EVE Online: Invasion - General Feedback

No, it’s not. Having a limited engagement with someone else prevents you from being remote repped (unless the repper also has a limited engagement with the same target). No need to test it, it’s documented, the only thing that changed is that the repper gets a criminal timer now where it used to get a suspect timer before.

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Given the alternatives, this is not a bad thing. Just communicate with the logi to attack the target as well.

The one thing you have to be careful with is to ensure the suspect doesn’t get killed until the whole fleet has a limited engagement with him, otherwise you could end up with half the fleet not being able to assist the other half after the kill.

But I see this as an inconvenience you simply have to adapt and get used to, e.g. don’t apply real damage, only tackle, until everyone has the limited engagement, or use some kind of offensive drones on assignment to get the limited engagement automatically, as Brigitte herself suggested already. Doesn’t seem a big deal to me, but then I’m not running those sites, so I could be missing/misunderstanding something here.

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Once again your prove that you have no knowledge about the game. Your understanding of the games are about as vast as a shuttles cargohold.

If you run a fleet, in an Invasion, you can not defend your loot. Because if you do, you can not receive any reps anymore. Try defending your loot and you’ll lose your ship to NPCs. Great Mechanic.

Just go back to sitting at a station to try and grief suicide gankers. Or lose your faction battleships to the most obvious baits again. Your level of unintelligence gives me a headache.

Great post. Very accurate too. Congrats.

What would be your solution that isn’t exploitable in a different sector of the game?

I had no problem with Neutral Logi so far, I even liked when people used them against me since it provided me with more kills. If it was too many Logi to kill, employ neutral DPS to kill neutral logi. The DPS ships won’t even go suspect so they are completely safe.

My counter to many things in EVE would be to reduce Cargohold of all corvettes to 0.1 and cargohold of all frigates to that of a current shuttle.
Small Ammo and Small Cap Boosters would just have to be adjusted accordingly. Now people already have to invest money into slower ships to steal stuff. -> You have a chance to get them and the logi being able to get an LE is actually a little bit feasible now.

But the most simple choice to go for, in regards to invasions, would be to have the frigates/destroyers split their attention to new players coming in site, if something bigger warps in then even Cruisers.

Not have the ships completely ignore everyone else apart from the people who first warped in. Squishy targets should get primaried.

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Wow, you’re real quick to criticize and find fault, just offer a helpful suggestion for the issue at hand.

I just did, it is literally above your post. But hey at least you got to troll right?

Or the huge ass wall of text talking about all the problems, but hey. You don’t read, right? You just complain. Why don’t you try to be helpful instead of being an annoying little piece of scrap metal.

Yeah, you posted that just before I did.

And for the past 10 yrs I’ve contributed a lot of helpful info in these forums. How about you drop the hostile sarcastic attitude and stop posting troll insults.

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And contributing a lot in the past now excuses you for being a whiny little troll? I wrote a huge wall of text regarding the issue and I don’t need to be civil to the likes of Knowledgeminer, I had to experience his utter stupidity for way too long ingame. I know he lacks the mental capabilities to grasp the problem, that’s why I don’t bother to explain it to him. He has a 100% resistance to learning.

You keep ignoring my earlier post and claim that I am not being helpful, how is that not having a hostile attitude? If you want to just be antagonistic, fine. But don’t claim to have some moral high ground when you are ignoring what I have written in this thread so far.

And if you really wanna be antagonistic, you can issue me a duel request ingame, I’m happy to oblige.

You are the very small minority on this one, apologies. The neutral logi exploit was a cancer that trivialized any conflict in Highsec.

Corvettes I fully agree and preferably in combination with a cooldown timer for “board my Corvette”. The frigates thing not so much. There is a load of Frigate content out there that would suffer horrible from a change like this.

While Trigs have an odd aggro behavior I think this would be a little much. Maybe a custom behavior for Major Conduit/World sites as those are intended as extra dangerous fleet sites.

As I said, adjust required frigate sized modules so that the 10m3 will be enough to continue their stuff. Just making them terrible for stealing loot.

Minor sites are not the issue with these thieves. It’s all about Majors and Arks. The rats should have an AI that goes for all non-industrial ships. So you warp in a hauler, everyone knows you wanna steal, you will get locked quickly. If you bring a catalyst to a major, you deserve to die.

As opposed to what, you being a big hostile troll? Also there’s other players besides him reading the thread.


BTW, this is the exact same guy that in a previous post had just said this right after it had been explained how it can be done, and not only by me:

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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Once again, all you do is being antagonistic. No attempt at any civil conversation or staying on topic. The post was adressed to Knowledge and it was obvious that I was talking to him and him only in this way. Stop derailing the thread for your petty attempt at satisfying your little vanity.

They were also the only way for small corps to fight against big alliances. There’s a video of our old corp employing our wartargets to get rid of neutral logi and in return we wouldn’t wardec them anymore. That was one of the greatest stories in EVE ever. Only happened due to the enemy fielding like 20+ Neutral Logi against our 8man fleet.

This kind of stuff won’t happen anymore, Now we have one big super merc alliances and no way to fight against it. Terrible result.

Rather than mess with ships / concord / crimewatch CCP could simply add “salvaging” to the Trig aggro table.

Currently remote rep’s seem to be the highest “threat” on that aggro table. In the fleets I have flown the Trig aggro is nearly always on the logi ships.

If CCP added use of the Salvager module to that aggro table then … yeah the problem would go away.

They won’t btw.

Do you have a degree in irony ?

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Employ a dedicated loot thief killer, this is one solution. I’m willing to help if around.

That would make the fleets Noctis an instant wreck. Salvaging foreign wrecks, I could agree with that. But salvaging your own wrecks should definetly not do that.

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