Event Feedback - Guardian's Gala 2019

See this thread to know why this is happening. This thread is saying the whole intent is to make accelerators too costly to get, because they compete with skill injectors, while the return on accelerators are valued more by older players having over 80M skill points because skill injectors cost-to-benefit is not worth it.


that implies that in order to mine in peace you have to have 2 ships (combat and mining) ready in a random system where you happen to find event site.

WTF are we supposed to do with the ship logs or they just more crappy ■■■■ from this ■■■■ event ?

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Also have the problem that objectives do not refresh. 3/4 are grayed out and the forth is not updated.
Tried to clean cache and restarted launcher but that did not help.
So, I am stuck here … any help?
Did already set up a ticket - no reply yet …


Solution : Do not participate in the event.

Problem solved.


Yeah but, its a shame

Keep on relogging. Dont think restarting launcher is required.
The number of relogging varies… I know this sounds like a troll, but this is the only known workaround atm.


It’s very EVEish.

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ok, relogging worked after around four times … thanks!

They’re so-called “flavour items” - have no actual use but are funny/insightful peeks into the game-universe. Some people enjoy that kind of stuff.

Way way in the past you could reprocess shiplogs for a small (and I mean, small) amount of minerals, not sure if that applies here but you can try.

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I find myself in a strange, unusually fortunate situation, I only got the bug with the event objectives maybe 2 times so far. Finding sites is still difficult though.


What if we could reprocess the old accelerators to get some of the Chromo back, or use extra Chromo to reactivate old accelerators during the event? One of the structures at the event sites could accept expired stuff with the mineral to give you a fresh one of the same quality.
I think it would be nice.


Corrupting Eve for Cash



An Orca or a well tanked Skiff can do these sites fine solo.

Medium drones for the win :sunglasses:


What’s the CSM’s view on this?

Or have they done what they normally do and disappear after getting voted on?


I think the poor devs are stuck between a rock and a hard place. They are getting pressure to F*** the events in order help monetize eve, and their silence reflects the fact that they completely agree with what we are all saying, but to say so would cost them their jobs.

I reckon the only reason @CCP_Falcon piped up in here is because someone told him to do damage limitation…

They must all hate the direction their new corporate overlords are taking eve in…


Which is why there’s so much debate in Europe and elsewhere on curtailing concepts of opiate economics and gambling in gaming products & services.

By all means CCP, keep pouring resources in all this, while keeping blind to the directional those legislative debates have taken :slight_smile:


Not everyone can fly an orca or porpoise or exhumers. And special events should be inclusive to be successful, imo.


Confirmed! A battle Orca is the best solution for this event I found. The second tool is a range Machariel for speed run (AC + Range Script + whatever tank + warp at 50-70km and burn what’s approaching to you).

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@Rexxar_Santaro , why are you running the sites out of interest? Don’t see the reward… Not trying to be rude, just curious

Absolutely right, it should be something for everyone.