Eve's true disease - Goonswarm

Depends on which corporation he was part of, but there is a path for returning players. If he did not opt for this path, and undocked while appearing neutral in a Goons system…Goons are NBSI…like most NS alliances. He could have opted to rejoin, then move his stuff out then quit.

the fact that I am "bio massing my entire 2007 career…

I find it quite exciting…must be 100 bill or better in isk…no including the money spent…

I am trying to make a statement here…so shh!

why would I stay in goons afk? we have a paps policy an I am not one to take up dead weight…ask my corp mates…I have donated 5 bill easy to my corps cause…plus kept paps…

I was a participant…

they as always, saw my money…and ■■■■ on me. as is the goons way…

the accts have 5 hours till bio mass…

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trust me…I may regret it, but ill be better for it…atm I am in a Hilton in Clearwater FL, why would I continue to play a fail game?

I made 5 figure last year, will make 7 this year…I need eve for what? I totally care little for this game…

I am a convict,
I am doing very well,
I have 3 shops in Denver, Minneapolis and opening one in Tampa…

what has eve to offer me?

goons, who I know well, 90 % of em are nerd 30 year olds living with their parents…who insist their life status symbol revolves around how many rorq kills ( or empire ganks ) they can amass)

seriously, I have better things to do in life…

eve stopped being eve when goonz disbanded bob/it and said it was a victory, because goonz knew they could never beat bob on the field…(true story was there)

now that goonz pull that spy faggotry, bobs gone, goons rule and game has no content…goons main enemy is gone…

and they cant say they beat bob in muscle…they pulled a goon and well, head to head we all know bob would have shown goonz the big member. lol…

bob in combat was always better…hence the goon faggotry…cause goonz could never win…(so cheat)

Molle was a far better tactician, that Martini any day of the week


off to twin peaks for a 32 degree brew…



That observation doesn’t appear to match with OP’s comments?

I presumed from this that the gank occurred in Jita.


no was all around jita

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but, the point is goonz killed one of their own…


I have a pickle for you…and it is a bit hairy. but I’m sure its something your used to :wink:

trust me bio massing my assets is pretty perm… :wink:

explain to me the karma part? is it u still working minimum wage hoping for a 10 bill empire kill to fund your broke arse for the next 3 months…?

or is it me losing a 10 bill freighter on a wifi laptop in Florida, about to delete 100 bill of assets and 500 mill of toon sp and tbh I love the fact that u trolls are slappin it hoping ill give my crap to u…which, wont happen…

so FU and yur haha

gimme a email and ill send u some pics of my new house in Naples

btw feel free to troll this thread as much as u like, ill be here till the end…will post the total destruction on all my accts

I’ve never really understood that little bit of history.

So the alliance got bio-massed by a director who’d gone over to Goons & the alliance name “stolen” (for want of a better word) by mittens using it (now it was available) to make a new one before BOB’s leadership knew what was happening…

So what? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

All their individual corporations & members still existed so why didn’t they just reform & re-brand under a new alliance & carry right on…

I’m sure there must have been a lot of assets & infrastructure tied up in the alliances ownership that went buy buy with it but really so much they couldn’t have recovered?


Don’t care about naples or your living arrangements.

Don’t care about your salt-stained stuff or your “toon”.

I only wish your freighter loss had been more expensive.


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Record it and show everyone how disturbing turning the characters into biomass sounds

I remember doing that on my old char, made me feel sorry for my old char, but a much needed act to start fresh

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I don’t want your stuff.

If you do want to do anything worthwhile send something to Mike’s Magic Schoolbus…


Bob was first, Goons came next…mortal enemies they were…some of the best blob warfare in history of eve…goonz decided to infiltrate bob and click a disband button and that was the end of bob…

as far as reforming they did, NC. but it was never the same…bob was a name…a symbol. which I loved.

goonz is a name, a symbol which is, FART* something…

bob was better at internet space ships…FACT* goons pulled a goonz and ruined a good relationship…2 power houses meant to battle…

goonz, eve will never be the same…and in fact 50k player base on any gien day to 20-30k 30% alphas

goonz regret the bob issue…they forever will, was the only group who could equal (always beat em) (like bad too)

(wait like embarrassed em hard)

but was still a challenge to goonz

so go back and learn you history…

magic school bus…?

I did 5 years in Arizona’s state pen in Stafford Az…they had a group call the Magic school bus too… they too came to me with words of wisdom and propaganda…

my 5 years became 10 years…

trust me whn I say, I WILL NOT BE BACK…k?

could have been, may have been, but wasn’t…


Never said you would tho, just wanted you to show us the sound it plays when you turn a character into biomass lol

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interesting…how internet nerds chest beat behind computers…

we should share info…go have a drink or two…then chat