If you are AFK Mining, you’re go’n’o have a bad time. This was true before the invasion and will be true long after. I think carebears should have some safe havens but I don’t think AFK mining should be one of them.
Referring to the “not afk mining guy”
I’ve heard reports of triglavian fleets showing up before you can see them in the agency. Same if you plan a long route, and if a triglavian invasion spawns during travel, it wont automatically uptade to triangles, but stay as normal squares.
Have others seen similiar problems? (being attacked before any system changes or agency update)
The forum bot can summarize long threads. It also provides an approximate read time for the entire thread. It’s right under the original post.
“There are 324 replies with an estimated read time of 46 minutes.” I’d hope the devs would spend 46 minutes reading a feedback thread.
Didn’t realize it could summarize that’s quite amazing.
Okay after spending a while in these invasions my feedback is as follows:
• The AI is stage 4 cancer - The fact that NPCs can’t be targeted as soon as the initiate warp combined with ships getting completely confused by MJDing people makes running these sites an incredibly pain in the posterior.
• These ships are invasors, give us a monetary reward for killing them, it doesn’t even have to be a lot. 200k for a BS. Because right now, the most profitable way to run these sites is by ninja salvaging which has no risk and no counterplay. Reward the guys doing the work.
• Ships despawning while they are engaged, STOP IT, Not Cool!
• Officer Spawns - Way too weak, way to little variation in loot. Make them deadly, so they are a challenge for people going at it solo.
• Once again AI - They are Triglavians, why are they switching aggro every 15seconds. They deal more damage the longer they shoot. Make them commit a bit more please. Also makes it harder for smaller groups of players but also punishes fleets with glass cannons.
• Invasions in the unpopular hubs please, to get people there and rejuvenate the local market. Also for the tears of people who think invasions are annoying.
And lastly.
• Every single Player Owned Structure in an invaded area should be attacked by the invading forces. Not at once, but they all should get attacked. Defense fleets would arise from the people running the sites anyways, With how little invasions there are at the same time, this should not result in tons of structure reinforces but could at least remove some of the inactive ones. Let them be the cleanup crew.
My IMHO about running invasion
Generally speaking it’s a complete f…ck up. There is no reason to run it in hisec because:
One part of loot is gathered by mobile tractor unit. For example, datacores.
BUT! Anyone sitting on PVP ship can kill your MTU in hisec and he/she won’t be killed by CONCORD.
He/she will just get “suspect” status. Oh yes, i can kill that evil “mob”…i can use, for example, my PVE gila vs 2 PVP rattlesnakes. In parralel (while killing PVP rattlesnakes) i have sustain damage from NPC. Very good offer from CCP. -
Another part of loot is salvaging. Most profitable part i guess.
BUT! Anyone sitting on sh**t fit heron (sunesis, etc.) for 1M isk can salvage your wreck without even getting suspect status. Of course it’s very honest and very attractable for me. I am sitting on 3 ships (summary is about 2B isks). Of course i am eager to donate that stupid guy/girl with my loot.
Frankly, CCP shows again inability to push new content without serious issues in game mechanics …that sucks (((
Add the “Invading Precursor Entities” to your overview settings and for D-scan
No wonder why I didn’t see them on my overview or Dscan.
They are classed as entities and not ships.
So 333 posts in this thread alone and not a single peep from CCP.
You killed exploration
You nerfed the crap out of incursions and in doing so hurt their communities.
And you added a crappy invasion which adds sod all value to the game unless you are a ninja salvager.
How about you actually respond to your players and let us know what your plans are to address concerns etc.
Just take a look at real life history, in all the wars that have happened, no invasion force has started it’s offensive drive in the heartland of the enemy.
Also I didn’t say anything about Concord playing a role in this. However now that you mentioned it, Empire Faction NPC’s should definitely be involved as support providing backup logistics to Capsuleers.
TL:DR-See Bolded Text
Okay, I want to add to my suggestions, and figured I’d aggregate my previous ones into this post as well.
Leave the Incursion Spawn Mechanics Alone
I can’t speak for the entire Incursion Community, but WTM is not happy with the reduced Spawn rate. Having 3 fleets and two multiboxers all crammed into one HQ system is just too much. I don’t know for certain why you did it or if you plan to make it permanent, but this will likely result in fewer people running incursions and has generated some serious ill will towards you guys. I think we only number in the neighborhood of 400 regularly active pilots, but this is the kind of thing that gives people bitter vet syndrome. They were happy and engaged with your content, and you’re screwing with it without providing a better alternative or even an explanation as to why, let alone a satisfactory one. -
Invasions Need to Last Longer (starting now)
It might not matter as much for solo players, but groups need time to coordinate fleets. Moreover, having them last longer gives us the ability to schedule fleets in advance, which allows people to plan their schedules accordingly. It also ensures that people are rewarded with sufficient content if they do haul their ship(s) across space. -
The Mystery Box is not Enough to Keep Everyone Engaged
Okay, I’ve heard some players say that they like the mystery, and how glad they are that the content wasn’t put up on singularity and min/maxed to death even before it hit TQ. So, it is clear that there are explorer type players out there who do appreciate your attempts to inject mystery back into eve. However, you also have a bunch of hardcore, achiever-type players who want to run your hardest content (and, of course be rewarded accordingly for it), and they are getting frustrated and/or losing interest while waiting for it. Perhaps if what was out now was able to keep them engaged, it wouldn’t be a problem. But that’s not the case. -
Despawning Fleets Give Blue Balls
This won’t fix the problem of Invasions being too short, but fleets going poof while you’re fighting them gives people blue balls. It adds insult to injury. Not only has the invasion ended, but you don’t even get to finish the fleet you’re working on. -
Spawn Location Shouldn’t Be Highsec Only
I like that the invasions spawn in highsec, but if you were going to make them spawn in only one area of space, why highsec? I mean, I would either make them spawn everywhere so that everyone could get in on the fun, or (as others have suggested) make them spawn in lowsec so that people would have more of an incentive to go there. #LowSecLove -
The Reward Structure
A) A defense of the Reward Structure
I’m actually going to partially defend the reward structure. First, complaints that splitting loot is a pain in the ass are overblown. I think people need to take a page from the miner’s playbook, and make some spreadsheets or web apps to help them keep track of time in fleet so that they can more easily distribute payout. Yes, it does require more work than automatic payouts by concord, but as long as the activity is lucrative, it will be worth the effort. Moreover, the need to salvage and haul the loot creates emergent gameplay opportunities for others, and creates value without injecting more isk into the economy.
B) A Defense of Ninja Looting
However, many are getting frustrated with the ninja looting and salvaging. I will defend one, but not the other. First, I think that there is a good counterplay option for dealing with ninja looters. Namely, they’ll go suspect if they loot a wreck, which allows you the option to engage them without concord intervention. So, fit at least one ship with a scram, and defend your sh!t. In short, the current system creates content for more people, and “the people doing the work” have a valid counterplay option to deal with thieves.
C) Ninja Salvaging Doesn’t Have Good Counterplay Options
That being said, the counterplay options for dealing with ninja salvagers aren’t very good, and that’s a problem considering how much value is tied up in the salvage. Now, ganking them might be able to work, but that strategy also has issues. For example, ninja looters tend to rely on cheap, easily replaceable ships to salvage (including rookie ships). Moreover, you will often have 2-3 of them following you around, the headache of moving the catalysts, the direct isk cost of them, the inability to undock your ganker for 15 minutes after each gank, and the need to either dual box a fleet ship and a ganker alt, or the need for more fleet members, which reduces payout for everyone. Naturally, all this adds up, and starts making people question whether or not it’s even worth it. A similar thing goes for trying to out-salvage them. Now, I’ve heard people suggest that ninja salvagers should pick up a suspect timer, and I think that is an option that is at least worth considering. It would give the “workers” a better counterplay option, and it would create a better balance of risk versus reward for those who are “stealing”.
Okay, allow me to clarify. You said that you personally saw people kill something that despawned the invasion. Do you have details and/or proof or not?
There are actually 3 different stage of weather effect, without real stages :)
To be clear,
1st stage is when you can still see some part of clear sky.
2nd stage is when you see the sky mostly covered by reddish cloud
3rd does not look more red than the second. however stars are gone and you will see thunder effect through the cloud.
Interestingly enough, this change of weather is now missing after June 5th update.
Yes, please create a mechanic where loot ninjas can be engaged without drawing CONCORD action. Flag them for stealing and let us turn their crap to scrap.
Thanks to the Warp To Me, Ditanian Fleet, New Galaxy Army and Vanguard Project people for letting CCP know we are not happy with having our activities curtailed.
Thank you to CCP for reading this if you do.
And the trolls of this thread, go ■■■■ yourselves with a cheese grater.
You do not get it yet ?
When someone made system where anything CAN go, then anything WILL go !!!
Null-Sec boot empires are hartland, in Hi Sec are small potatoes
You couldn’t be more wrong even if you tried and more importantly, you seriously need to take your trolling somewhere else.
High Sec space is the heartland of New Eden. The eight different Empire Factions have complete control of their sector of space.
Null Sec space is basically territories that are governed by various entities who occupy those territories. Those governing bodies can change at any given moment.
Null sec aliances have more law and order at their areas than “Empires” have in HiSec …
True. Then again, military strategists still obsess about “decapitation strikes”. The problem with my previous comment - or those of @Mike_Azariah - is who (political) or what (infrastructure) might Trigs strike? Either as payback or as a decapitation?
There is no obvious political structure to hit, yet the obvious underbelly does include a focus on isk. What follows is emergent conspiracy theory, but, with current bracketing of Jita by a couple of Invasions, and with world ark yet to come, would CCP have the cajones to code an all-out attack on Jita 4-4?
Based on the types of things me and Mike are saying, it might be good lore? Plus, even with asset safety, how much isk would get lost/tied up for at least a week, and then how much isk would get really lost buying all those assets out of safety?? And that could be good for the economy through post-war rebuild.
True. This is all fantasy. But also, if Jita was going down, how many capsuleers might turn out just to make sure the defense fleet lost ?!