Expert Systems - Coming Soon!

I didn’t say paying PLEX for the expert system for a 1 week rental instead of paying IRL cash for the expert system 1 week rental.

I said paying IRL cash for a 30 day omega period instead is a better value.

Yes I understood that :slight_smile:

Thing is HE is fine with the idea as long as it’s payable with plex so according to him there’s nothing wrong with the concept at all, just not with the fact it costs rl cash.

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Please stop assuming things from thin air and putting words in my mouth that I never said. You somehow got wrong idea that I want to leverage system for my personal benefit and now you are trying to spin everything around it. Concept is garbage and I’m saying this since first post #7 to be correct. I said that I would let it slide when possible to buy with in game currency because after that it wouldn’t have such catastrophic effect. We won’t change CCP decision, but at lest we can try to make it not as terrible. I never supported and never will support this concept unless dev time will be spent on actual fixing NPE

You said that, verbatim.

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When you put it out of context. Then probably I did.

It wasn’t him, it was his twin, lol.

He’s CODE? wow that explains a LOT. I had no idea but now I understand many of his posts!

Go to the CODE website, his mug is on display there as a major contributor.

You’re an exemple of why I say that there needs to be a campaign of awareness aimed at new players to let them know that EVE has a racketeering organization within its fold and CCP does nothing about it with all their talk of Player Retention while CODE is the main reason new players leave the game.

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Then… they actually have those skills, and the SP won’t vanish on them a week later? I mean, this really doesn’t impair anyone who’s already trained stuff.

What are you referring to?

You know. I have this sneaking suspicion that the barge one is purely to profit off of botting operations.
Make a new alpha account, spend the peanuts on the mining barge one if it is at all cheaper than regular Omega. Transfer a corp barge to the new alt and immediately be collecting resources without even having to remotely skill train (and thus invest irretrievable XP under the 5m SP limit) in just minutes. It gets flushed? No problem! Just drop the ship in the corp hangar for reassignment and repeat the process.


It’s true that CCP needs to let new players know that there are ganker organizations that will hunt them down while they’re in weak ships.
I also think that ganking is a major cause of new players leaving the game.


You can see clearly the impact of “Pearl Abyss” here. CCP got sold in 2018 to them. Pearl Abyss is the creator of Black Desert Online. These guys are knowing how to squeeze the money out of people.

I mean … I have to pay money to know how the game will feel later? I have to pay if I’m lazy and don’t wanna wait until my skill training is done? This is more and more running into pay to win. There will be tons of new player zombies running around flying a big omega ship and they are having no idea what they are doing. After a while and tons of ship losses they are leaving the game again but hey … CPP got its money.

Helping players should be done in other ways like better tutorials. For example tutorials missions where they are able to fly a big omega ship for only this mission. Protecting new players more in high sec. People are ganking empty cheap t1 battleship because they can. This pushes more the new player experience than taking their money before they are leaving again.

I bet the number of players leaving in the first 6 months is still way too high. I like the idea behind it but I’m not a friend of selling it in the store.

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Since the ES is only active for a very limited time, buying an Omega sub is definitely much better and cheaper in the long run.

I would say most new players know what they want to do right at the start, they just don’t have the resources and ISK to do it. The main problem is lack of skills due to excessively long training time. The 5 mill Alpha clone SP’s are basically used up by training the Magic 14 / Core Fitting Skills, then those players can buy Alpha Injectors for another 15 mill SP’s to train up Career / ship skills to be halfway adequate at doing something in the game.

Personally I don’t see players who want to play for free paying real money, at least Alpha Injectors can be bought using PLEX bought with ISK, thus allowing the Alpha player to continue playing for free.

I believe that having those skills already trained when needed is much better compared to not having them trained when needed, even if those skills are rarely used or only used just once, it’s still a worthwhile investment.

I agree, the Expert System should be used as a limited time reward for completing the Career Agents, especially since CCP seems to be targeting this towards new Alpha players who are playing for free. That would give new players a taste of being Omega.

I also think the Magic 14 / Core Fitting Skills should be fully trained with Character Creation so new Alpha players can use the 5 mill Alpha SP’s for training Career / Ship skills, thus allowing them to actually get into playing the game more quickly at a halfway decent level. They can then earn ISK to buy PLEX for Alpha Injectors and train their Career / Ship skills to a more competent level, thus still playing for free.

If those player want to be specialized with max skill levels using top line equipment, they can dip into their wallets and buy an Omega sub.

Figure I’ll tag @Mike_Azariah to look at this since he’s on the CSM.


Hoboleaks is full of reference to an upcoming event, the “Grand Prix”, which seems to involve flying around to the various landmarks of New Eden.

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yeah, kinda like the last time they did it: The Federation Grand Prix Is Now Live! | EVE Online


It took me a bit to figure out what this change even meant, when I was new, like in my first month or so it would have been utterly meaningless.
When I got (and soon lost) my first implants I had no understanding of what they were even for, didn’t see any meaningful difference, and when I lost them I didn’t notice untill months later when I was looking at who had killed me at different times and how they had done it. I noticed that one of my pods had a price tag.
My first set were a gift from another player, they cost (each) more than I had made in the game the entire time I had been playing.
What did make a huge and very noticable difference was skilling spree, I barely understood the concept of a skill queue yet, but because of skilling spree got to go very quickly from not being able to use drones at all to being able to have five of them. This one thing taught me more about skills and how they changed what I could do more than anything else.
Nothing in the tutorial, wiki, or rookie chat came close, though the people in rookie chat were fantastic (aside from random ISD people berating actual rookies for talking to each other) and helped a lot with stuff I never would have figured out on my own.
I made another character the other day after some other changes and found that the tutorial was actually worse than it was when I was new, that if I docked surfing it it simply went away completely, and was told that in order to get it back I needed to file a support ticket so support could reset it. This was apparently because some genius had decided to remove it from the agency, I was and still am stunned by this.
There is no way in hell I’m going to bother support for this, and when I was actually new I wouldn’t have either.
@Maja_Chou posted something wonderful in the begining of this thread detailing what the people in rookie chat who are there to help are seeing, the fact she had to list this stuff indicates to me that CCP isn’t doing what I would do if I were them and wanted to improve the new user experience, which would be to have a few people sitting in rookie chat and other help channels watching what was going on and cataloging questions that are asked over and over, day after day, and year after year. I would then make use of that information to fix the tutorial missions, the career agent missions and so on, not try to sell someone. bandaid they don’t understand, don’t need in the long run and that will only make things more confusing to new people, not less. Especially one that after they pay for it goes away after a while, that’s called theft where I’m from. Here is an example of the same thing in real life terms where I live:
There are people here called paper pirates, they sell someone a boat but never sign over the title, this means that the person who bought the boat can’t legally own it as they don’t have the proper paperwork. Eventually they give up trying to get the paperwork, and the person who ripped them off sells the boat to someone else starting the process again and making a pile of money by selling people something that technically doesn’t exist.
Some of these people get caught, it’s rare, but it’s happened, some of them have been doing this for years, and a few have gone missing and have turned up floating in other countries.
This in a loose sense is the same idea, sell someone something they don’t need, don’t actually get to keep, and when it goes away get them to buy it again. It feels sneaky and deeply cynical to me.
But, maybe like so many other things CCP does I just don’t understand what’s going on, these are people who use five windows and six buttons when one window and two buttons would work just fine.


Then he’s not a newbie but an alt or new character from an existing player.


At last something all w8 for.cant w8 to use my credit card thx ccp keep up the good work.maybe in the near future we can use our credid card to buy in game ites like ship modules ships etc.Thumps up as always

When I first downloaded and started playing this game, I already knew what I wanted to do - exploration.