EVE Online: Into The Abyss - Known Issues & Reporting

Patch day’s are always rough every single one, cant expect this one to be different.


Is there a way to reset the PI interface to it’s original colors? There is little difference between somewhat orange and somewhat yellow :confused:

Fair enough and I was prepared for that. However, it is not the bugs that bug me. You are right, sh’*t happens and I’d never whine about something that’s obviously just a that, a bug, a little mistake.

The other things, the unfixed problems that players have mentioned long ago while still testing on SiSi, these are the reasons why I’m getting such a bad vibe from this expansion.

And of course wasting hours in an old boring mechanic to try to find a way into the new mechanic.

That’s not a little mistake, that’s being sloppy and disrespectful towards the players.

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sounds like CCP at their best. :upside_down_face:

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Well not all of us care about temporary income more than about the overall health of the game.But suit yourself.

Any ETA on this one ?

Pardon my ignorance, but what do you mean by NES ? Nintendo Entertainment System ?

Need help. Just did /copyships command on sisi and it didnt update my ships…not a single one… does it update as time passes or instantly?

New Eden Store

New Eden Store, the in-game store where you can buy Apparal, SKINs and SP related items for PLEX.

@CCP_Turtlepower @CCP_Fozzie @CCP_Goliath Is it intended that the traces are NOT combat probable as promised, making the sites 100% safe for everyone to run?

Some details: you see the trace on dscan, but there is no “sig” to scan down in the combat probe window.

Taking a look.


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Soooo they absolutely can be scanned down, but it appears as though it is not added to the default filter.

So if you create a new filter in the Scanner window you should a heading for “Abyssal Trace”. Here you can add the Abyssal Trace and it will appear when combat scanning.


THANKs for the quick reply. Indeed this works, was always fine with the standard filters so far :slight_smile:

This was resolved with a patch at 20:12. You should now be able to purchase Omega time through the Plex Vault again.

May not be related but corpmate safe logged off, was told he had safely logged off.

Just logged back in to find himself back in a station after being killed and podded 30 minutes after logging off?

Do T4 and T5 still give you a suspect flag?

Yes, they should be giving you a suspect flag.

So, since they can be probed down, all I have to do is park a couple of bastioned Golems and a massively tanked DST along with a couple flights of EC drones at my entry point…

as already stated, the loot is crap. chance to get something worth is low, so the most interesting is not your loot but your ship.

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