Event Feedback - The Skilling Spree Returns!

Well, I certainly hope that it becomes a frequent occurrence, but it probably shouldn’t be permanent. Time limited events trigger people’s FOMO responses, thereby incentivizing them to take advantage of the opportunity while they can. Moreover, people with multiple accounts can start to get fatigued by what can essentially become a daily chore (see Warframe and it’s ever expanding daily to do list). For example, it takes me about 3 minutes per character to do skilling spree, which adds up to over an hour’s worth of work each day.

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Just my 2 cents… I would have rather have seen many more of these types of events than have the skill injectors. Meh


Daily ‘challenges’ should be a permanent thing, though perhaps spice them up a little. I’d love to see them encourage different types of gameplay and not just PvE - and the small injection of SP is super helpful for new players to start training into those different types of gameplay or whatever they want.

I would think this would help keep newer players interested, since they’re able to more quickly experience the basics of other areas of the game.

Maybe limit it to players with less than a certain number of SP?

Just my opinion.


I think it’s worth pointing out, as many others have, that you do not have to do it every day on every toon…


I hope they do this again soon. I loved being able to log in when I had a few minutes and actually feel like I got something done.


Would like to +1 the comments others have stated about keeping it always active for accounts under a certain SP threshold. I’m always going to do it if it’s offered to me but I can see how it’s tedious but hard to pass up basically a free day of training each week.


Oh, I’d run it everyday year round if I could. I was just pointing out that you’d probably get significantly more engagement with skilling spree by limiting it’s duration and frequency. For example, if they announce a monument is about to close (like battleship Texas for restoration), a crap ton of people will show up before it does. It’s been there for decades, and you never went. But now that it’s about to close, now all of a sudden your family wants to go and fight the crowds.


BTW, the isk efficiency for skilling spree is pretty damn good. Of course, the value of unallocated SP depends on how much SP you’d get from an injector, but I was getting approximately 700mil isk/hr from skilling spree (number based on the cost to inject, and not on the potential profits from extraction). Not to shabby if you ask me.


Well I don’t necessarily disagree with this, though I will point out it’s not universally true - I know plenty of people who didn’t care if they missed a day or more of the spree - personally, I didn’t do it for the last week or so of the spree.

I would, however, argue that whatever advantages more overall engagement brings, would be far outweighed by the advantages I pointed out above - namely, making new gameplay more accessible to new players, and thus making the game a lot easier to get into.

And while I understand your point re: ISK/hr, to say ‘you were getting 700m ISK/hr’ is a bit misleading.

The cost to inject the unalocated SP / time = 700 mil isk /hr
How’s that?

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Well, this is my main character and I didn’t use / apply any of the skillpoints gained from the various free skill point give-away events and offers, mainly because I wanted to see the total amount gained and more importantly, I already have over 222 mill SP’s trained up.

Anyway, the total amount of free SP’s gained on this character is 2,090,000 unallocated skill points. It would have been more but I applied some of the skillpoint log-in rewards to the newb characters on this account. All of my other characters gained between 2.5 mill to 3 mill SP’s.

Well I have a LOT of SP overal but this event actually kept me motivated to log-in every day to get skill points. Yeah…amount is small but thats not the point. Daily rewards = quests is a good thing for EvE.


I also like this event. Its takes time to train skill. And this helps newbro to ‘realigned’ with their corporate interest, whichever corporate that they’re in. Most common problem/excuse that i heard from newbro is that they dont have the skill to fly the ship. Be it a mining or pvp ship.

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Dumbest ■■■■■■■ thing on this ■■■■ show comment section.

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My macharial pilot works the same if they are alpha or omega. When that changes, omega is just a waste of money and there are so many other reasons that CCP doesn’t deserve any more money.

I’m still mad at CCP for blackout, the 100% Halloween drop event didn’t make me want to return and this crap where jump bridges are being moved outside their supporting structures offensive range is just further evidence their field of clues is still empty.

Just look at the venture cyno patch getting pulled last minute because lo and behold, someone forgot the cargo hold was almost as small as a shuttle’s.

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What made you made in the blackout ? YOu where not able to farm anymore or to bot ?

Seriously… Everybdoy knew it was only for a certain periode of time and CCP was clear why they did that, I mean it was for a good goal, chasing botters. Why you didn’t take it as an experience ? Simply ?

We all are.

aka the RMT paradise killboard padding week.

I’m actually ok with this one. People call me crab, carebear, krab, and “afk playstyle advocate” (whatever that means, I live in a space you can never go afk in, and I probably was never afk in space even when the space I was in allowed that to some degree), but the truth is I fought for my space, I fight to keep it clean, and I wanted to fight for better space (until blackout gutted my motivation, because what’s the point of having a good constellation if you cannot use it?).
As a guy on both giving and receiving end of small scale sov warfare, I think this change is right. The problem is those structures being in range of a keepstar, guess what, small entities don’t have a keepstar, so this change levels the field for me.

Well that’s not blackout-level lunacy, just a blunder, and honestly, the whole industrial cyno thing was a hotfix to begin with, so it’s explainable.
Moreover, I kinda liked the cyno change. Before cyno change, we won’t fight certain groups because we know they are dicks that drop the hammer every time there’s a chance they might lose a ship (INIT being the most repeat offender as usual). Now, if we know they don’t have a cyno-capable ship in their comp, we will take that fight. Same for solo roamers, before “nah, cyno bait”, later “let’s go fight him”.

Experience of what, exactly?
Being camped 23/7? Well that’s definitely not new experience, and not exactly a thrilling one either.
Fighting roamers? Daily thing, not to mention we’d like to know they’re coming, and being first in the chain, we get no advance warning from intel (just you dare to do another suggestion to become human CCTV watching gates 23/7, and I will e-smack you).
Hunting something? There was NOTHING outside umbrellas, and umbrellaed supers inside umbrellas, what are we supposed to hunt exactly?

No, maybe I’m a shirt-sighted snot, tell me, what exactly was the “experience” offered by derpout that I missed by going alpha and not logging in for the entire duration of it?

ED: I would also argue about the method used to chase this “goal” of hitting botters - they basically did it by kicking me in the nuts. I would listen to you, if chasing botters required kicking you in the nuts. Not only that, but it wasn’t even equally effective, as botters simply got mildly slapped, while I got the speeding boot. It was literally throwing the bathwater out with the baby, hurting legitimate players more than it hurt the bots.


I’m confused - if you ‘didn’t log in for the entire duration’ how do you know what it was like ?

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I never ate ■■■■ either, but have a pretty good idea how it tastes given its smell.

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This is the first time i was able to kill a mining barge t2 without having insta 10 guys on me, i was able to do it with an astero and a saber. Then black out ended.

I agree it was even a bit harder than wh space during the blackout you couldn’t close the door, but hey, again, everybody knew it was just for a periode of time. CCP was clear about it.

Experience of what I live for 5 years, no local. You could experiment to live differently, this is what you could experienced. You where not really disturbed for 15 years in null sec and something new happen, it is a deep crisis that makes you made until now, when it is way over and behind you. To be made at this is ridiculous.

I am happy too they ended the black out because I understand and respect other gameplay style. Wh life is not null sec life, if you want to live without local, go in wh space. Agree with that. But i think you still need a 1 minute delay before someone show in local. I mean, this is null sec or a high sec extension ?

Edit : remoove asset safety in null sec and you will be really made.