Eve isn't dying, but it isn't growing. My answer that devs won't recognize

I’m in fleet with both of them right now.

An astute observation.

We know who it is as well :smiley:

You have grown wise in the ways of EVE.

This should be posted on a billboard a thousand Amarrians wide at every gate in every system of space :smiley:

How so?

You just personally insulted someone :smiley:

You just crushed his dreams :smiley:

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Thank you. :blush:

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I see what you did there :smiley:

I am going to recommend to you that you get some help. Good luck.

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Ok, lets just agree on that if you agree with me that we should remove all and any high-reward content from Highsec. No more L4 missions. No more Abyssals. No Escalations. No Ice Belts. High “security” Taxes on all Industry Jobs, Contracts and Sell Orders. Freighters, Bowheads and Orcas get banned from HS. Bastion Module cannot be activated in Highsec. Private Structures and POCOs cannot be anchored in HighSec.

So, players could learn the basics in HighSec, can look around and make the first steps of progress, but if they really want to afford any of the nice ships, implants or modules , PLEX or Skill Injectors they would have to leave HighSec and grind their ISK somewhere else, where there is no NPC security.

Do we have a deal?


I don’t find watching local stressful. I can do it with one eye while watching a movie with my other. I am not stressed until I see local spike, local has a known unfriendly in it, or I see flagged crims in local. Then I am d-scanning, aligning, and if I am not taking any chances I GTFO.

I understand that if you are in your groove and crunching rocks you don’t want to have to interrupt it. I understand that you just want to set your orca up and then walk away from the computer and hang out with your spouse, maybe coming back every half an hour to check on things. If I am hauling a big load of goods I would like to just set my freighter on auto pilot to Jita, and then hang out with my wife for a while.

But the thing is you are taking a risk when you do that. And when you take risks long enough you will eventually be unlucky. If you were taking the risk and were unlucky, that does not mean that the game needs to be redesigned to limit other people’s game play to cater to yours.


Apparently people find it hard to play vidya games nowadays.

Maybe if they stayed at the keyboard :smiley:


So they hang out in the forum spouting ■■■■ 24/7.


Mr Epeen :sunglasses:


Says the guy posting on the forums…plenty…for a long time…

Have mercy on my poor, worn, forums-ravaged irony sensor, Epeen.

The opinions of players with Aiko and his pet as their most liked are irrelevant and can safely be ignored.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:


You don’t have enough self-control to ignore us.



ever so sadly…

See, and because you only want one-sided benefits but no drawbacks, you will get not deal with anyone. And this means EVE will stay a game where no area is entirely safe and it is mandatory to be careful and to pay attention. All the time. Or face the consequences (aka loss).

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Whoa, that’s a lot of salt!

Easy there, old-timer! It’s Friday! Be happy!


LOL. Its so obvious you don’t actually play this game that it’s painful.

You realize you’re breaking the EULA again right?

Cept they aren’t :smiley:

The irony in this is just chef’s kiss.

? Firing modules has always been easy.

You realize the mechanical act of the module firing is the same for all EVE battles right?

Also again, you are claiming he’s broadcasting. You actively have no proof of such and people have already explained to you how he did it legally.

You’re embarrassing :smiley:

And how exactly am I breaking the eula?

I already explained to you: he does one click in each game window and three weapon icons: the guns stack, the scrambler and the webifier all mysteriously overheat and activate with just that one click. You’re either stupid or willingly ignorant not to see it when it’s that obvious.

No! You are an embarrassing troll!

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Personal insults. So since you’re so civic minded, you’ll be reporting yourself right?


And it’s already been explained to you by several people how that is accomplished easily while multi-boxing without broadcasting.

I realize my shades are mirrored bro :smiley:

MJ said it best eh?


Another nondescript player/alt pining for more free stuff.

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