Eve ship you love the most

Hi Alice, good to see you here, definitely been a long time…

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The Stratios and Orthrus both have a great look and are good fun to fly, but Rifter model wins the looks category for me, especially the AT ships with the same hull

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Still the Rifter


Ferox-hulled Nighthawks.

the correct answer is: the one you successfully turned into a ball of flames

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So far it’s the Catalyst. That may change in a year or two but I have a crush on it.

So a blood raider battle ship

Gnosis was my first love. So smexy it’s a shame it took 10 years to be made flyable. Machariel is my second. Vindicator my third.


Gimme da Gecko.

Should be a Caldari Frigate.

Is it a flyable ship? Nah… but it should be. And it should ALWAYS be insured automatically.



You can get cheap Geckos in Jita for only 1 mil ISK a piece. :wink:

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I seem to remember that if you look close at a Gecko if looks like it has a pilot.

Gold Magnate. All other ships are for space poors .

Ships I find fun to fly hmm… here is the long list:

Punisher / Retribution (probably my favorites)
Condor (the agility and ship design makes it much more fun to fly than Kestrel)
Rifter (hail storm)
Merlin (with Blaster and Null ammo)

Navy Thrasher/Cormorant/Coercer (these 3 look badass specially coercer and Thrasher)
Dragoon/Pontifex (At one point in time, Dragoon was all I was flying, just love the versatility of this ship)

Moa (with 200mm railguns = love)
Arbitrator (just like Dragoon, this one is so versatile)
Stabber (with autocannons as primary with 2 x rocket launchers and light drones, love it, doesn’t get dull)
Navy Osprey (

Harbinger (this is the mvp for me, been flying same hull for 2 years+ now)

Armageddon / Navy Armageddon

Retriever / Mackinaw
Endurance (just love this little one)

Once I looked at one of my sentry drone, while flying Armageddon, the POV of Sentry drone, while looking at your Armageddon firing cruise missiles, it was something special and I do it every time I flying Armageddon now :stuck_out_tongue:

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Maller , elegant ship, most players don’t know how to fit it.

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Now that’s what a battleship looks like…


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