Eve isn't dying, but it isn't growing. My answer that devs won't recognize

It gets even better. No clicking needed to prepare:

  • Hold Shift. Mash F1-F8. Everything is overheated.
  • Release Shift. Mash F1-F8. Your cursor is ready to apply all overheated modules requiring a target in 1 click.
  • Press Alt+Tab. You’re now on the next character, repeat above.
  • congrats, everything is prepared without needing to do anything with a mouse.

As you said before (and this guy simply cannot comprehend) now all that remains is alternating alt+tab plus one single click so that each single click results in: 1) lock and 2) activate all overheated modules for an account.

Which is exactly what can be seen in the videos in the post in question, except the ganker isn’t even alt tabbing: Eve isn't dying, but it isn't growing. My answer that devs won't recognize - #44 by Ha_Kar_Ma_Gor

Why this Ha Kar Muh Bore guy can’t comprehend is beyond all of us.


He’s mouse clicking weapon activation and preheating, not using his keyboard. That means it’s not input broadcasting.

Absence of proof is not proof, just because the vod is cut short (conveniently) so it’s not shown doesn’t mean he didn’t do it.


Yes, that is exactly what happens if you pre-overheat and pre-activate offensive modules.


I gather that so-called Mr.Fitebrand got suspended or banned. Seeing how rude and inconsiderate Kuro is it wouldn’t surprise me one bit.

I found that out for myself. The nerves on that man

@Elizabet_Forgrave I need to read and understand about Input Broadcasting and Multiboxing and all that. I’m sure it will interest me.
I understand a bit how they do multiboxing. I would give that a once-over. Not interested in doing that. Sounds like too much work for a game.
The other thing, input broadcasting, I never heard of. I’m guessing it works by manipulating game code and/or utilizing scripts. That’s more interesting to me as I’m learning C++ and Python right now.

Fifie going blind on code.

I hope I will be able to find info online about that.
Thanks for the tip.

The third person party talking gives me the ick :smiley:

Oo someone took Psych 100 and wants to show off :smiley:

When did I ever say this? Why would I want a game I like to die?

You’ve trained hyperbole to V huh?

Opinion bruv. Opinion. You’ve posted no real proof.

This right here exposes your ignorance in terms of this game. The logic is laughable :smiley:

Also uh. You realize its clips stitched together right? Right?

Of course it is. Someone failed Econ 100 and it shows :smiley:

You got that proof or

Ah. You must be in the rewards program at Home Depot with all those shovels you’re buying huh?

Define what this is please :smiley:

In other words, he doesn’t know :smiley:

My boy, it sounds like you have a skill issue. They already explained how it works.

How? There are multiple in-game tools/tactics to avoid the gank.

ROFL. So people should only be able to play EVE with a certain comp now? Wild.

Sounds easy. Why aren’t you doing it?

LOL he isn’t banned bruv. I saw him yesterday. Cry about it :smiley:

LOL, more proof you don’t even play the game. You don’t even got the guts to seek him out in game. Hilarious :smiley:

Just read this thread. There is an almost encyclopedic amount of information about it in here, particularly given that it is a very basic thing.

Pre-overheat - is simply queueing a module to overheat before you activate it so that it’s hot from the first cycle. Shift clicking a module’s icon does this. Green means go. It is trivial.

By “pre-activate”, we’re talking about activating an offensive module when you do not currently have a target. The module will begin blinking, and your cursor will shift to “target” mode. The next thing you click on will automatically be targeted (assuming it is a valid target). Assuming the targeting action does not fail, your pre-activated offensive modules will begin cycling as soon as you achieve lock.

It’s basic Eve 101 stuff, but for some reason, Ha’Kar wants to pretend like it’s impossible to achieve without cheating by using third party software.


You’ll find the good chunk of the peeps playing this game actually have no idea how the game actually works.

It’s no surprise the PvP oriented folk know the game mechanics.

It usually helps keep you alive :smiley:

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Not understanding certain game mechanics is one thing. Making bold claims and accusations even when told differently by several people, explained several times, while it’s obvious they don’t fully know how it works and while not being logical about the “presented evidence” is quite another thing.

I really do wonder how some of these people are able to operate on a daily basis. Are there special daycares they’re driven to each morning and where for lunch they’re given mashed potatoes with a spoon, so they can’t hurt themselves?


@Namdor I appreciate that. Thanks.

In video all windows are visible and stacked in certain way so ganker needs no alt tab, only click, in the one particular place. In all the windows he did all pre- before, that is why he only needs this one click.

The videos are proof that its possible without any additional macros or programs.



@Ha_Kar_Ma_Gor it is OK and only human to admit if you learned something new today, or if you made a mistake being too adamant. If you’re still wanting to quadruple down though… well, I can’t speak for other folks here, but at that point to me I’d reckon it’d seem like you’d be tilting at windmills.


The sock puppet alts are cute :smiley:

He won’t.

Sadly, his agenda and bias are obvious.

@Ha_Kar_Ma_Gor you test it, you can make it work yourself, so do an experiment and see for yourself as it was described. You can try with one windowed client and use rookie ship on station itself in high sec.

Its literally 5 minute experiment. What you may discover may shock you, if you are serious…

I am not here to make fun of you or something, or to belittle you, I only describe how game works, you can use those things during your play too. I wasnt aware of it too, before I learned it.

It all stems from the game catering to multiboxers.


He won’t.

He merely wants to get someone banned because of the following reasons:

A. Doesn’t agree with his legitimate playstyle
B. Doesn’t understand basic game mechanics


Equally useful, on the inverse side of this, is auto-targetting of anything that locks on you. It can be achieved via modules, but there is also a setting ( in Settings ) that has it set to ‘off’ for various good reasons. However there may be situations ( like undocking from Jita ) where it might take you too long to find out who is locking you, or how many, and having this setting on would be really useful as you can then auto-target without having the modules for it. Temporarily though…it’s default is ‘off’ for good reasons.

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Why would I be mad that you reported him? And no, I am not an alt. Main character for the last 20 years. The logic of this line of attack is lost on me. Trying to deflect from the argument by making more false accusations does nothing to help you.

I am not a fan of ganking. I feel that it is solved and highly optimised game play and I have no interest in it. I do, however, understand its importance to the game. My game is made a lot more interesting when I am having to avoid them all the time. I do think it needs more in the form of consequences, but that is a topic for another thread.

Yes, exactly! This is the nature of loss. So, it is loss that you are completely opposed to? If so, you are definitely playing the wrong game.