Alphas(free to play or whatever you may call it) should have NEVER been ingame in first place…give them your little finger and they will demand the whole hand,give them your hand and the will demand your arm,you get the point…
CCP should go back to 14/21 day trial and AFTER the 14/21 days only log-in possible with full paid account…as it was and should be…
If anything, Alphas need to be put back to the state they were in when they were first introduced.
This means restoring the racial locks.
Which means no more pirate ships for the freeloaders.
GILAS ONLINE is a sick joke.
It was bad enough that every Alpha rolled Gallente to get a VNI.
But now the VNI has been balanced, they’re all in Gilas.
While input broadcasting rules changes may have made some difference, similar rules had been in effect since 2013 for various types of automation. Plus, if those rules changes were significant, you would have seen a major drop in early 2015 rather than a decline spread over the next 2 years.
EVE started losing players rapidly in 2011. The introduction of Crimewatch 2.0 boosted the numbers strongly for about a year, until people figured out new ways to gank and that the overall state of the game (badly designed and boring) hadn’t changed, and the game went back to significant losses.
IMO, the input broadcasting changes at the start of 2015 accounted for a small fraction of those losses. Not saying other viewpoints are wrong, just that’s my take on the process.
Alphas who aren’t grinding to get Omega but instead are exploring the many possibilities of EVE and having fun while doing so are in my opinion getting more out of their free trial than the Alphas who waste time grinding ISK as Alpha. Sure, it’s their choice if they want to grind for Omega, but I’d tell anyone who wants my advice not to grind for Omega as it turns EVE into a second job. And now you’re saying that anyone who doesn’t see EVE as a second job while playing as Alpha, is wrong?
And to your second statement, the definition of ‘content’ may be subjective, but as I see it any conflict or encounter is content. Content is when things happen, content is when your adrenaline rushes in. If I’m on an Alpha character and get ganked, I’ll remember that the next day or probably much longer. Unlike the daily expected pattern of playing EVE without things happening. PVP = content, regardless of how unbalanced or unfair you think the battle is.
One time I made the mistake of flying through high sec at war in a travelceptor with for me at the time quite some value in cargo. I got caught and ‘wrecked in seconds’. Did I have a chance to fight back? No. Was it content? Most definitely, it’s these kinds of things that stay in your mind when you think back about the game.
a new character, and im sure even alpha, if they look up the correct stuff or mentored by the right person can get into level 3’s asily and with LOOt+Salvage+bounties make their first 500 million in a month.
After that they can consistently make 750k-900k per month in ISK. That is more than enough to fund their T1 ship PvP capability.
Your stupid whine is nothing more than asking for more “free” access or to be able to BOT Lv4’s again.
Because it is. The game is experiencing a massive influx of design positions that have either a bad, or no ux related research and support.
This is true, however at the moment the system is set up in a really bad way. To be honest, it would be more effective to allow anyone in the game to access anything, but at reduced efficiency. Limiting alpha’s to specific ships kills the player experience, which only serves to hurt retention and subscription rates.
Lets make something very clear here. Eve is definitely a “pay to win” game.
The reason for this is because the management at ccp is bad. They do not know how to manage their game, and they ignore advice given to them by experts (like myself) who tell them the secret to large income is population. Instead, they play money-milking games instead of trying to focus on obtaining and maintaining as much people as they can.
The game will always be like this, and its likely that ccp and all the games they develop will be like this until they get this through their head and start developing the game in that way. To be honest, at this point, eve is a game in constant decline of population, which itself is blinded by games management plays to hide that fact. They game is destined to failure and they know it, which is why they are developing mobile games to try to blurr these numbers even further.
its a sort of hail-marry type of move.
You can metaphorically put it in this way.
Eve is a person that was stabbed that is bleeding out rapidly, and they want to create another hole to say the blood coming out is slower by pointing to the smaller, less blood ridden hole.
To which i say
“the destiny of every falsehood, is to be destroyed”.
To heal this game, eve itself needs to do a large list of things, of them the most notiable is to hire a intelligent UX designer that can look at ways to change all forms of content in high sec, that will make it enjoyable.
Lets face it, earning 1m an hour is not in any way going to “hook” people to stay in the game long, and ccp is insane to be pooling that sort of data from players that have been here years on end.
The game needs to be changed in a way that everyone income rate, regardless of duration in the game, and activity, is roughly the same per hour rate. and it needs to be changed in a way that ships can be acquired quickly. every type of ship should take a month ish to get into. to be clear, a command ship should take a month to train into as a alpha.
This will result in more alpha accounts, and more income for the game, as well as more competition.
In addition to this, a very important point is that most people are not pvp focused, and a good amount do not like pvp at all. The game needs to support both of these types of players, especially in high sec, or the concept of high sec providing lower income needs to go out the door.