EVE Serenity needs CCP's attention

Will you watch and translate it?

Hey, maybe they have their own @CCP_Falcon so they can start a topic on their new forums about skillpoint compensation :slight_smile:

Ok, I’m sorry, I just could not resist that one :frowning:

I am not going to attending it in person, but I will try to gather information (if any).

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The first night of free-to-play period hit a peak of 7882 players. In comparison the peak of yesterday was only around 7200.
Meanwhile, there are still many visible dips on the eve-offline graph hinting disconnection spikes, but I think it is still manageable.

Today’s peak hit 8776. There was a dip of 3500 players on 13:05 when I was about to think the dips are gone.

Combined information from Netease’s own article and a few additional information on tieba:

They will bring Ascension to Serenity, along with the Abyss content. (Other contents may be updated meanwhile?)
They will bring in new events. (Not sure if it will be something Serenity exclusive)
They will preserve the game state as it is on Sep 30.
They will fight the bots and rmt harder.
A tieba image says they propose to create a Chinese CSM for Serenity.


At the moment of this post the peak today hit 9012 and there are no visible dips in last 24h on eve-offline graph. Good work!

Netease says that the Project Galaxy will be developed on their Neox engine. Maybe that’s the point of partnership?


The Serenity eve-offline graph of recent 2 days looks really weird. The peak player count dropped considerably(Imagine if that happens on TQ). Some tieba rumors say that the botters offlined their bots after being tipped that Netease GMs are taking over now and the skill extract ban after first ban will apply after Netease takeover.

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I’ve been looking at the eve-offline graph for months, but the graph of last day just look really horrible. A lot of dips and even a great dip that disconnects 80% of the online count.

The strange thing is, I’ve seen almost no threads on tieba complaining about being disconnected often, and I can’t find any further evidence to proof anything.

Only a few tieba posts alleged “malfunctioning bots”(e.g. tieba.baidu.com/p/5840857712) but the evidence is not strong enough.

Maybe it is just poor maintenance caused “socket closed” issues that everyone get used to
Maybe it is something they set up in the software to trip the bots.

So is your assumption that 80% of connected clients are bots at this point? I mean, can’t it only be good then to get rid of them altogether and somewhat re-start Serenity?

Serenity is a bit more advanced in terms of botting than Tranquility, though there is an ongoing tech transfer obviously. Picture the challenge as one of expectations and conditions. The ratio of human to supporting accounts is nuts on Serenity, worse even than on TQ (which says a lot), and yes the bulk of such associated accounts are scripted. Not botted as we refer to here, but the majority is script supported, so with different methods and alternate - seamless - switching between manual and automated gameplay.

What got cleaned up there is old bot tech, and TianCity supported stuff. The rest’s still there, and yes there is a big challenge as the bulk of that is integral to the functionality of the dynamic. It’s a programmative organisational approach pretty much like what Dual Universe is integrating, but which is detrimental to EVE.

Meanwhile, no telling if it is temporary or not but there are interesting indicators, there’s more and more Chinese arriving on TQ. Via VPN, and with the recent connectivity issues with people here switching to VPN it’s making it much harder to identify them beyond client flags.

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My other guess is that Tiancity just run out of budget to keep the server stable enough without visible dips, or they prefer disconnect spikes over node/server death, or the two servers work differently.

In comparison, the graph of Tranquility(check for yourself on eve-offline.net) is pretty smooth without major dips. Even in cases like 2018/07/17 - Connectivity & Server Issues or 2018/07/19 - UALX-3 Node Death the graph is still pretty smooth without 5-minute long dips that disconnects more than 20% of players.

However, the thread by one representative who spoke with Hilmar(https://tieba.baidu.com/p/5828098565) vaguely says otherwise. “但是从非官方渠道的消息,服务器没有撤减的迹象”(translates “according to unofficial source the server is not being withdrawn”). I am taking this statement with a grain of salt because if it is officialy endorsed it should not come from an unofficial source and be written with more certainty.

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Just FYI Tiancity started banning accounts (about 440 so far) again after a sharp decline of ban count in June and July. Will update the graph in #146 in the end of the month.

Is it fair to assume that Serenity has a more extreme graph, due to most players living in China? It looks like you have the steep curve to zero around downtime and a steep curve up and down around evening in China in the main chinese TZ.

On TQ we have at the very least US, EU and Asian/Aus timezones, so things might seem more even.

Edit: ah, now I see what you meant. The drops from one minute to the other. Strange indeed.

I think this issue started after the June 13 unscheduled DT and I don’t remember seeing any of those dips before that. Dear @Chribba, would you like to share some data of Serenity about the dips in the graph?

That is a fair estimate of the future of Tranquility too. Null have this specific role in the game that it doesnt gather too much players but it needs them a lot for alliance power creep, there goes bot if nobody (CCP) cares. It ends in 80% estimated bot clients.

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Serenity has about 1/3-1/4 the population of TQ, and with such low population density bots do not compete that much with humans than in TQ. In fact, bots are necessary to utilize the resources in contrast to TQ. You would hear complaints that “bots ratted/mined everything so I have nothing to do” in TQ but not in Serenity.

Humans always wil try to find more efficient way of dealing with these tasks that are repeatable ad nauseam and provide so little fun it feels like work in a stone quarry counting pebbles. Cant really blame players. The fish is starting to rot in beginning from the head (not literally). Players are not the head of CCP or any body that is in charge of EVE servers.

It does make sense. EVE’s model of creating in-game items and trading them around in order for people to have the things they want to play with, depends on a large enough people actually doing that. Producing things, allocating ressources and so on. If there are simply not enough players, bots have to do the work.

Actually, I wouldn’t be against botting on TQ, if there were specified areas of the economic gameplay that allowed bots, while excluding them from all other activities. For instance: mining and running anoms. These activities are so extremely stupid and soulcrushing, that it would be far better for the mood in the game if bots did them. CCP could even offer their own bots for those specific activities.

PVP, Missions, DED Sites, moving around, Industry, the markets and so on should be strictly anti-botting though.

Exactly. CCP introduced the age of mining and they can’t even wheel it back, the damage has been done. Bots don’t have to be bad for the game, if they were allowed for everyone, provided by CCP and limited to just a few activities, that are anyway beyond stupid if a real person has to do them.

If CCP were to introduce and allow the usage of their own mining/bounty bots, those should of course not have the same evasive capabilities as illegal bots do.