Expanded Cargohold not work on some ships.
I confirmed on
・Rookie Ships
My game client got involuntarily disconnected from the server while in the last encounter of an Abyssal deadspace pocket. When I restarted the client and reconnected, the game state was restored with the pocket intact with the same rats, etc, and luckily my ship was not destroyed (active modules were still running I think).
However, the deadspace pocket countdown timer was no longer displayed. I was able to complete the encounter and exit the pocket normally, but at no point was the timer shown again.
I’ve reported this bug: EBR-152823
Scrammed is irrelevant. I use a AB. I kill the webbing frigs first. Well over 50 sites completed and still not a loss. I got my losses out of the way on the test server.
Vagabond is King of these sites.
Chat channels RS’d again.
C’mon CCP.
How nice. Local doesn’t load.
clear the cache. work for me
@CCP_Falcon Is there any chance of future expansion on frig versions of these sites :D? will be so much fun flying around at those crazy speeds.
PI has various problems, to name just a few:
- PI mode freezes when moving materials on/onto/off the planet while having any facility highlighted/selected
- Custom Office still randomly closes
- various questionable graphics, which make PI harder, not simpler
Some chars will not see local/show in local
Maybe these suits allow access to other Triglavian sites not currently known.
Minor but annoying issue: I find that commands get continually disregarded or mixed in Abyssal pockets. Particularly the orbit and approach commands.
You can’t repair drones inside your ship from repair quote,
you need to move them inside item hangar to do it, same thing for corp hangar you can’t repair items.
What about deep space safes?
We’re defining a “deep safe” for these purposes as any bookmark which is more than 10AU further from the local star than the furthest-out celestial object (planets or stargates).
You will no longer be able to create bookmarks outside this range
You will no longer be able to issue a “warp to” command to any location outside this range
You will no longer be able to open a cynosural field at any location outside this range
Is this an exploit?
You broke the hairs of characters. The hairs of one of my alts are now blonde with a very weird gooey, magma slug like texture in the preview instead of the actual dark color. Same problem in the char pic in the Char Sheet.
Not sure if CCP can really do anything about it, but the commodity item called “Reports” can cause massive frame-rate lag when viewing the it’s manufacturing tab, since they are apparently needed for pretty much everything T2. Lucky I was docked up when I did this as Eve literally locked up and froze for nearly a solid minute.
Abyssal mods in kill mails (that don’t drop) don’t show attributes. The only attributes in the Show Info was the volume.
Could at least price them as the cost of the abyss mod + original module instead of 0 xD
Also you can’t simulate abyss fits from killmails.
Given that each mutated module is a unique and special snowflake, there is no established value for any mutated item. You can’t even say “original module cost plus mutaplasmid”, because a bad roll makes the original item worthless, not worth more.