This guy might be taking Eve a little too seriously.
Is that even possible?
And here’s the link if you fancy a copy … and
Nobody in Code hates miners, per se. If the miners would transcend their vicious ways, they would be welcomed into the Eve community.
Vicious ways? …
The Eve community? …
I’m kinda tempted to write something possibly a little rude here but being British I’m way too polite for. Whilst I do genuinely respect the fact that this, is, apparently, your opinion, put simply, it’s just a tiny bit bonkers.
In terms of language, there’s a disconnect, because given that gankers frequently deride (most and/or all) miners as risk-averse ‘carebears’ to then have you describe them as ‘vicious’ is contradictory and frankly just a little bit laughable.
Have played the game for well over a decade, I’ve yet to see a miner warp up to some overcompensating macho stud blowing unarmed stuff up in their heavily armed ship to give them grief, bump them, and/or indeed blow them up, not least of all because mining ships are, by design, unarmed.
As far as the Eve community goes, I do actually feel like I’m already part of it.
Not the community of misanthropic suicide gankers, with a quasi-religious obsession with James 315, extracting ‘danger money’ (in the style and manner of the Mafia) from other players on pain of grief, bumping and destruction, but the other one.
The one where I have come across people who are generous to newbies and other pilots, the one that involves community-minded things like B4R, inclusivity, kindness and so on, and for me personally, this is where the community lies, if it lies anywhere.
When George Lucas wrote about the Jedi, it was based on a bunch of philosophies including, primarily, Zen Buddhism. I think this is noteworthy.
Yoda: beware of the dark side. Anger, fear, aggression. The dark side of the Force are they. Easily they flow, quick to join you in a fight. Once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny, consume you it will, as it did Obi-Wan’s apprentice.
Luke: Is the dark side stronger?
Yoda: No… no… no. Quicker, easier, more seductive.
Luke: But how am I to know the good side from the bad?
Yoda: You will know. When you are calm, at peace. Passive. A Jedi uses the Force for knowledge and defence, never for attack.
I have thought for a long time that the way a lot of MMORPGs work means that there are elements of your real-life psychology and personality that inevitably creep in. The complexity of Eve, does, I think, lead to this being possibly truer here than in any other game.
In the same way that actors draw upon their real-life experiences to act, it’s fairly hard to be a consistent vicious killer in this game unless you have been, or are well on the way to being seduced by the dark side.
Having said all this, it’s a big universe and if you really feel that doing bad stuff to other people all the time for kicks is your true calling, then off you toddle.
Me? I prefer to live in the light.
Do you really think that the Buddha would endorse stealing ore deposits? Baseliners need that material more than greedy capsuleers.
As the Buddha said;
I don’t support afk mining if that’s what you’re alluding to and I feel strongly that CCP should take action again people who pull this one. Personally, I don’t do it, partly because it’s clearly cheating and I don’t do that, but also because what’s the point of playing the game unless you’re engaged wth it?
So as far as being greedy and stealing goes, I don’t do that either, I work hard for the ore that I collect thank you very much.
The fact remains - when you take ore from the belt, it is not available for the next person - who may need it more than you do.
As long as you’re not being silly about it by multi-boxing with 20 ships and so on, then I figure it’s probably fair enough, there’s normally a whole bunch of us mining so everyone gets some.
I’m not quite sure how this plays out however as a defence of ganking, we’ve had the danger money scams, the bulling, the constant bumping, the quasi-religious obsession with James 315, the anti-afk suicide ganking, so is the argument now that you lot are somehow here to moderate greed?
How do you measure this? What’s the cut-off point? Where are the metrics? Oh, and who exactly put you in charge? < laughs > Oh yeah, nobody. < cackling laughter >
Are miners born crazy, or is it the mining that makes them so?
Probably a bit of both in all honesty …
That’s nice.
Will be there any updates on this program? Like how many applications were submitted, a list of passed applications (aka partners) and so on?
I am blogging regulary about EVE since 2008 in german language.
I am hosting Community-Fleets for new Pilots every friday night.
I am streaming atleast once a week on Twitch about EVE.
My Blog was an official EVE Fansite since more than 10 years now.
I got rejected from the Partnership-Program…
did they mention the reasons or did they send you a standard mail like they did with me?
Just got a Message from “CCP Autotext” if you know what i mean.
No reasons were given.
Can you please link them . I would like to look at. For blogs and fan sites they are asking for 5000 readers monthly… when I login EvE Online everyday I see numbers online waving between 17.000- 23.000 players… I do log at least 4 accounts everyday … So… actual people are not more than 10 k my guess… and they expect 5000 reads… I wonder if CCPs own forum page hit these numbers … my guess CCP hit on forums around 10k … so what they expect from you as a person comparing with huge company… half of their hit …
Sound to me bit harsh and heavy challenge
It really is just a big joke to them, isnt it?
Actually “No”
Simply this program aims to increase EvE Online s visibility. Encourage and reward people who create OUT OF GAME content … ABOUT the INGAME content …
So what we are doing in-game no matter how big and important for the community… means nothing here as long as doesn’t hear by large sum of people…
And many 3. parties which have already high volume of visitors or abonnement or membership… if they create/present %30 percent of their content about EvE online … ( even though their main point of interest is NOT EvE online … they can be viable partners… )
So i can definately understand the disappointment of some of streamers and dedicated bloggers sadness … but for them seems like branching out and make the EvE Online content more visible by the potential customers… as well as rewarding some of the players ( which must be already hit some degree of income by their efforts due to how this sytem works … which means… this is pretty much for Pro s not for amateurs loving and caring small mid size players .
Maybe they should choose a realistic figure if thats the case.