EVE News – Website update

Its more a ritual at this point @Ricky_Tock , and one I’m somewhat fond of haha. CCP Fleebix and Delegate Zero are working on a thing, they haven’t given too many specifics, but it relates to finally getting the ‘World News’(which is on a site three iterations behind) available on the new News Site.

If you want some entertaining in-universe player articles, I may point you toward Rumors, Gossip, Tabloids! or Ishukone-Raata Certified News GalNet Hub. :smiley: there’s a few others as well but things well worth taking a look at regardless
(For context, Rumors gossip tabloids is a generalized thread to dump articles of varying sorts that you don’t attribute directly to your character or organization or just want out in the wild, and IRCN’s galnet hub is specifically a corporate sponsored news setup by I-RED)