Eve isn't dying, but it isn't growing. My answer that devs won't recognize

Dark Crystal certainly taught you how to survive.

Thank you for that info.

What are the good reasons it would be off by default though?

HAHAHAHAHA! I literally burst out laughing! I have tears in my eyes from laughing now. So you think that 1 minute of gameplay and a handful of clicks to destroy days of patience and effort is “highly optimised gameplay”??? Obvious troll is obvious. Either that or you should get your head checked!

Then don’t be mad. Stop crying about it!

I made the report and those characters stopped being active. Seems like my accusations weren’t so fake after all. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :face_with_monocle:

Me neither. At least we agree on that.

I don’t think the gank victims first target the gankers when they wapr onto them.

Yes that is true. So I understand and forgive you all for being so wrong and adamand about it.


Rumormongering is a violation of the forum rules.

Lol look whos talking. Queen of trashtalk and rumor spreading herself. Go beg for attention somewhere else, we got your number, Aiko!


I’m just saying, there’s a warning from the ISD up above.

Carry on if you must, I don’t mind.


I already said I’m done with you people. I did my civic duty. I saw something suspicious, I reported it and actions seem to have been taken. Now you people are here raging mad because one of your griefers got banned. Good! Ccp is on the right track. I hope they clean house with more of you, because how you play the game is unfair and disgusting tbh!
Peace out!


Ok, bye! Good chat.

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Wow, people really behave that way?

Someone should have a blog collecting all the ungracious and awful behavior of these self proclaimed „non-toxic“ and civil players…


I don’t know if you are still here, but in case you are, or others read this, the skilled gameplay for suicide gankers comes in catching prey on grid. There are many tools available to pilots that will allow them to avoid being caught on grid, particularly in high sec space. People should be watching local chat for suspicious people, d scanning to see if someone is on their way, flying aligned if things are the slightest bit sketchy, and GTFO before the trouble comes. You can use the map to look for hot spots, use the cloak/mwd trick and or the web trick to speed up your warp. Use scouts, and logi. And always tank your ship!

There are many youtube videos that goes into detail on this. I would recommend Blight’s Wretch’s faction warfare primers and MacGybo’s ganking videos as great tutorials.

The contest between suicide gankers and miners and haulers is being caught on grid. Catalysts, Thrashers, and Tornadoes are clearly going to beat mining barges and haulers in a fight. The miners and haulers win by not being caught on gird.


Lets be honest. EVE is a hardcore game to get involved with. When SP are based on time and money thrown towards it … not many get hyped about this. But continued improvements to PVE and PVP arenas will always bring fresh blood.

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So, now I know that you are not playing with a full deck. I don’t know why you find my statement amusing, but the fact that you did just highlights your inability to reason consistently. The very definition of optimised game play is to reduce it to the minimum amount of time and clicks. If you can’t see the massive failure of your logic in that sentence, then you really are a lost cause.

I am not mad and I am not crying. I am simply trying to explain to you why you are wrong. You are the one resorting to ad hominem attacks because your arguments don’t stand up to even the most basic examination.

And if that account goes back to being active, will you admit that you were wrong and CCP didn’t find any sane reason to ban someone for playing the game within the defined rules? There are plenty of other gaps in his game play. Did you just jump to another unfounded conclusion based on the flimsiest of evidence? We will have to wait and see.

I am wondering whether to call Poe’s law on you.


We get it. You got ganked and are salty.

Funny how with all those “days of patience and effort” you didn’t spend the time practicing basic op-sec to avoid that fate :smiley:

I love how you’re grasping at straws whilst at the same time exposing your true intent.

Whose we?

Bro. You know this is a vidya game right?


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I don’t know what you are talking about, man, seems like I was pretty active just two days ago:


At 1854, it looks like your bot just started automating a little too fast.

You guys are arguing with a serial “grief” whiner on yet another one of their throwaway alts, just FYI.

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I don’t see what the issue is with PvP botting anyway.

EVE PvP is pretty boring compared to action-oriented games, so I decided to automate it a long time ago. I made a fairly complex AHK/OCR program to do everything for me during my high-sec wars:

  • Scout out targets using one of the 50 or so Alpha accounts I have logged in at various transit points, noting their ship type, corporation/alliance, fitting, direction, and even doing a kill board scrape to note if it’s potentially a “hard” target so that I can be ready to manually intervene if necessary
  • Enter the proper ship for the job inside my station according to a database of ship counters I constructed (e.g. if the target is using a DST, it will enter a 6-point T3D to be able to neutralize it)
  • Make sure there’s the proper amount of ammo/charges in the hold, and makes sure the character is using the right clone (e.g. Amulets if it’s an armor buffer ship)
  • Undock and navigate to an interception point according to a calculation performed on the total jumps to target, and their and my own estimated traveling speeds
  • Tackle the target, start attacking it, and initiate a bumping protocol when they jump into my side of the gate
  • Manage the self-tank (if applicable), and use drones (if available), recalling them as necessary to prevent avoidable monetary losses
  • Loot the target wreck according to value (it even jettisons my own charges/ammo to make room for more expensive items)
  • Travel back to my home base and deposit all loot into a can to be sorted later
  • Open/accept chat requests with the dead target and smack-talk them accordingly, adjusting the language as necessary (e.g. to Russian if it detects the target saying something like “я убью твоих детей ты педофильная крыса”)

I’ll admit that there are some rough spots (e.g. active armor tank management), but every year the code gets better and better, and it becomes more and more autonomous. With a few rare exceptions where I have to interrupt the bot to take direct control against more complex targets, I haven’t needed any manual input to get a kill for years now. It’s great, and has significantly improved the quality of my EVE Online experience!

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I outsource my griefing to ChatGPT. This way I can focus on watering my crops in Farmville, while maintaining my bully status in EvE Online.

I trained the AI on seven thousand hours of angsty teen dramas. My bot automatically engages individuals with demeaning condescension and disregard for emotional health, demanding their lunch money and laughing at them during prom. Every now and again, my character will wind up in a relationship with the football team, and once it went to Mexico and lost my car. Sometimes, it fights off Russian paratroopers.


I tried doing that with VTuber AI, but they just kept getting “sad” and self-destructing because of all of the nonstop verbal abuse they received from the dead targets.