Excavator Mining with the ORCA

From being born into my first itchy clone, to being where I am today as taken almost 3 years of On/Off playing.

It as always been a goal of mine to reach the dizzy heights of RORQUAL pilot, and I am getting closer each day. With almost 7 Billion Isk to earn before I get there seems like a mountain to climb.

I do use the ORCA to mine with 5 Class II Mining Drones. It takes a good Movies worth of Mining to achieve a almost full ship load (Using several bays to store it in).

Thing is @Developers I am running low on Movies and would greatly appreciate the capability of introducing, Miningā€™s missing link from ORCA to RORQUAL, The Excavator Drone. The ORCA does have 50 Mbit/sec bandwidth :rocket: and would be able to operate a minimum of 2 Excavators.

This would allow me to switch from Movies to TV Series to fill the ORCA, thus allowing for a greater industrial ORCA revolution in the mining industry which I do believe what it was designed for.

ā€œThe Orca was developed as a joint venture between Outer Ring Excavations and Deep Core Mining Inc as a vessel to help meet the demands of New Edenā€™s industry and provide a flexible platform from which mining operations can be more easily managed.ā€

ā€œThe Orca uses much of the technology developed by ORE for the Rorqual and integrated with the latest advancements from Deep Core Mining research division has developed a vessel which offers a diverse role to all sizes of operations and needs.ā€

Hereā€™s to ā€œA New ā€˜Edenā€™ Hopeā€ :aura: (Star wars reference)

AlphaBarbz, (No relation to Alpha Clone) :joy:


Not sure if troll or serious. In either case, not gonna happenā€¦


+1, so we could see more juicy kills and suicides in high sec rock belts


I am a little split on this ideaā€¦
I myself have orca pilotsā€¦and would love faster mining.

But for highsecā€¦no it ruins too many things.
For minersā€¦
The marketā€¦(minerals ad ores)

Then you have the stupid people that would use theseā€¦
There goes the market n the excavators rising quite a bitā€¦

You realise there are mining drones between Mining Drones II and Excavators right?

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Hereā€™s why this wonā€™t work, first, it makes you a juicy target, 2 excavators would be 2.5 times the cost of the Orca making your dones a prime targets, code and others looking for easy points for their kill board would have a field day, so mining drone II are sufficient enough, they mine plenty, stop thinking about an orca as mining barge, itā€™s not, itā€™s a command ship with drones, luckily CCP gives it mining bonuses, we should be happy.


Sorry didnā€™t mention i was in Null, but I understand your intent.

No i didnā€™t, could you possibly post a link to the items pls

I personally donā€™t care, if they could it wouldnā€™t bother me, being in dull sec, why not :slight_smile:

Get more movies.

There should never be a right to earn more from easy, supposed to be active play, sources of income, while not even really playing the game.

next request ā€œCCP give excavator to alpha already !ā€

"The Orca was developed as a joint venture between Outer Ring Excavations and Deep Core Mining Inc as a vessel to help meet the demands of New Edenā€™s industry and provide a flexible platform from which mining operations can be more easily managed.

The Orca uses much of the technology developed by ORE for the Rorqual and integrated with the latest advancements from Deep Core Mining research division has developed a vessel which offers a diverse role to all sizes of operations and needs."

Except the ability to fly excavatorsā€¦ Their words not mine.

Not the only exception actually. Orca:

  1. Canā€™t use excavators
  2. Canā€™t fit an industrial core
  3. Canā€™t fit clone vat bay
  4. Canā€™t fit a pulse activated nexus invulnerability core
  5. Doesnā€™t suffer a 5x penalty to entosing (not that anyone would)
  6. Doesnā€™t receive any bonus to cargo scanners

Itā€™s no surprise either. Because itā€™s an Orca, not a Rorqual.

If you want to use excavators, go to low/null and use a Rorqual.

It shouldnā€™t be easier to earn ISK while AFK from what is designed as an active form of play. Thatā€™s exactly what excavators for an Orca would provide.

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I donā€™t see much issue here orcas donā€™t get an industrial core and if you say cost one could argue 5 excavators are about 2.5 times the cost of a rorqual hull.As for ā€˜safetyā€™ in hs ppl will just suicide gank your drones if they want to annoy you or suicide onto your ship if they want to make some money.

Iā€™d much rather see the Orca be able to field 1-2 more Ice Harvesting Drones (reducing the ice harvesting droneā€™s bandwidth requirement based on ship skill) than use a single excavator.


Hell no, then there would be nothing but AFK Orcas in the ice anomsā€¦


Afraid of the competition to your fleet of botted hulks?


Not at all, because I punt bots and AFKā€™ers out of the anoms on a daily basis in my Machā€¦

If youā€™ve got something like this going on, Iā€™m about to play space pinball with your fleetā€¦


I have been seeing this more and more as of late. I like my mining and the time it gives me to examine the market & contracts, but the multi client botting is out of hand.

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