Event Feedback - Operation Permafrost

Disregard my last statements @Daedelious you have good points and mine are all subjective.

Thats fine. Having a mix of subjective and non-subjective is a good thing. I’m a logical person by nature so I tend to always give feedback this way

Argueing is what should be avoided :stuck_out_tongue:


It’s just very tedious, and has alot of problems as was mentioned earlier in the thread. I like the idea and the premise, but all in all it feels very disconnected at times. I would also say you’ve had better RNG than most. So many of those cans I’ve hack were empty. I’ve seen better rates in lowsec…


As in every event, if you already have very high skills, good gear, decent ships, and enough game experience to be able to deal with whatever the game may throw at you, then you are going to be able to manage some profit from the event no matter how poorly it is implemented.

Making @2 bill in 6 hours at the event doesn’t sound too much better to me than someone could do in regular PvE.

My own criteria for a decent event would be:

  • Does it appeal to and invite participation by enough of the player base to justify the dev time on it? (Spending weeks setting up an event that <5% of the players can be effective in seems wasteful) Not that every event should be for everyone, but frankly dev time is wasted for every player unable to participate.

  • Does it encourage players to push their boundaries somewhat and perhaps discover a new aspect of the game for them to pursue? (Hint: “I tried this and got crap”, “I tried this and randomly died without warning”, “I tried this and it was so unpleasant I don’t think I’ll do it again” are not results that we apply the word “encourage” to.)

  • Is it interesting enough and rewarding enough that it provides a break from the potential monotony of your usual routine? (Hint: “Blah, looks horrible, rewards low, random deaths, tasks I can’t complete etc etc.” are not interesting and rewarding)

As a reminder, “the event works for me” isn’t much of an endorsement. You could sponsor a “smash your ship into an asteroid at high speed and watch it explode!” event and be sure that some people would come along and say “Hey, that was a cool event”. It is a valid personal opinion, but the very nature of an event implies that it should have broader participation and appeal than a few well-developed characters.


you obviously did not participate in the race event.


A golem can do it easily.

most T2 gallente/guristas can. My enyo can do it without event a hardener.


I’m no miner. I don’t plan on it either. Ever. But I must say. Well played CCP.
I must ask though. Can we get this expanded to include the smaller mining vessels? If no can we get an option to skip one of these every 3 hours ala mission cool down timer? If still no wt…youknowwhatitstheholidayshaveagreatnight.


I had “kill an alt in a poorfit venture”

Every player should be able to participate in event to some degree, agreed. The less SP players could fleet up and share rewards but how many players, new or old would do that?
There are ways for a low SP character to participate in this event but the complexity of the participation might drive them away… I know several of my corp mates whom have 1-5mil SP have chosen not to run it because it’s too difficult to prepare for.

Encourage new things? Definitely. But again, some of these activities are definitely too hard for a newbie. For example, the hacking. There is no way a low SP hacking character or even just a low SP character can do those without serious luck. I mean I may be ■■■■ at hacking but I have 4’s in every hacking skill and I have trouble. Then again understanding what they can do and can’t is a good thing… though that brings to mind CCP should have designed for lower SP participation(better than what they have).

Lastly, is it rewarding? In comparison to old events, No. And I accept I have had good RNG because I’ve conversed with other players.

Ye I’ve had some strange tasks as well…

I agree with your assessment sir.


About the performance and the issues of the event, all have been said.
I would like to talk about the aesthetics and lore of the event, about what i was thinking it could be after being spoiled.

I thought: a winter event, great… no more veldspar-like roids this time, now we have to harvest ice-like roids… use our lovely Endurance or ORE ice-specialized ships… use our ice mining skills and our ice reprocessing skills…

Well, it have gas harvesting… also great, cos i’m a gas harvester… of Cyto in Low and Fullerenes in wormhole… it’s another kind of mining, and necessary… someone have to craft Drugs and T3 parts…

Since gas harvesting is used to craft Drugs, that is the most similar to Skill Boosters… it should be crafted with gas too… if is an Ice event i can acept huff ice vapor as gas… or harvest ice that contains gas, like the ubiquitous moon goo… cool idea too…

About the Lore, i love ORE… i joined EVE 'cos of ORE’s lore… it’s cool join ORE fleets to harvest ice, from Ice Dwarf planets? So cool… protect the ORE fleets like Serpentis and Angel do? So nice… join the Mordus pirats? it’s fun…

About the event location… better than spawn an Ice Dwarf planet in a random or fixed system per constellation, or spawn it in each system of EVE… it could be like ice belts, and use that systems where ice belt spawns… but, it’s supposed that ice belts are created by an Ice Comet tail, true? and this is ice from a planet…

So here my sugestion: each solar system, even in wormholes have different planet types… why don’t use the Ice Planets as Ice Dwarf for the event? this it’s fixed and at the same time random from the begining, some systems doesn’t have ice planets for Planet Interaction, other may be have 4 ice planets… spawning an Event spot per ice planet in each solar system of EVE, even in Wormhole space, unless Shattered C13 and Thera ofcourse, can solve the problems of us, the players about find the spots too crowded, while keeping it the random purpose, and having a nice Lore that fit the aesthetics of the Event and season…

The Event spot should be above and below the planet, like white clouds of gas or ice vapor in the stratosphere, but no inside the white planet, but in the dark space outside it with a floating structure like a mining camp for reprocess it… why a lost spot in space for the event? can’t it be like a moon belt near the moon, with the event reprocesing structure placed like the moon drill, but above the planet, not in the side of it?

Also… the Skins are so cool, so much better than the Glacial Drift ones… i would like to buy them on Store, also the SoCT skins are so nice… if you want to gift us for free that skins its okay, but having to achieve points for them like in the pasts events, and even reach them in careers that we have not choosen… hum… that’s not fun…

Also i got hyped about the Frostline modules… event modules for mining and harvesting at same time, perfect for the Endurance? great! but then i realized that are so hard to get, it’s not a big improve compared to having to refit between roid and ice lasers, and are too expensive to lost in a mining ship designed to Low/Null/WH/Thera… i prefer my fully T2 fit for the Endurance than that modules, sorry…

The mining modules as event loot could be better, but it’s an improve that we glad to have, us the miners… or atleast us the Low/Null/WH miners, not the hated HS miners… but i would like to see them as a drop for hunting ORE miner NPC ships inside the event spot… ORE should be present with his ships there, not only Mordus… also some sites could have Serpentis or Angel protecting ORE… that could be Lore-perfect…

About the whole Event Project, this is supposed to be a Happy Hour event with a +25% or +50% of EXP like in other games, plus the fun of the season thematic… and in this game that happy hour is supposed to be about more Skill Points and/or more ISK as that EXP in other games… but you, CCP, seems worried about giving us too much Skill Boosters or profit with them at market, making it harder each time… give us that Happy Hour awards in form of Skill Points and ISk in other way if you want, moderating us how much we can get… but not making it harder and harder… but letting us, the players, managing the awards at market is fun… and it’s the purpose of a sandbox, true? I don’t want long puzzle-like requieremets to achive my rewards… but i know that, like in every EVE thing and item there is a path… someone have to harvest, then have to reprocess, someone have to loot, or salvage, other have to hack, a few have to research, invent, react, craft… haul, manage the market, or simply loot the ISK for the cycle to exist… that’s the EVE’s cycle, and we like it… but no the puzzle-like missions, that don’t respect our way to play, our role in the comunity or our career…

Hope that the comunity and the Dev Team note my sugestion, we know you can do it better…

Without nothing more to say… Regards, Touko.


Not fun, just a grind. Loot table in hisec is bad from what I experienced, doing them in low/null is inviting certain death. Achievements/goals are contrived. “Use M weapons” … seriously?

It’s ugly. It legit hurts my eyes.

Worst event ever.


ok I got a series of gas huff :
then 350
then 800
then 1400
then 800
then 800

I think the gas has a too high volume. It should be around 10 times less volume. it takes hours to mines gas, while it takes minutes to mine ore.

my (non max skill) prospect has 3 m³/s gas. that means 17 gas /min.
the vapor rewards 350 gas with 20 points, so that is 0.9 point/min.

my procurer has around 30m³/s ore. that means 300 ore/min
the condensate reward is 30 points for 800 units. so 11.25 points/min.

The ratio is the same for reprocessing.

rofl… and I get another 800 m³ of vapor to harvest.


My experience so far with his event is this:

Head to ice dwarf marker, get shot at by frigate…No problem, I just warp off before they do any damage.
Before I land at the site,

Killed by an “invisible cloud”


Nice tank a limited invul field 1 and no rigs and no other shields, what could go wrong?

Maybe you should take 2 seconds and actually look how much shields/armor/hull it has naturally.

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This event should have been called “crash and burn”. Or “Permatest” because of how its done by CCP. :joy:


CCP_Trollin’ - The Game :wink:


My experience is that the loot table in null is the same as high sec. I’ve only received 3 BPCs so far 1 Adv and 2 Basic along with a whole bunch of Glacial Drift skins and some hardshells and pyrolancer drugs.

I guess we won’t be getting any Cerebral boosters that are affordable/worth purchasing for Christmas.