Eve isn't dying, but it isn't growing. My answer that devs won't recognize

@Destiny_Corrupted and @Aiko_Danuja :rofl: :rofl: :joy: :joy: I have tears in my eyes… tears of laughter! :rofl:

  • your list. I must admit you have more coding panache than me. Your AI is much more chiseled than mine. Mine is just a dumb brute that uses +100 characters to steam-roll over 50 null-sec carebears in two minutes, all running on my super-secret-saber-seven NASA-built PC setup, as can be seen in the latest zkillboard entries.

:rofl: :joy:
Be careful not to allow it to call anyone “filthy [insert EVE Online fictional race here]”, or you may be reported and actually receive a warning for being racist.

What? It’s widely known that filthy Minmatar slaves (yes, even the ones that escaped, by unjust violence against their good Amarr caretakers) are sub-humans at best. It’s not racist to tell the holy truth! God bless the Empress!

I mean we all know why Amarr pilot the worst ships in the galaxy :smiley:

Heresy! Inquisition, burn him! :candle:

That may apply to catching Mission / Exploration ships, definitely not to catching Mining / Transport ships.

Yeah, hate to say this but most of what you wrote is pure BS…

Most of those High Sec ‘cough cough’ survival tips ‘cough’ are great for Low / Null / W-hole space. Doing all that crap in High Sec space basically removes any semblance of performing their chosen career.


go play on singularity test server, you can get on a titan with 1 isk or some ■■■■ like that, you can farm, you can be alone, noone (probably) will gank your whiny ass.

Not really.

If you treat all sec as no sec you’ll stay alive longer.

It isn’t BS. Play attention to local, set corps to bad standings. It really isn’t hard.

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I disagree, especially since local in High Sec space is way more active compared to all the other sec space. Following that advice would mean constantly warping out anytime local spiked or when anybody landed on grid.


Use common sense. You don’t gotta warp out every time local spikes but you may wanna pay attention regardless.

Easiest way is setting all the ganker corps and alliances to red.

Also if someone lands on grid that you don’t know, you should always pay more attention.

Again, these are simple and effective ways to stay alive.

If you can’t handle doing these things, EVE isn’t the game for you. Hell, most vidya games wouldn’t be LOL.

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Heh, I know how to play this game, been playing way longer than you, definitely not gonna take advice from some ‘Johnny come lately’ flexing his Epeen while spreading paranoia…


Spreading paranoia?

Practicing simple op-sec to keep yourself alive in a PvP centric game is just good gaming LOL.

Are you sure you’ve been playing longer?

Because this statement reveals some dangerous naiveite on your part :smiley:


Little chihuahua snapping at anyone that moves :joy:
You’re embarrassing yourself, bro.

He’s not ‘Johnny come lately’, at least not concerning these forum. @Gix_Firebrand got suspended so he’s an alt to harass anyone who cares to answer his witless garbage. :joy:
How pathetic is that :smiley:



We were having discourse until you butted in, yapping like a chihuahua :smiley:

The only one who appears to be trolling or harassing in this thread is you :smiley:

But not surprising, considering.

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There is a pattern on this forum of clean characters with no zKillboard history appearing out of nowhere and arguing in bad faith in a similarly thick-headed, weirdly passively-aggressive, personally insulting style. I’d advise not interacting with them or treating their attempts to get a rise out of you seriously.


I noticed that also. However, insults on this forum are mostly delivered by trolls who have bought their zKill-relevant character in the Bazar long while ago, not even playing the game anymore but exist on this forum like old furniture and use the unsuspecting members to boost their fragile ego.
It’s nothing new. These useless individuals lurk every game forums like a cancer that can’t be gotten rid of.

Thanks for the advice. Although I find their
pitiful attempts at justification rather amusing.

Always nice to see this level of self-awareness.


As someone who frequently hauls and mines in highsec, please tell me all about it.

I have been playing EvE on and off since 2004, and have never once been suicide ganked, either in my hauling endeavors, or mining, because I am paying attention to my surrounding. When I hear people are too lazy to watch local, align themselves, d scan, fit a tank, or even be bothered to pay attention to the game that they are playing that is built around nonconsensual PVP I just don’t know what to tell them. People that can’t be bothered to do the minimal amount required to be safe are just too lazy to be safe. This sounds like the case of someone leaving their car unlocked and running because they were just jumping into the quickie-mart to buy a snack, and then complain because their car was stolen.

My post is for people that are at taking the initiative and want to improve their gameplay.

The game does not need to be updated to cater to people who do not want to even play the game, but expect to be given things without effort.

(edited cus, well, you know I spel gud)


I am too busy to bother stopping at the stop signs. I have got to get to places and make money. Stopping at stop signs are for the other people. Oh my god! Some horrible person just crashed into my new car! New rules need to be made to control these other people’s horrible driving to keep me safe.


I am absolutely not an alt of Gix, or anyone else. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Good riddance!

Doubt it.

Players should not be stressed while playing in HiSec. At least not as that. Pvp wannabes should go to low or null or wormholes.

you completely lost my attention after this. You are clearly a troll.

No, you really are mad that I disagree with you. Learn to accept other peoples attention.

I would imagine most bans are temporary so they will be lifted after a set amount of time. That will not prove you are right, quite the contrary actually.

Why do you try to derail the topic in your direction? We get you like to flex your killboard but this isn’t about you. I didnt report you. I reported Sargon of Amerish, Dumbest eve player and the other on the killmail. And they haven’t showed up since.

You must be trolling. You know that is against the eula right?