EVE Vegas was pitiful and makes me feel this game has no future

They didn’t try everything, they chose to make things safer and easier for non-efforts both in HS as in null. They’ve being doing that for over 10 years now.


Combined with spreading resources and especially farming sites out more?

Might also help getting rid of renters?

Ditto. I let my sub expire some months ago, just recently came back and will remain alpha for the time being. The blackout gave me some hope that CCP was moving Eve towards a more brutal, heartpumping direction. I did some solo PVP in null sec during the blackout and loved the emergent battles as wandering players stumbled upon each other. Ah well.


Same here, just re-subbed and would love a Perma-Black out in Null and somethings concern me such as Trigs ganking New people in starter systems, what were they thinking? I’ll stay Omega for a few months see whats what.

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No, he hasn’t.

Havent you seen the newest development update? They are working on SKINs, SKINs and SKINs!

Oh, and fireworks! Exactly what everone asked for!!

Compare that to the videos from 5 years ago:

New effects, new animations, new models, new deployables, new ships, …

Today most devs seem to work on cosmetic fluff. Ship SKINs which you rarely see because you are zoomed out 90% of the time and apparel which you only see in a tiny profile pic because there is no gameplay with your avatar. Everytime CCP announces a new line of SKINs i just feel trolled.


Well, we do kind of know what they’re doing,
based on current events,
what they said they’re going to do
and the fact that there’s pressure to raise new player retention.

I’d like to say they’re working on the next event. There’d be actual work there when there’s an actual event behind it, instead of just a change of numbers. I like to believe that they’re starting combining events with changes because, honestly, that actually makes a lot of sense.

They’re rebuilding the process of being born and entering the game. They want all rookies to start in a single system. We don’t know any more details beyond that, but I’m quite sure that’s quite the undertaking considering the current code is most likely from very early days. I mean that it seems literally everything a new player sees at the beginning is going to be different, so there’s tons of work behind this.

It makes perfect sense to assume that they’ll get rid of the different starter corps and instead put them all into a single one. Based on some SKIN with some interesting text, it’s going to be an UpWell based indoctrination/propaganda platform. UpWell, of course, is the general codename for the new codebase.

The reason why we’re currently being fed small things behind events is because they, as usual, have other things to do that demand more manpower. The significant difference this time compared to the last years is that, this time, it’s definitely for EVE and not anything else.

There you go.
Your mistake was believing you’re fully aware of all the gatherable information out there.

They’ve been doing that for the last several years already,
as said by CCP Dragon … several years back.

One of the results of this is also Abyssal space.

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Which looks like a big effort with almost nothing to gain, instead this creates imbalance to the highsec map, and much problems with the lore.

I’m not convinced that any of the things we heard are making a big impact on new player retention compared to the effort required to implement. Remember, we still don’t have a usable screen layout and overview from day 0.

Personally I would put all my dev effort into an Aura AI companion bot, you can talk to, who guides you, explains the interface, reminds you about mistakes, mocks you, give you challenges if you are too inactive for some time, etc. Available to all players, not only newbies.


Yeah that junk default overview which would only take a couple hours of work to fix at the absolute most is just one shining example why CCP gets so much well deserved mud to the face and I can’t feel the slightest compassion to any of them for getting it. Even they admitted it needs fixing as I recall and they still haven’t.


Regardless if it’ll work or not, CCP’s upper management’s usual response whenever a Dev proposes something new:

Which is completely horrible.

In my opinion they once had a team of people who’s only goal was to make their dream about a gigantic sandbox game with space ships a reality. They dreamed big and said a lot of stuff while delivering not really that much. But you could feel that they had a vision and that this was all driven bye the passion to created that awesome game they wanted to play themselves.

This is no longer the case.

For years now, CCP only talks about data and how they measure this and that and try to figure out what works best…

This is not how you create an awesome game…

This is how you create and optimise a trap that tries really hard to keep players engaged, no matter if it is fun or not, because all they measure is if they spend time with the game.

All the events with dailys and login rewards have only one goal, to increase the amount of time people spend with the game no matter if they like the actual gameplay or not. Because it pushes the only metric they care in the right direction, void of any context… This is absolutely toxic for the game.

I rather get lyied to my face about your exorbitant visions than this psychological manipulative ■■■■■■■■ they sell as tools to retain players.

Stop the ■■■■■■■■ with the analyzing and just make the game you would want to play CCP!!!


Problem is none of the CCP numbnuts are even playing the game, or at least not the way we are all playing it…They don’ t know what it means to have insane timer hours, don’t know what it means to lose a billion isk ship because of their own coding and ideas stupidity, nor do they know what it takes to survive in any part of EVE, let alone null sec.


I only regret that I have but one like to give!

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It makes you look so smart to use an age argument to “compensate” for your inability to understand things and argue properly… Not that we didn’t know how smart you are already, mind you…


Actually a good idea… Example: in the first Guild Wars game Prophecies, new players enter an closed area called Pre-Searing Ascalon were they built up skills, went threw various missions, etc then they could leave when reaching a certain level before entering main areas and it worked, player retention for that game was extremely high.

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That would be kind of cool. Maybe a capsuleer training program with limited and basic ships/modules that has you fighting your opposing faction (Amarr fighting the Minmatar revolt/Caldari and Gallente War) that culminates into fleeting up and pvp’ing to destroy some objective. In either case, once the fight is done, everyone involved ends up in Eve “real space”.

Get rid of the career agents and have the completion of the pre-story grant the player a voucher for a T1 frigate of their choice, a hauler, or a venture.

It’s also how things went back in the day when they were adding big changes to the game. The Crielere event was the advent of T2 modules and cloaking (I think), and the Molyneux hijacking was them showing off the new titan models. They even got back into it with events like Shadow of the Serpent, which tied into the release of the Serpentis capitals and Asklepian implant set.

I never got to participate in any of these events, but I’d love to be able to do so in any that come up in the future, especially if they help expand the lore.

Yes, please bring back the Aura who mocks you for getting podded!

lol, super! You saved my day…

Yes that statement right there is proof that things need to change.

When everything has been perfected and min maxed to the highest degree the game is no longer challenging anyone and everyone are bored.


What things do I not understand exactly? Or did you just project and generalize from thin air like you always do without any substance?

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