Eve's War Dec Groups and who are they

Seems she’s been successful at making you all look like a bunch of arses collectively.


Shhhhh it’s better when they don’t realize.

I have seen no consequences menaced at you by me, in anything I have posted, just observations of you posting lightly on this when it got a little hot for you and your naivety was on show for all to see. It is yet another attempt at wounded deflection.

On a previous comment you mentioned something that you thought matters, Militarily, but in this you are impotent, you are kept out of the most important area of Eve by Blackflag. for example and sit sulking in a trade hub that most don’t use, militarily you do not matter. That is a brutal but fair observation on my part, just saying, now let’s await a naïve emotive reaction on my assessment of your military capability!

It’s a bit early for putting a nativity on display isn’t it.

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Thanks corrected, mis-clicked on spell check.

And where do you fit in this hierarchy? For someone whose every second post is an epic story of massive victories as a fleet commander socking it to the griefer scum, about the only claim to influence you actually have is making a bunch of us angry by coaching a homophobe to get away with his bigotry.

This dude acts like he wouldn’t enforce his will on others if he had even a shred of the ability to do so. But I’ve seen his megalomaniacal treatment of the people in his “community” so I know better.

I think you are extrapolating your own faults and issues onto me, I have never referred to myself as an FC, not sure where you dredged that one up from, the coaching of a homophobe was asking him to not use a homophobe insult, do you even read what you write?

As for your suggestion that I am a megalomaniac who treats people in my community poorly, I guess you can only be referring to my banning of Gankers, people shite posting, or doing hyper ads in the Gank Intel channel.

If you are referring to the NPC nullsec community that I am part of, then that is even more amusing, nearly all my interaction is in our own alliances controlled chat channels and is with people I know well. It shows how little you truly know, and how much you pretend to know.

Does saying o7 and reporting intel count as being a megalomaniac? Because that is all I really say in the Coalition channels…, NRDS coalition channels are notoriously leaky even controlled ones and if you want to try to develop paranoia it fails because it is what it is already. You are trying too hard…

Hold on, last night I did link some KM’s on PH that the elite PvP’rs such as Grunt and Mark Bridges did against PH, those guys are seriously bad ass and dropped smart bombing BLOP’s on a PH fleet, was awesome stuff. These people are scary…, that must be what you mean?

You fail at this, seriously…

Hey, I noticed that your definition of “impotent” is a little bit off. Perhaps you’d like to ask your wife for a more accurate one?

Is that the best retort you can come up with, militarily you are not in a good position, Blackflag. have control of the important areas, you just have the scraps they don’t care about. That is why I used that word, it describes your situation perfectly, but there is no shame to be dominated by Blackflag. in my opinion as they are very very competent.

No matter how much you brown-nose them, they’re still not going to be your friends. But what you can do is save up a few pence from your government entitlement payments, buy some PLEX, and hire them to do your work for you.

Hmm. Maybe she should define “backbone” and “cuckold” too while she’s at it? :thinking:

This is a thread to talk about war dec groups and who they are, what they do and how they fit together. Observing that Blackflag. control Caldari space around Jita and that they don’t allow RIOT there is detailed in this thread including the result if you ignore their restriction on entering what they call Jita space, conclusion they dominate your alliance. If that is brown nosing then you have a very wide definition of brown nosing.

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Apparently it’s a discussion you’ve entirely ignored since you were too busy fellating your own high-sec war non-achievements, because if you were actually paying attention, you’d be aware that there’s basically BF., RIOT, which is a group about a quarter of their size, and literally no one else.

A hegemon is able to dictate terms, to an extent. But that’s not at all “perfectly descriptive” of impotence. What is descriptive of impotence, however, is being challenged to destroy a single other player, and then quitting the game and its community for half a year to not have to deal with the constant bombardment of shame from its members for weaseling out with a series of weak excuses.

Wrecking Machine. are far superior to RIOT and close allies to Blackflag. which is detailed in this thread. Again you show your ignorance of this subject. I could detail several other war deccers too, but I am talking to someone who just has no clue.

That is a decent term to desribe their dominance, so you did know about their links with Wrecking Machine., Bully Brigade and others. I am aware of RIOT’s hegemon in their area of control as they fought against UK, DF and EM. But they fell apart before Blackflag. even came in for the final act on your war HQ, and I noticed that RIOT. did not even try to save their war HQ’s, so much for RIOT’s hegemon. That is impotence…, but as I said no shame against Blackflag. dominance…

As for your challenge, pathetic that it was, I had you, a war deccer begging me to put up a war HQ because you could not do it and come to you. That is impotence on your part, I treated it with the disdain it deserves. And then you joined RIOT because you were unable to operate.

Not that I am unsympathetic to small war deccers which is why I want them to be able to do three war decs without the need for a war HQ, but there has to be a limiting factor on length for those type of war decs otherwise people like you can just run around on easy mode.

Are you confusing my one year break due to forum bias for something it was not? Another invention from a fail war deccer.

Wrecking Machine have almost no wars up at any given time, and the ones they do have are against one-man holding corporations for the purpose of inactive station sieges. “Far superior” alliance that’s triple the size of ours but has a fifth of the per-capita activity and a sixth of our overall war volume.

They won’t be your friends if you brown-nose them either, by the way.

We had a sixth of their numbers on the field. In other words, they needed six times our numbers to ensure the win.

Except I offered to put up my own war HQ , an offer which you first followed up by saying you’d lose ships to me “on purpose,” and then said that I’d have to “get you interested in playing first” before shutting down for nearly six months.

You didn’t “treat it with the disdain it deserves,” you ducked it and then tried to lay low for a while because you’re a massive pussy.

They have many more players and bigger fleets when they want to do stuff.

Pffft, still trying that.

I am talking about one of your allies who lost their war HQ and no RIOT fleet turned up. You are talking about RIOT’s HQ, interesting duck that one… ignorance that.

You could have just put up your own war HQ and war decced my alliance, but you talked about it, and did not do it, the truth is in the eating as we say or lack thereof.

And my comment about losing a ship to take the P was all about how little I thought of your challenge which was to make you feel superior in your own mind. That was disdain…

The only time I quit recently was for over a year over forum bias. You are inventing things again. In terms of recent forum activity, more of the same was enough for me to give up regular posting, but I am running around quite nicely in game thank you.

Seriously, you need to calm down and treat this as a game, not as your reason to be…

Destiny Corrupted: “We’re the big fish because of how many ships we can field. We can do what we want.”

Also Destiny Corrupted: “Hah! The bigger fish needed more ships on field to defeat us, so actually that means we’re better than them.”

So you’re basically defining size as skill and competence? Yikes!

Why would I, when you literally said you’d stop playing if I did?

No, I just said that they were more powerful, but didn’t you say something similar in your own defence?

Admonish yourself.

You are making stuff up again. It is your wet dream that I would not log in and all that, but I have been war decced numerous times and continued playing under war decs, always have always will. They mean nothing to me, because I can play in different areas of space easily and with little effort. I still buy stuff in Jita, I still move it when I need it, your little tantrums here are meaningless.

This thread truly delivers so worth a well deserved award.

:popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn:


Dracvlad’s biggest EVE achievement is playing despite the game’s other players, instead of because of them.

To anyone with a shred of self-respect, such an existence would be worse than death itself.

Well, maybe not the miners.