Event Feedback - Guardian's Gala 2019

Miners complained after the first Events, that they had nothing to do because the Event tasks were only about shooting NPC’s. And so CCP responded by adding some mining, and went even further by creating work for Industry players in the manufacture of accelerators.

I also preferred it when I could just collect accelerator drops from NPC’s, but I respect the design choice to incorporate more play styles into Events.

This event, I agree does have a big problem for single account players. The site beacons are removed from overview when the NPC’s are gone, making it impossible to switch ships and go back to mine the site out. This happens because of a game design decision to provide both shooting and mining in one site, (saving development time and testing costs) where the Crimson Harvest provided semi-separate mining and shooting sites. (The large mining site had a hefty NPC spawn, if you approached the far side.)

They don’t want to leave “empty” site beacons on overview, just imagine the complaints we’d see about empty sites, from players who roam around only looking for things to shoot.

Possible solutions: Could the beacon name be changed, after NPC’s are gone? Then the overview beacon could be allowed to stay up for a much longer period of time, and “NPC shooting players” would know which beacons they could skip.


I like this beacon name changing idea, I wonder if it’s even possible though.

Inclusion of mining is not the issue. Exclusion of non-mining is. I remember there were 1 or 2 events when they had both. You could get your accelerators either via mining or combat, why was this stopped ? Instead they made it required in order to build accelerators.

I also remember during those tehre was an issue of mining / indy still being sub par to combat, but that was just a simple drop rate adjustment vs materials needed adjustment for indy. Absolutely no need to completely remove one or the other. Just adjust drop rate, adjust materials, done.

Empty sites was a result of a bug / bad design and was / is an issue when they remain in space until downtime or for few hours at a time. There would be absolutely no issue if they remained for whatever time is needed to mine a site in a T1 equipped barge for example and then reliably despawned instead of being bugged and staying up for X hours or until downtime.

Site availability also greatly plays into this. When sites were available we simply moved on to other sites, that were not bugged and still good, with the reduction in site availability this issue has become compounded.

If you had plenty of sites to run from the start, and they despawned as should instead of staying up all the way to daily reset, this would never come into play.

So the exact issue here is what ? they can’t fix the despawn time so they made them all disappear immediately at being cleared instead ?


Rapid despawn COULD be an intentional design choice to encourage (“force”) playing with others. Anyone staying in the site keeps it from despawning. We don’t know if the short despawn timer was intentional, or an oversight that hurt solo players.

I would love if each Event came with a dev blog that explained all the reasons for their design choices, but that’s pretty rare.


In order to encourage / force playing with others the rewards need to be scaled for that, and they aren’t. Also, this is Eve. “Forcing” play with others, especially on a lot of 2-3 player content such as this, translates to “sub or plex 2nd account” and this leaves a very bad taste in many players.

Multiboxing is bad enough, forced multiboxing is one of the shittiest things that could have been done. Right up there with gambling lootbox monetization.


Any complete drop undermines the miners’ and industrialists’ effort in case both exist for same item: they have production cost attached in addition to BPC purchase cost and cant sell their stuff lower than that plus minimal margin. Combat pilots dont have such sentiments and WILL undercut lower than minimum manufacture price.

That is why there are no more complete accelerators. BPC-only situation promotes collaboration between combat-oriented players and miners - one cannot do without the other and it is good, imo.


The game designers are patting themselves on the back, that they’ve made such good rewards, that you feel BAD that you can’t get all of them out of the event.

I will go back to the “you don’t need to mine” idea: focus on your best isk/hr activity in game, whatever it is. You may be able to buy some of what you want. (Maybe not ALL of what you want. I have not bought built or used any skill accelerators during this event. I think they are nice, but i’m looking at 100m+ skillpoints these days.)


am just sittin here looking at all this ■■■■ and thinking to myself. so glad I’m not a subscriber or even omega for this idiocy. this whole forced mining, bugs, bad design, all this ■■■■.

■■■■ it.

on a side note, I just checked out RSI and SC again and I’m being more and more convinced to become a basic backer of that inspite of its many problems, jsut so I can get SQ42 and SC for a lower price, if SC actually comes out that is. but the chances of SC being completed and coming out seem better then any of this ■■■■ getting fixed. this thread sure helped me decide as to whom to give my money. as a combat alpha, this whole mining bit in particular.

an a 2nd side note, I bet Chris Roberts keeps tabs on his competition, he must have read this or maybe even still is and is just about laughing his ass off and getting ready to pop a bottle of bubbly


This is the worst event ever (OK, I thought the last one was)
The whole point is, that people earn points to get free boosters (not having to mine unobtainium, to build the items themselves)
Why do I call it unobtainium? It is because the ore despawns when you fetch your mining ship; if you do manage to get any, the refining result is abysmally small, often not enough to build the most basic booster

Are you Devs regressive?? The idea of events is to encourage players to join, not get them to leave in droves

A little tip: Look at some previous events (ie last year, or earlier) they may give you a clue

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The event is not on my Dscan. Not interested fly safe o7.

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I was returning to EvE just some weeks ago and it felt like back then. Everything was working fine mostly, no bugs, I just had and have a hard time to learn everything from new mostly.

Then one day I opened my client and “woah there is an event”. I just ignored it on first day and did my usual missions, because I didn’t wanted to fight bugs - which I expected - even w/o knowing the history of the past years.

So, the next day I started to participate in this event, completely ignored the bad loot and sold my tickets for 7m. I even sold a damaged gift and the event was okay for me overall. Well, until I encountered the first game-breaking bug - the greyed out tasks. In my experience from the past days, this bug only occurs, when you’ve a running out task which stays there with 0 seconds on the clock. It isn’t fixable through dElEtInG CaChe - this is probably a server-side problem. I do not even bother to write a ticket - since it would take to long and by the time they solve it, I wouldn’t want to run more sites. I’m getting really pissed off, since this bug happens every second day and CCP had knowledge of it since the first day. I just want my 1k points and move on, completely ignoring this event, but with this stupid bug I would need at least 1 or 2 more days to complete my mission.

And yes, I know the rewards aren’t worth it, the box drops are very rare - like 1 out of 50 sites. You get thrown at with tickets for very low price now, so you can’t even take advantage of selling them and mining is only (a lil bit) profitable in a fleet. The loot of VIP sites compared to normal ones is so bad, that one shouldn’t even bother doing them.

My wish for the future: Do it better - this event is already a lost case. Until then I’m gladly avoiding to pay for ignoring your customers in such a rude way - like I can read from the Dev comments here and between the lines.



Based on previous CCP logic, I’m just shocked they haven’t told us to call our ISP yet.

I think I prefer silence over that.


You have no idea what are you talking about, do you really think you know anything about EvE?! LOL

Dont make yourself ridiculous, EvE has 15 years of tradition and you trying to judge it ‘cause one „broken“ event?!! LOL (again).

Go ahead, go.to SC, i‘m sure they need ppl like you there.


a genuine butthurt bittervet !!! moar plz !!! jst look @ it !! I set it off !!!

o wait, i forgot, the mandatory, have you alt tabbed to your multiboxed rorqualz lately ?

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Dear CCP,
I am looking forward to the Survey about this Gala Event. I hope you send them out soon.
Kind Regards


Hallelujah! I have joined the elite few!

Ran a site to see how things were going, and the BS ACTUALLY DROPPED A CONTAINER!

I raced back to the station with my package, eagerly wondering if I had found the elusive and precious item that I would tell my descendants about for years to come.

I opened it up eagerly to find…could it be?..YESSSSSS!!!




Granted, CCP shouldn’t be blamed for that one event. On the other hand I wrote down a lil bit more than you, to explain my view. For a player who is coming back, after a long time, all this negativity backlashes and you couldn’t claim it isn’t their own fault.

So, from what I’ve read so far, this isn’t the first event which were driven against the wall. And to come back to your “yOu dId nOt pLaYeD aS lOnG aS i Am” - do you rly believe vets like you, are the ones who actually pay enough to keep this game alive? I don’t think so, honey.

In my memory the forums and chats weren’t that toxic. It’s pathetic and reflects the current state of the game or the bad decisions made in the past very well.

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Agree to disagree. I’m going to repeat it again. Inclusion of one group should not come at the cost of exclusion of the other, especially when all of it altogether can be avoided by simple drop and materials adjustments. Droprate can be brought down so the combat side is no where near as it was, while indy costs can be brought down so miners / indy people can make them easier thus end up even on the market end of things.

No exclusions, no ■■■■■■■■ of any kind needed.

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There are also many other events that gone very well and got very good critiques.

All i‘m saying is that you should not confuse the regular EvE-Universe with those events, as a new player or a „coming back“ one you should focus to the normal EvE-activities instead of „consuming“ your time in such events.

And yes honey, i‘m sure our community is very strong and capable to keep EvE alive for 15 years (at least) more! :slight_smile:

I opened a support ticket as I’m having the ‘grey box’ problem that everyone else seems to be having - two my four event objectives will not populate with anything.

But a question for you all -

Is it also a bug if my two remaining objectives had a countdown timer and are now sitting there holding at ‘0s’ ?

I’m stuck with only two objectives, neither of which I want to or can complete. :frowning:

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