EVE Portal Discontinued

Yep, skills and evemails are the core functionality to replace. I seem to remember sending evemails from browser on old forums


Itā€™s 2023.

You need to have higher expectations lol

How often do people swap skills though?

Personally I set a multi-year skill queues and touch it likeā€¦ once a year?

I do not see why I would want to download an app just to tweak it daily when I can do the same thing while logged in on my PC when Iā€™m playing anyway. Itā€™s not like we still have the 24h limit on skill queues.

ā€¦ Just another good thing ripped away from usā€¦ :disappointed_relieved:
I really enjoyed and used the app, also to send out emails and arrange skills on multiple characters really easyā€¦

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See you in EVE Vanguard!! :partying_face:

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And? this app didnā€™t let you login to the game either so not sure what point youā€™re trying to make with this

You must not remember what it was life before this app existed i take it, if youā€™re desperate to monitor the game client directly might i point you towards windows terminal services or VNC, the tools IT people have been using for literally decades, i can login to my PC from literally anywhere in the world with an internet connection

There are API endpoints for accessing mail, you can either write one or use one of the existing tools to access those without a game client

As for skills, refer to the above for using a tool to access your machine remotely, not like you need much of a framerate to change a skill, although again, given you can set year long skill queues how often are you actually needing to touch them lol

Not everyone has played for x number of years. Perhaps someone want to add a skill to the top, perhaps theyā€™re relatively new players.


How can people be simultaneously excited for Eve Vanguard and at the same time look at the failure of the portal app and believe CCP cannot produce a decent product?

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Just another disappointment from a disappointing company.

Understandable. Itā€™s software. It wears out and stops working at some point, and you canā€™t fix or replace it. Thereā€™s literally nothing that can be done.

Thatā€™s almost never true, thereā€™s a lot of 2-5 decade old code running the worlds businesses. does not have a robust enough foundation for its ongoing maintenance or further development instead means it was built in a way that makes it too costly (usually person hours) to improve and fix. CCP is better than many companies at recognizing that, ref IGB, Nova, Legion


I liked the EVE app. But it was always bare bones. Honestly I thought the only way it was still being kept up was because CCP wanted players to use to be able to sell plex at any time directly to Jita.

Because lets face it, the app didnt have many functions. One of those functions was the skill queue and that hardly worked. Heck it still had the 50 max skills in the queue as a limit. How long has CCP changed that ingame to 150? Yeah, it wasnt getting any updates for years now.

Still, in this day and age, CCP should be trying to maintain and even improve a phone app that gaves players more ways to manage the game through our phones. Improvements and looking forward to the future.

For instance, the excel add on was a way to improve functions to the game. Iā€™m sure something could be done with an app that helps manage industry etc better for instance aside from already normal features (like being able to write and read eve mails seems pretty simple but sureā€¦).

Now, should it have been the current app? Maybe not. Maybe its time to develop a new app. But simply not having one doesnt seem very smart. Heck, even Destiny 2 has a freaking app to manage inventory, like wtfā€¦

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Good luck with that. Those Ivory Towers are a long way from hereā€¦


The problem is that when CCP initially launched their portal app, it was into an environment where there was already a really good app that did everything that portal purported to do, namely, Neocom II

Where CCPs portal app was pretty poor and didnā€™t live up to the hype, Neocom II is really good and does. If youā€™ve not come across it yet, thereā€™s a good review of it here. Iā€™ve used it for several years now and Iā€™m a big fan. It looks something like this:



Whilst I do get that CCP is a commercial company, I struggle to see why, in the face of something good existing, rather than engaging with the originator to have a partner relationship (in this case, the appā€™s author Artem Shimanski) and potentially develop the app further to make it even better than what it is, they enthusiastically launch their own competitor software app which then crashes and burns.

Itā€™s not really good for them as a company or the players, and itā€™s a waste of everyoneā€™s time and energy.



CCP once again making the worst possible decision.


Bad news. Itā€™s a pity.


ohh thats sad news :frowning:



You literally proved my point, just by stating it.

Everyone sees a need for the app, otherwise you have to use some shitty client like VNC on your phone.

Your argument is that there is a need for the app, but you have a workaround so you donā€™t really careā€¦.

Thatā€™s not the same as proving that there is no need for the app, just that you have complete and utter apathy for the situation.

Edit: A wonderful example of this, is PLEX or any of the player traded items you get from the in-game store for real money.

Only the official app, can do thatā€¦Neocom cannot.

Edit2: Not to mention that you cannot trust a third-party to not steal your ISK or data, CCP already has all of that; so that argument doesnā€™t work against them. Itā€™s also, impossible to argue away; because this is Eve. Look at what just happened to the Goons of internal sabotage and not caring.


Checked the app and it doesnā€™t let me adjust my skill queue or trade plex/injectors in Jita.

Of course not. It never did. That wasnt the point of the neocom. The PLEX thing was the last best thing added to the portal. Skill change wasnt a concern for me nor the plex. So ill happily go back to the neocom for evemails.

Still wish one of these apps had access to see corp wallet