Event Feedback - XVI Anniversary Celebrations!

I’m on my phone so its gonna be a screenshot.

I was talking about the Christmas event we had last year, with the exact same type of event.

But yes, we were given mails, plural, from CCP about this event.

This from may 2nd, the first day of the event.

And may 4th and 9th, still enough time to get all rewards.

But even on the may 9th mail, they only stated that you can maximize the number of rewards by logging in every day, and not necessarily be eligible for ALL rewards.

That’s exactly how I read it. I thought that when I upgraded to Omega after the event started that I’d have access to all the previous ones which would bring me up to date allowing time to claim the big one at the end.

Realistically, I only subbed to get the 1m SP on my account based on how I read this. Well thanks, CCP. You got my money, I didn’t get what you insinuated I would.

To this saying “petition it”, I did.

So did many others.

The reply was the FU email I referred to earlier which points me to this thread.

moring and evening is not the same everywere on earth, if i have to log in once a day my day dont start at luchtime! the EVENT DESCRIPTION didnt mentioned any Downtime it sayed Clearly once a day… and i did exactly that…!
and had 13 Days in the end …

Downtime in eve, is the same everywhere on earth.

If you logged in every day at lunchtime, you would’ve gotten all the rewards, because lunchtime, is 24 hours apart, everywhere on earth.

Sorry you edited your comment so I shall do the same.

The eve devblog, the event description as you will, said it began on downtime.

why should i log into the game twice a day if i know i logged into it in the morning i had no Need to log in in the evenening, and there was no Mention About downtime it was clearly sayed ONCE A DAY not Servercycle!

You dont need to log in twice a day.

You just needed to log in every morning.

Not twice a day.

But 24 hours apart.

Every morning.

And yes, morning anywhere in the same localization, is always 24 hours apart.

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Join the celebrations for Eve Online 16s Anniversary with the 16 DAY login event! Get free gifts for loggin in on 16 different DAYS between 2 and 20 May, and they dont even need to be consecutive,

that was what i did i logged into the game once a day some times in the moring some days on the evening, depending on my Job… and there was no Mention About Servertime!

if my calender tells me ist annother day ist a nother day… if my Clock tells me ist annother day ist annother day… if the sun goes up and goes down ist annother day…

but if the game dont tell me that ist Eve Days Serverdays, u do it wrong…

Wait, so you didnt get all the counterpart gifts of the alpha gifts that you redeemed up until that point?

yes u do… just read the description i posted bevore… u dont needed to Play, u just Need to get inside to Claim them once…

So, there were 18 days and 16 gifts.

The first time you logged in on the afternoon, and then the morning the next day, and couldnt accept the reward, you didnt find that funny? You didnt ask yourself why? You couldnt realize what’s going on?

Cause if you did, you shoudlve been able to claim all 16. That’s what the extra 2 days were for.

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no u dont, whats for me is a different day is another for the Server time, SERVERTIME is not DAYTIME !

if i log into the game, in the evening, ist one day for the Server, then i Sleep i ate, i log in bevore work for me different day, but same day for the ■■■■■■■ Server, cuz it resets on lunchtime, so i loose days i was online because of the time shift, and i logged into in the moring knowing i couldnt look in in the evening…

This doesnt answer my question, and I understand there’s probably a language barrier here. So I’ll ask again.

What did you do, the first time you logged in the next morning and couldnt redeem the gifts?

i could redeem all Gifts up to day 13 but i couldnt get all 16 days … because of the different time Zones, my daytime is not serverdaytime, whats for me evening and sleeping wake up next day and log in, is the same ■■■■■■■ day for the Server…

not knowing ist servertimerelated i lost a few days cuz of work…were i couldnt log in in the evening…


What did you do the first time you realized it was server time and not your local time?

i contacted the support, and the support waited until the Event was over to tell me ur lost, we wont help u…
because reclaims are only possible as Long the Event runs…

Snip: Thank you for contacting the Player Experience Team, and please accept my sincere apologies for the delayed response. This is a mass reply to all players who submitted tickets concerning the XVI Anniversary event. I do apologize for the delay again, but unfortunately we had to wait till the end of the campaign before we could address related concerns.

I’m sorry to hear that you were unable to fully utilize the 16th Anniversary of EVE campaign, but unfortunately we cannot provide rewards that you have not claimed in this case, and we can regretfully not extend the event itself. The campaign was following the rules outlined below:

  • The campaign was live from the 2nd of May till the 20th of May 2019. giving players 18 days to claim a total of 16 rewards.
  • The Anniversary rewards were available to be claimed until the downtime (11:00 EVE time) on the 20th of May 2019. as advertised and as per the intended game mechanics. This was shown by a countdown in the “XVI Anniversary Celebration” window, counting down first the days and then the hours left from the campaign.
  • The Day 1 reward was the first an account could claim, regardless of which day of the event they claimed it on. They could then claim the 2nd reward the day after, and so on.
  • If an Alpha account would upgrade to Omega at any time during the event, they would receive all Omega rewards for the previously claimed days upon their next claim (they would also get a new claim button upon opening the event window, if that was on a day where they already claimed the rewards)

We can regretfully not make any exceptions to these rules, and can as such unfortunately not assist you in this case. That being said, I understand that this time-frame may have been too short for some of our players, and I hope that we can further improve our events in the future. We would appreciate your feedback regarding this – I would encourage you to consider posting your thoughts about this on the EVE Online forums in the Event Feedback - XVI Anniversary Celebrations! thread, or to highlight your concerns to the CSM. They ensure that the voices of the EVE community are heard and you can either post on the CSM section of the forum or contact them directly.

I understand that this is not ideal, and I do apologize for any inconvenience this may cause!

Best Regards,


There was something wrong with the timer. In my case, my internet provider screwed me at the beginning and I had no internet.

When I got the first gift it said there were 15 days left to get 16 gifts, so I would be unable to collect the 16th. I logged in EVERY day between downtimes but not necessarily at the same time each day. Somewhere in there I lost an additional 2 days because when I collected the 3rd to last it said I had 2 days left then when I collected the 4th to last the very next day, it said I had 7 hours left in the event! So I was unable to collect the last 3 days even though I logged in between each downtime.

Then besides the timer issue there’s the fact that you can only miss 2 days at all. So, yeah anyone with a life/job/unforeseen event etc gets screwed by this one and no way to catch up or do anything to get all the items.

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So you contacted support but didnt do anything when you didnt recieve a reply?

You didnt try to go on the forums and ask?

You didnt go to Google and type in the question?

You didnt ask in local or ask a corporate?

You did nothing?

You had to log in for 5 seconds a day and click that claim button.

I dont know, maybe you’re a secret agent or something and can’t spare even a single second of your day lest the free world suffer and collapse in your absence, but I dont think “real life” would prevent you from opening your computer and spending 5 minutes after you wake up or before you sleep, to redeem the gifts.

If it were a multi-hour event that required you to participate a couple hours every day, then sure, you have a point.

But 5 seconds? Seriously?

They weren’t replying to any petitions before the event ended. Catch 22.

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Next step is to search yourself.

You know, just in case.

As a safety route.

If you really cared for the gifts, I mean.