Eve’s death spiral & 4 more unsubs

Contact me in game, I know some people who have structures that will likely let you use them, and what is the status of the structure, I see PIRAT are the people who war decked you and it looks like it was reinforced.

Personally I would make the indy structures really difficult to pin down the timers to attack them with the timers like structures were first set up, but only in hisec and not allow these to be used as War HQ’s.

The Citadels and Refinery structures as is, but only Citadels should be usable as War HQ’s.

I should also point out that I find these structures too weak too.



I mean this kind of proves the OP’s point doesn’t it? I’m aware that this is a PvP game, but your post makes it sound like hisec is different, and the complaint is the very next sentence after your underline…”No Right” I’m pretty sure her complaint is that “Intent to do harm” should not equal “right”. I get it, other players are free content that game designers don’t have build, code, program, balance, tweak, or care about…perfect.

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I mean to be clear, I’m pretty sure it’s ok to be in the US military and still not want to hurt someone who didn’t ask for it?? Right??


#SpacePixelLivesMatter #SpacePixelsHaveFeelingsToo

You DO realise that it’s talking about the target being valid in terms of concord reacting or not. It has nothing to do with personal safe spaces and your right to not be offend or real life in any way.

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Keep in mind that just as the game attracts a certain crowd that will do anything they can to crap on someone else so they can feel empowered, there is a similar crowd that combs the forums for any chance to say “EVE is a big boy game. I’m a big boy, you’re a whiney brat, go away.”

Yes, EVE is meant to be a tough game. Yes, there are ways to deal with the issues that arise, and you usually learn those ways by getting something stomped on and then figuring out what to do about it.

No, the toxic attitudes aren’t helping, either the game or the players who indulge in them. Unfortunately CCP has gone out of their way to advertise to and attract the griefer mentality. It’s present in all games, it’s just a little more present in EVE. It’s possible to deal with it (mostly by considering the behavioural sources of such activity), but it certainly isn’t helping EVE’s player retention any.


ok, here comes some debunking in case nobody did it yet.

I was bored so I’ve tracked OPs corporation’s killboard.

We got together to put up an engineering hub in some hisec backwaters and take turns with upkeep

neither sinq laison, nor essence would qualify for “high sec backwaters”

also looking at the killmails of your structures - frankly, half of them would fail if there was ANYONE manning the structure itself at the very least. You HAD the ability to repell the attack and I have no idea how You failed to do so.

(killboard for anyone interested that isn’t as bored as I was to track it:
Innovative Peace Consortium | Corporation | zKillboard )

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You are not very good at this as the structure he is talking about is in Genesis, which is a backwater, though I am not sure I would pick a Concord system myself.

Dealing with a Leshak fleet with Nestors as logi is rather difficult, if you have not actually worked out what was there.

I am thinking that this is a large indy structure too with a large amount of stuff in build hence PIRAT making the decision to come plunder it.

If i could self destruct a structure that would be bad, im assuming he wants it to self destruct in minutes rather the days which would make it so you could screw with corp/alliance mates or anyone who has stuff in said structure. Imagine being in a WH corp logging for the night, come back the next day and its all gone. That is a far worse thing to have vs being able to deny someone a kill. So OP, the game is looking out for the little guy somewhat in this case.

Edit: typos

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The structure is question isn’t dead yet looking at the board. Though yes the anti-sub cap weapons on structures in high-sec are anemic as hell… especially against a small group of RR Trigs.

Three logi cruisers can be enough to completely tell a high-sec structure to get lost with its sub-cap damage. But to be honest the major cost in structures is up-keep and rigs rather than initial setup and weapons mostly. The only ships structures are actually dangerous against are capitals.

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It took you quite a while to realize you cannot play this way lol. I realized that in a 4th month of playing that building anything is pointless, destroying other ppls stuff is the only way to play this game.

Look…nothing complicated here, if you put up a structure whether POS or Citadel be prepared to defend it or lose it. Outnumbered? Request help from Merc or other corps, some corps will do it for content alone.

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According to his own statements he has 5 actual players in his corp of which some are quite inactive and they decided it was a good idea to have SEVEN citadels. They have more citadels than they have players! On top of that they’re NOT in a backwater system and they are terribly fitted.

There are tons and tons of citadels allover high sec, most of them do fine but just as with so many things: if you stand out you’re going to attract attention. If you’re gonna be dumb you gotta be tough.


Just out of curiosity, what is the point of building your own citadel? All of highsec is littered with those things. Most of them allow me to dock at them. I can understand if the system has no NPC station and no public structures to dock at - but there aren’t many systems like that.

Structures cannot self defend - POSes can, but they are becoming obsolete.

Structures were designed to have defensive capabilities if a person operates one, but that is still not enough for a successful defense, you need a fleet to support it, otherwise you leave it to chance.

In your case op, it was a matter of when will it be destroyed, not if.

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You are mistaken. I’m saying that any game, or any decision CCP makes, will both keep players and fail to keep players. There is no value in citing the fact that some some people left for reason ‘x’ if you don’t cite the people that stay for the same reason. Some people will leave for any reason and it is only by looking at the complete balance sheet that you can even start to make an assessment.

It’s related to the bone-headed mistake the “the minerals I mine are free!” people make when they decide to build a battleship with the minerals they mine at a loss rather than sell the raw materials. They aren’t looking at the whole picture and just deciding that since their wallet has more ISK in it at the end of their industrial efforts, they are a winner.

Your implication is another amusingly flawed argument that is regularly bandied about here on the forums. “The game is dying because there is no PvP-free space!”

You can’t blame PvP-everywhere for decreasing login numbers when PvP-everywhere has been a design of this game literally since the very beginning. Eve has never not had PvP-everywhere and has never had safe spaces or PvE-only elements. Eve Online thrived under a very similar rule-set to what we had now, and if you do look at the changes since the Golden Era, they have been almost without exception, nerfs to PvP freedom and buffs to player safety and wealth.

It probably is too messy a ball of intertwined factors to tease specific factors out that might explain a decline of the game, but top level, it is really hard to say with a straight face that too much PvP is the problem, especially in highsec. You have to cherry-pick pretty hard and ignore most of the changes to the game to find anything that buffed PvP or highsec antagonists, while there is a veritable laundry list of nerfs to highsec content creators and highsec PvP in general over the last decade.

Yet activity has plummeted.

You can’t blame this fall on the fact there isn’t a “safe space” for people like the OP as that is a constant - there never has been one. Eve has a problem with stagnation, a ever-increasing power gap and it is too tough for new entrants to find meaningful and accessible content, but none of that is solved by giving veteran players a perfectly safe space to grind resources in isolation. In fact, that would make the power gap issues much, much worse.


It shouldn’t and your correct, however the “grey area” is this; power, there is a serious gap in power, those that have the numbers, those that have the isk, those that have time and play eve as their life.
Then you have the other side, the casual PVE’ers, those whom have the opposite because they can’t commit to making eve their entire life but enjoy the environment.

Ultimately it boils down to the rights of one over the other as both are paying customers but one is given priority over the other and CCP tries to strike a balance to keep all happy, an impossible task for sure so where do we strike a balance?

Again to expect people to give thought to “the grey area” with the impulsive nature of humans is too expect too much, there are plenty of PVP targets to be had and many who seek the PVP interactions but one avoids the other because again, power, so like any predator they go after easier prey and really failing to accept any serious challenges by going after another predator cause in nature this often results in the death of one or both, and yet the most epic fights in eve will involve two predators going at it, it is the legendary stories that live on in eve, but it is the mediocre predators that hunt in a barrel living a fantasy in their minds that keep trashing around the environment and causing people to get fed up with pests.

Yes you are right as well, and citadel bashing is really annoying to do to be honest, not many of them are destroyed in highsec nowadays…

Still, building anything in this game is way much harder than breaking it down. It always has been and from that reason I see po point in building anything myself.

First off I never said that and quite frankly, I’m disappointed in your reply. Seems you’re now on the troll wagon, taking what was said and then completely portray it totally out of context, and on top of that you even split it up to make the entire statement incorrectly refer to two different things.

I’ve been here since June 2008 so don’t sing me your song on how the loss in player numbers is due to PvE solo content being added to the game. The loss in player numbers has been happening for quite a while due to various changes done to the game.

You talk about PvP happening since the start, it definitely wasn’t like it is now. Back for quite a few yrs after I started playing this game there was always fleets of player mining ships in asteroid belts. Also players could put their ship on Autopilot, sit back and relax for 30+ jumps. I know because I had a good thriving business of selling Ore Cosmic Signature sites to various groups of Mining Fleets. I also use to take my Frigate to Jita on Autopilot.

Just recently I’ve been traveling all over High Sec in all Factions space, there’s so many gank ships sitting on gates and stations now it’s no wonder Eve space is empty. In fact I dare you to take an empty Shuttle or Frigate and let Autopilot fly it to Jita from Rens, I bet you’ll never make it there.