Eve isn't dying, but it isn't growing. My answer that devs won't recognize

He looks like a well adjusted individual. Great understanding of EVE mechanics as well and totally not part of a clown alliance.

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When this guy called his dog a “little ■■■■,” I got flashbacks to hearing carebears beat their pets through voice comms after they lost their ships, which I was unfortunate enough to experience at least two times that I can remember. Also one time a guy lost his mission boat and started going ballistic on his family, but he left comms quickly so I don’t really know what happened.

This guy took it surprisingly well by comparison. A few choice cuss words, empty threats about “having powerful friends,” and saying how he will quit the game for 6 months “no problem” because he has 200 other games to play, is all very tame by comparison, like a 2 or maybe a lazy 3 on the 1-10 scale of carebear rage.


I cannot understand people who take vidya games this seriously.

Impotent Rage

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Don’t worry @CCP_Rattati said all the people he made quit are all going to come running back any day now once they see how he has made everything better :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

He might even still be delusional enough to actually believe that


well were waiting - Google Search

Lol thanks for mass-reporting and spamming my post, trolls. It seems I touched a nerve, didn’t I?
It’s ok, this is to be expected, as it’s the onlynway you can retaliate, while not being able to cope with facts.

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I hate to think such things actually happened. This streamer took it well in the beginning, he was a little shocked about being podded, I don’t understand why he was looking for his pod but whatever. I don’t understand why podding. Implants never drop. Things turned south when theynstarted griefing and extorting him for money.

I agree ! They need to stop watching Netflix crime documentaries and get back to Home & Away.

Piracy has a long tradition in EVE.

He should feel honored.

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18k on a Friday nite.



2004 huh?

OK I believe you… even though your character was created in 2007… :roll_eyes:

In my 15 yrs of playing, I’ve only been ganked twice in High Sec space and was caught one time in Low sec space. So yeah, thank you very much, I’ll just continue with my own way of playing…


I got ganked four or five times when I forgot I was flying my Faction Warfare character around in high sec. A few attempts in DED sites. And one attempt when I decided to try ice mining back when they announced the coming changes.

This since 2006 with me rarely having local opened enough to see anything or chat windows open when in high sec. On top of watching bouncing K-Pop boobies on the second monitor while blasting Psybient dance albums.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:

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Hehe, K-Pop Boobies, I remember going through that phase…

Over the years I’ve had about a dozen Suicide Gank attempts done on me in High Sec space. Unfortunately I was a bit surprised that they even attempted it so I never did get in on Concords KM…

Though I will say the last few times that it happened, I did lol at them in Local chat…

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So ganking isn’t a threat.

Awesome :smiley:

12 attempts in a decade plus of gaming?

It seems ganking has been overblown as a threat.


I highly suspect that a lot of these “I haven’t been ganked” people are such proficient forum warriors that they are too poor in game to actually be worth ganking.

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Probably has more to do with having extremely conservative play styles that focus on minimizing risk, e.g. using a cloak/stab on every ship, only going to places with very little traffic, docking up/logging off whenever unknown players are around, etc. Success provides the illusion of skill, but the game (especially today) favors avoidance mechanics so heavily, that a player would have to be intentionally obtuse (or at least very new) to take a loss despite so many factors being in their favor as the defending party to any sort of aggression. Raw play time is obviously a factor too.

To put things in perspective, I had at least two dozen high-sec gank attempts against me since last spring.


No, I never said it’s not a threat.

I mostly do exploration and missions. I rarely ever did any mining or hauling in an Industrial ship, and whenever I have to transport large amounts of loot, I always use a Blockade Runner.


I’ve never been ganked because DeMichael is afraid of me.

He’s scared to try.


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