Eve's true disease - Goonswarm

A bit hard to do (for someone who wasn’t there) in a game where there’s sOoo much propaganda & misinformation both old & new :stuck_out_tongue:

In fact… given the sheer quantity of old PsyOps (from both sides, neutral individuals who just like to troll & everyone else under the sun it seems) from this game floating around out there in any forum associated with the game (& the internet in general) that qualifies as a very unreasonable demand.

So much so that if this was an employer / employee situation & you sacked me for failing to come up with the goods I think I’d have some very reasonable grounds for a constructive dismissal suit :rofl:

As I understood it (from the research I have done, the results of which may of course be tainted by those aforementioned PsyOps) it wasn’t so much Goons infiltrating BOB as it was a bored BOB director joining Goons with an alt then begging to be allowed to stay when they found him out?


this may be true…but, as it stands…it was a goon, former bob, or not…

my point was that the bob vs goon ended in a very anti climatic end…

the truth of the matter is bob and goonz were 2 true veterans of eve, one took an easy way out…now they have no equal.

as a goon, I know no one in eve will be able to best them…they truly suk at pvp…I mean they are bad. but they can field more supers than all of eve combined…

bob were actually good at pvp…which is why goonz took that advatange…rightly so, cause bob would have ate em up…

Am I missing something? I don’t see you as ever being in Goonswarm Federation at all, nor your corporation. Did you fall for some recruitment scam? Or then again I suppose this was one of your other accounts with alts you used to haul things with, etc.

But the issue is you left and thus by leaving I suppose this corporation you lost a freighter in was in turn removed from some do not attack list. Probably would have been better to just have stayed in instead of raging on the forums.

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He had 3 chars that combined had 500mill sp and 7 quadrillion isk he biomassed into the recycle bin and thinks it matters. GL in RL homie. We all grow up someday.


I would but I don’t think we can get it in the UK? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Everyone and their dog knows your only interactions with goons should be blowing them up on sight. All the same we’ll add your warning to the near mountain sized pile of such cases.


Well… you’ve just answered that yourself there haven’t you :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

All of them… but back to how you just answered your own question :upside_down_face:

So what you’re saying is Goon’s do have that right.

So… can you guess where I’m going with this now? :roll_eyes:

You use Goons Jita delivery service to get all your stuff to Jita beFORe you leave & tHEn use the new corps same service to move it from there to wherever their home base is, it realy couldn’t be simpler :wink:


yeah that’s true. one thing though, concerning history: nowadays it isnt goons but ccp who do everything to make eve safe and allow groups like goons to avoid conflict whenever they feel like. the effort you’d need to come up with to put an end to all the afk ratting, mining and pvp avoidance is 100 times larger than the effort for the grinders to continue.

100b in assets, yeah? well at least in your many years in eve you didnt accumulate more than you need for pvp then.

also request: if you have 80b in isk, could you start by extracting your toons, destroy the injectors then followed by all assets? make screenshots for the entertainment, eh?

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If this is your Goon alt & not a covert forum alt not wise to use that method directly too soon after these posts… other Goons also read the forums & if any of them think your planning to leave & are feeling vindictive it’d be a good way to lose the lot now :grin:

You can still perhaps do it that way safely though… Get a new alt into Goons that isn’t associated with your existing alts first… Transfer your stuff to it & have it use the Jita delivery service to get it to Jita.


Though to be honest… personally (were I in that situation) I wouldn’t move anything… I’d just sell most of it off for ISK in situ over a period of time & then buy new when I got where I was going.


Ah… I see you’ve pulled you posts… would you like me to pull my replies to yours as well?

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Waiting for proof that OP actually biomassed and destructed all assets… will he deliverrr?

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well hurry up and gtfo then. You have been playing since the beginning, and have been in goons, yet can’t comprehend basic truths of the game? I usually try and be patient with these kinds of posts, but geeze.


The statement is, “I’m a butthurt idiot who did something really, really dumb.”

Good luck with that. :roll_eyes:


Judging by what you’ve written, you weren’t enjoying the game very much at this point. If anything, the Goons have done you a favor.


So let me see if I understand this right. You where formerly in goons. You then left goons.
You massively overloaded your freighter, abd goons blew it up near Jita. And now you are rage quitting and burning all your stuff.

First, shouldn’t have overloaded your freighter. Anything more than a couple bill is painting a target on yourself.
Second, you left goons. I don’t care how long you where a member for, the second you press leave corp any obligation to you is finished. You where a neutral flying a pinata. That makes you a valid target regardless of who you used to fly with.


MMOs are driven by communities. The stories we tell and the connections we make. Goonswarm cleaves a path through New Eden, pissing people off, destroying connections, spreading their cancer, and generally making Eve worse for everyone else.

The thing is, every story needs a villain. I don’t really care for goonswarm. I’m a griefer of a different sort, and don’t respect or like their style. They just seem sadistic and caustic to me.

But if they weren’t around Eve would be worse for wear. We need our Chribbas and our Goonswarms to drive the collective narrative.

Edit: Also, you left goonswarm, then made several critical mistakes which they tend to capitalize on, on their hunting grounds. You really have no one to blame but yourself in this case. Part of getting better at eve is owning your mistakes. 99% of lossmails involve you screwing up. The other 1% are random chance, or things that could not be presicted; Stuff like disconnects or planning and scouting a route through lowsec to just happen to have a ganker log back on at the right time and happen to be equipped to kill you. Or someone prescanning all the sites in your wormhole while your were logged off, then uncloaking a proteus on your ass while you’re clearing something, without showing on d-scan.

Anyways, even if you play perfectly you will occasionally incur losses, but they should be vanishingly rare, and easily mitigated by profits.

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Crying on the EVE forums about how much you hate EVE, then pulling random information that nobody gives a crap about and that add absolutely nothing to your “point” (if there is such a thing in there) out of your ass.

That’s 3/10 shitposting effort. There’s a lot of room for improvement.


Goons have, without doubt, left a pronounced footprint on the throat of EVE, and continue to apply pressure.

But they arent a disease.
Just a group of players, some of which play the game a certain way.

If you dont like them, just avoid them.
Plenty of space in EVE where even their nefarious machinations dont reach.


And I care why? You flew 10BN of freighter. You got burned by your own. It’s Goons. It’s their legacy - it’s like being upset that a junkie friend robbed you. Goons being Goons. Nothing to see here.

To me your post: This is EvE. Go make a video and laugh about it. And if you’re so rich, 10BN ain’t much and maybe think about who you fly with.

And you protest by self-harming – seriously?

This game needs its villains, its heroes and always to remember there’s no honour among capsuleers!

Code / Goons - it’s all friction and friction makes the game.


Is there an innuendo in there somewhere? :blush:


Got killedz - no lub and no lubez

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