling. I’m not going to feed you though.

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tl dr wants SRP and doesnt have a keen sense of what “progress” means.

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If you go to game now, and undock, without any targeted thing, if you then press shift+click on modules like weapons and propulsion disruption, you will turn heat on, without activating them, if you then click on these modules one by one, you pre-activate them. Alt-tab from game to do something else, and when you go back to game, its still preactivated and its heated status is on, then you only have to click target in your overview to unleash everything.

Also in PVP and power salvaging for example its more convenient to use function keys instead of clicking on modules, its faster that way. You can use mouse and keyboard at the same time instead of using only mouse.


That is exactly how it works. Like step by step exactly on point, 100% factual and been that way since forever.

Stop being dumb.


Reading his other posts on this forum apart from what he has written here, it seems that what you are asking for is impossible for him to achieve.


I think that you should stop making unfounded accusations. I saw no evidence of them input broadcasting and your reluctance to admit that you are at fault, in spite of multiple people educating you on how the mechanics actually work, is completely unfair to the person you are accusing. I see it as they have already preheated and preactivated the weapons before the video starts. You are either unable to grasp this simple concept, or you are deliberately refusing to. Neither is a good look.


I don’t see him doing any of what you described on any of his windows. I only see him manualy actuvating and overheating the weapons on one window and then magicaly all are activated and heated as he one-clicks each window. Just look at the vods before he takes them down ffs! there’s even two of them. He literally does just one fking click on each one and boom! That one click means lock on target, activate multiple weapons at once and also overheat all at once?!?! If that is not input broadcasring, I don’t know what is! Stop trying to defend the undefendable and excuse the inexcusable!

Look at the vod again several times. Eventually you will understand what is happening.

@Amon_Tobin us that sarcasm I sense? Thanks, now I know who to ignore.

You mad I reported him? Are you an alt? Well, it’s out of my hands now. Ccp will deal with it.

No! The ganker is unfair to the other people in the game. His method is disgusting to be honest! He just uses a powerful computer and some broadcast input utility he probably downloaded from the internet. No creativity, no dificulty, no skill and no nothing involved in what he is doing. And he’s destroying days of other player’s effort and time.

Yeah another obvious troll or alt mad that he got reported and probably already banned. I don’t see any zkillboard activity for those ganker alts or his main account for several days now so my report probably reached the right desk.