Eve ship stats are too overbalanced - I REFUSE to skill for the Triglavian ships

Unless he was admitting he did not know the context.

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Possibly because I was replying to the guy who said disintergrators hit 100% of the time?
You know. Something most people could work out even if the forums eat the reply to icon when you are replying to the last poster in a thread

Oh man, that’s what quoting is for, to provide context. When used properly, it’s a very useful feature to keep discussions clear.

You cannot fail to provide the specific context you’re referring to, post in a way that could be easily interpreted in the context the discussion was taking place (and in which what you said would be wrong), and then blame others for not correctly guessing which was the specific context you were referring to…

This should help explain turrets better, the key thing to remember is Trig turrets only operate in optimal range and have no falloff range at all.

https://wiki.eveuniversity.org/Turret_mechanics explains it very well.

Turret chance of hitting target.

I know that. However there is still this thing called tracking.

True, which helps to keep turrets on small and/or fast moving targets.


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