Event Feedback - Guardian's Gala 2019

That short simple statement of fact was probably the most depression statement I’ve ever read in any of the forums. For all the times I wanted to rage quit, loss of hope was the most compelling.

When we started playing, the 1st guys recruited our whole BF 42 gaming group! The game, for all its bugs was worth it. (wish we got rewards for that in those days) My point is, I have no reason to promote the game anymore. The older players should be your best source of advertising. When the older players find a reason, the game will grow again.

New player has a hard time with the event. New player googles game event, reads all the players are pissed off. New player goes and finds a new game to try…Correct me if I’m wrong?


What the heck is up with the grey boxes? Once i get them I cannot even find the event beacons. #bugs #bigbugs

Game designers are not wanting to just copy and re-issue a previous event without changes, “keeping it fresh.” The discussion I’m sure they have is HOW MUCH change is enough, to avoid player complaints of boredom because we’ve all seen that event and site layout before.

But aside from one fixed error with the Boss BS damage, the main player complaints have little to do with the NPC’s, the site layout, the time that was put into updating the lore to respect previous Guardian Gala’s (nice!)… complaints are mostly about the loot drops being abysmal, and the new “neat idea” Paradise Club gambling game coming with a 13m isk PLUS rare ores cost.

Not just isk to play in the Paradise Club lottery, BUT a requirement to deal with two other game design decisions, the first regarding making the Tricarb refine rate be absurdly low, possibly to encourage market activity (the event team tries to create something to do for multiple playstyles) and the second tying the ore to mine to a site which requires either cooperation with other players (shudder?), or use of an alt to keep it from despawning after the shooting stops.

Let’s think about the consequences of not despawning the site beacon for hours after the shooting stops: player complaints about Gala site beacons everywhere, with nothing to shoot in them. Crimson Harvest solved that by having two sites, one for fans of shooting ships and another for fans of shooting rocks. Why not have two site designs for Events every time? How did we get here?

I would imagine thoughts about efficiency: “Can we provide both mining and shooting for players, with only one site layout per Event, and save the extra design and testing effort needed to maintain two site layouts?” That part of the experiment needs more work.



On average about 20-25 mil per gift box. Since I bought most of the golden tickets on the markets as well.

Probably made a slight net loss all in all. Due to being lucky on a couple of the items I got.

What was the point, and how did I manage to obstruct it?

This event is garbage in almost every way. Going back to Abyssals

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all the empire ones ive mined is about half that, ive quit doing them. even clearng the site and mining makes now here near the money of the last event because it takes to long to find a site for too little, ill go from having 3 sites in 1 system to 0 for a huge number of jumps.

I want to get the agency points but between being FORCED to buy loot boxes and pvp goals, there bugged event mission that just go grey.

i think this is the first one i wont complete mostly because its looking like i cant complete it, not even relogging is fixing the grey.


No it doesn’t. If I can skip straight to a carrier and therefore skip months of training and just start running high level sites, I am adding isk to the game by buying it directly. And if enough people do it, then there is no economy in true training time.

I pay for this game. I am a paying customer. If I don’t have a say then who does? You can be complacent all you want. Im not telling you what to do. If demanding causes derision then don’t demand anything from me.


I actually quite enjoy Abyssal content. The Mutator’s are quite interesting and unless your spending billions of isk on trying to get green rolls on Deadspace modules it’s not that much of an issue. Just roll on some T2’s to get better modules that you can then either sell for good money or use to make a slightly better ship. I do have some Mutated Deadspace modules with good rolls but I picked those up from corpses :smiley:

Edit: INB4, I am not a fan of this event. I haven’t even found a site to do where I am at and I’ve gone through 15 systems of Null. Quite frustrating really. Don’t think I will be participating since everything I am seeing and hearing indicates that PACP are making garbage decisions with their EA and Ubisoft thinking caps on.

Do yourselves a favor CCP, try harder at limiting the self destructive directives of PA.


My reaction to the recent poorly made events.


Ive gotten a domination afterburner and a serpentis warp scram. Together worth around 70 mil buy price… thise were the only two I got out of my 15 or so crates.

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Mans got the ability to simultaneously control 6 different account’s actions and beat a 22 ish man fleet. I think that man is either insane, mad skilled, or needs a life. Prob all three


Id say press F to pay repsects, but CCPs direction has lost mine.



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My quests are grey and won’t renew itself. Anything I can do to get new quests, or just wait until downtime?

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You cant do anything, wait ‘til downtime.

The Event is shamefully not worth doing it. i stopped playing it because the payout is a joke. i opened 40 tickets in a vip site and made a horrible loss in isk


It’s like a real-world lottery! But without the knowledge that someone actually won, or you what you could win.

I’m not sure how this mechanic can be made “fun”, but I think if you are going to have chance based mechanic, it either has to be next-to-free to enter, like the normal chance-based loot drop mechanic, or, there needs to be some feedback where you know what your chance of winning is or hear about the winner. Maybe like every day there is a draw and the winners, or at least prizes awarded announced.

People will quickly wise up to the constant, more common, losses so if there is no way to know what you are even chasing or estimate the probabilities of winning, even if the loot table is in the player’s favour, and they will stop playing. Perhaps the players will crowd source enough draws to reconstruct the real chances of winning, but otherwise it is a bit “unfun” to buy a ticket with a significant cost that has an undefined chance of winning an undefined prize.

But the scarcity of the ore I think is completely intended. CCP likely wants to broaden the event content for miners and traders, so my guess is they will alternate the events with the high yield ores and the low yield ores. Next time the high-yield ore is available, stock up on some off the market or mine some yourself to stockpile.


But there was of course a response on Reddit way before here.