EVE Vegas was pitiful and makes me feel this game has no future

This thread makes me feel like the poor souls on the Titanic who knew they were lost, but kept a “stiff upper lip” while the band played on…

I don’t see why people keep posting good ideas on how to improve the game. After years of watching CCP’s actions, we all know their not going to implement any of them.


Just for S&Gs, is there another single server MMO like EVE out there? I’m no expert but I don’t believe there is. I’m not saying that their tech/software is from Area 51 but it is (I think) pretty unique and quite the asset to get a hold of if you want to use that tech in another MMO like BP might want to do in the future.

It’s just a theory but IMO the only logical reason they bought CCP.

imo - It was all about existing permissions / access to the potentially lucrative Chinese market ccp had, and nothing to do with eve itself as a product nor any tech.

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That is a good point…it’s easy to underestimate the potential of that market…

Good post.

But they likely will never get it approved by Chinese government because they are now owned by a Korean company. Serenity is down for more than a year now?

could be so, yep…

A major issue is that their last 2 huge changes have been failures.

There was the Abyssal content, which is just largely ignored because EVE’s PVE content sucks and polishing a turd doesn’t change its fundamental nature.

Then there was the Citadel introduction, which has so much potential, but the nature of asset safety as a content suppressor has meant that the game would be better if all of the work on Citadels was trashed.

Remove/nerf safety, and suddenly there’s a reason (other than griefing, or grudges) to be a risk-taking aggressor again. Unless/until that happens the game would be in a better place if all Citadel related content was lost in a server accident.


In terms of new content, nope, nothing to see here. But I am encouraged by the efforts on the NPE, it’s essential to get this right and get new players in to the game. What is missing right now is getting those players to fleet up, that needs serious attention.


And from what I recall, the chinese players are all moving to our server as well

And what about all the arguments about how the current citadel and sovereignty mechanics make it mindbogglingly anti-fun to take territory and knock over castles? I agree that the Null blocs deserve blame, but doesn’t CCP share some of the responsibility since they’re the ones making the mechanics?

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@Solecist_Project is right. Also, one could argue that null blocks need to just get over the headaches involved in taking territories and/or losing supers, live with it and get on about destroying each other. However there are 2 other aspects to look at:

  1. there is absolutely no reason to go invade another territory since every null sec entity has already plenty of resources in its own territory. The only way to potentially change that is to have null sec alliances/coalitions being invaded by smaller entities, but then we go back to the issue of super caps and ability for blocs to engage anyone at will. So unless a bloc loses its caps, CCP nerfs caps or releases some type of anti-cap weapon…

  2. all null sec alliances and coalitions have way too big of an NIP list. Or another way to put it, alliance and coalition leadership is too cozy with each other…


I still think that CCP should make Advanced Spaceship Command and any skill that descends from it something you have to train the old-fashioned way, possibly coupled with refunding all SP put into them by anyone who has injected into those skills.

Maybe add a way to remove leaders from their positions if the membership becomes dissatisfied with them?

That is not going to change the issue of NIP. And if membership is not happy, they can simply pack up and go somewhere else

What CCP needs to do is to have available resources be diminished over time, the speed of resources being diminished would be based upon the size of the alliance.

That may incite more frequent wars, possibly even big wars over territory.

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Unfortunately, Goonswarm appears to have reached the point where it can just steamroll everyone else whenever they want should such a system be implemented. Unless the rest of the game unites to give us another Moneybadger Coalition, which is unlikely since the Goons have really entrenched themselves in Delve.


Yeah, they’re very large and could easily do it right now but if a system of diminished resources based on size of sov alliance was implemented, their resources would quickly diminish making it tough to expand and if attacked enough, may even have to consolidate to controlling smaller territories.

Then you would just split off into the maximum sov alliance size in-game, but still work together out of game. Goonswarm A, Goonswarm B, Goonswarm C, etc.

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yeah, that’s true. Guess there’s no getting around the big bad Blue Donut.

Sad but true. Goons outthink CCP every time. They just have the manpower to do it.