Eve isn't dying, but it isn't growing. My answer that devs won't recognize

:rofl: :joy: :sweat_smile: What a load of :poop:

Now if I was a Ganker… or even an Anti-Ganker, you’d definitely be on my daily hit list…

But since my choice of gameplay is exploration, you can go on dreaming…

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“i would do something but i wont, because i dont do anything”


You said in all your years you’ve barely been ganked.

I’d say that qualifies as evidence that ganking is not the threat people make it out to be.

Thanks for your testimony and help to the ganker cause :smiley:


Not a single forum boomer has ever gone after me or other players I know in-game, despite the constant tough-guy posturing. The only people that did were people from the game, who actually played the game.

This leads me to believe that these clucksters are simply wannabe griefers at heart. They want to make other players feel bad (it doesn’t matter whether those players are miners or gankers or whatever, because the desire in itself is malicious in nature), which is why they talk the way they do. But they’re so far removed from having even a shred of testicular fortitude, that the only thing they’re able to do is make passive-aggressive posts on the forums, more often than not using hidden-profile throwaway accounts. Even CONCORD-coattail-riding AGs do stuff in-game at least, even if it’s utterly self-fellating and superficial. But these forumites are even lower on the food chain.

They also have a tendency to make claims about grand PvP-related accomplishments and embellish their completely unsubstantiated in-game histories (i.e. the whole “making entire enemy fleets dock up with their mere presence” kind of thing). For what it’s worth, DMC at least isn’t guilty of this, and is honest about playing with a 100% intent to avoid PvP.


Because I’d be way too busy dressing up my pony instead of riding it into battle?

Tut tut, back to Bannebear for me.

I hereby quit these forums forever, once again.

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I’m sure he just uses mods to win every battle easily.

He was the type in Warband to just use swadian knights cause they OP and can’t lose.

Have to laugh at the whole boomer stereotype…as some of the boomers were playing RPGs when the young’uns were still in their nappies. Your stereotype fits better with those who’ve reached senility yet never played a computer game before in their life.

I’m sure that this pretty accurately describes at least a couple of the regulars around here. EVE was their first game, at their old age, which quite handily explains why they’re so verbally adverse to in-game competition; because they never experienced it before and their brains are too calcified to adapt to emergent gameplay.


I am not demanding that you follow my advice @DeMichael_Crimson. If you have only been ganked twice in highsec space without even bothering to pay attention to your environment, ganking is not really a problem is it? My advice is for the people who claim that suicide ganking is an epidemic, and destroying the game, or new bros who read these threads and are scared off by this narrative. Since you have only been ganked twice in fifteen years, that is clearly not an issue for you. I don’t understand why you are getting so salty at me for giving out good advice on ways to avoid being caught on grid.

If you don’t think ganking is a problem (and I agree, it is not) then set up your orca, walk away from your computer, and then go watch a movie. I don’t care what you do. I am just tired of people who claim that the game is dying because of suicide ganking, demand that rules be put in place to nerf other people’s game play to solve the great ganking problem, but act like they can’t be bothered to pay attention to their surroundings to keep from being ganked.


Ganking threat means ppl have to put in a tiny bit of effort instead of having their 29 alts fly around everywhere on auto pilot. It’s not that it doesn’t happen to them much, it’s that it forces them to pay attention, which gets more and more problematic the more accounts you run.


Ganking is basically impossible if people take basic precautions.


Very true.

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zoomers, please… :roll_eyes:

Funny how people always change the context of what was really said in an effort to prove themselves right.

I never said I don’t take precautions in-game. Nor did I ever say High Sec ganking is not a problem.

In addition to those 2 successful ganks, I’ve also had over a dozen gank attempts done on me as well so yeah, High Sec ganking is clearly an issue.

I already stated my opinion of your advice, while it’s great info and should be done in Low, Null and W-hole space, following your advice to the letter in High Sec space will not make for an enjoyable gameplay experience and will ultimately keep the player from actually engaging in their chosen gameplay career. If anything the safeguard actions you stated can be simplified without instilling a ton of paranoia which imo is more of a deterrent to new players than the actual threat of being ganked.

Lastly, let’s get one thing straight, I am an explorer / mission runner and I travel through all security levels of space. I am just tired of constantly seeing pro-gank people posting a bunch of BS about how High Sec ganking is paramount for keeping this game alive when in reality they’re just opposed to having rules set in place that increases the risk for them to commit criminal acts in High Sec space.


Didn’t you see the two vods I linked? Or did you meant ganking is impossible to counter?

Precautions like what? Not play? kek!

If someone uses 29 alts then he has some issues.

Have you taken a look at the daily player numbers? They were dangerously low until ccp made changes to low sec statua players, which affected ganking. Then playe numbers started to rise again.

Ganking is actually a ptoblem and ccp did good to implement the tethering and docking changes. It’s a good start and they still have a way to go.

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No. Can you link them again?

Scroll up, troll! I already told you don’t try to play dumb, you already are!

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Ok, well, it’s not that interesting to me.

They aren’t banned, so I assume you are wrong.

There’s really no reason to talk about this, see?

Let CCP do their job, and you can run along?

Ccp did their job. That’s why all those characters haven’t had any activity after that gank and griefing that was on a live stream. And don’t try to sound smart asking me to run along. That attitudr doesn’t hold with me.