EVE Serenity needs CCP's attention

My other guess is that Tiancity just run out of budget to keep the server stable enough without visible dips, or they prefer disconnect spikes over node/server death, or the two servers work differently.

In comparison, the graph of Tranquility(check for yourself on eve-offline.net) is pretty smooth without major dips. Even in cases like 2018/07/17 - Connectivity & Server Issues or 2018/07/19 - UALX-3 Node Death the graph is still pretty smooth without 5-minute long dips that disconnects more than 20% of players.

However, the thread by one representative who spoke with Hilmar(https://tieba.baidu.com/p/5828098565) vaguely says otherwise. “但是从非官方渠道的消息,服务器没有撤减的迹象”(translates “according to unofficial source the server is not being withdrawn”). I am taking this statement with a grain of salt because if it is officialy endorsed it should not come from an unofficial source and be written with more certainty.

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