Expert Systems - Coming Soon!

Give alpha accounts 1 TIME chance to redistribute their skills under 5 mil skill point and ONLY redistribute alfa limited skills. ( Racial start up standart skill sets not incl ) With condition of first time go omega for that account and buying 1 month omega fee with credit card . ( Not plex not Ingame currency or tradable object. )

WIN-WIN Serves the purpose. Doesn’t hurt the game . More playable efficient and active characters create in low-skill lvl .

Vets already know how to build focused alfa characters… they dont have issue with that. And even they can benefit to switch some of alfa toons to different focuse . For new pilots… Having more focused and efficient new players wont harm anything at all… brings more content .

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So you’ve decided to let go of all pretence of caring about the game. Sweet!

you mean llike the free respec of all skills all old players got as the skill trading was invited?
or at least the free attribut reprogramming as a thank you and start in the new ara of skilltraining?
or the free 320k starterskills all new players now get and we all had to skill over time?

oh right… nothing of this ever happened… this idear dont help the casual new player its a cash cow for ccp and sometimes could helb players who have a mentor who show them something in the game for a short period of time.
but with that mentor and injectors and a skillplan and fitting they give them this player would have a verry good start into eve anyway^^

oh and the buddy invites? the “free” 1m SP? ccp promised!!! to rework the buddy invite system to give players who get in touch with others after they started the game a chance to get the 1m sp also… but no its still a bonus for streamers and rekruiters of large groups who give this players in my optinion unfair starthelp into the game or better saying all others nothing.
well SP alone dont make you a good eve player and the game not better^^

letz face it this is just a cash cow you could also sell omega subscription for the same price and give new players wo get connected with other older “mentors” or something just a SP boost…
the dev time who went in this and the marketing time would be better invested in reworkung carreeragents and make new and better flight academy vids and fill up the help section in the agency… oh and the community fittings are also abandoned… no higher fittings in it and they even have modules the tiericide mada obsolete and not even have a market entry anymore
ONE pyfa or ingame fitting session for a day and this would be fixed^^
oh and also…, bringt the tiericide to an end!!! its not helpfull for new players to face the old and the new modul naming and stats system and old players who sometimes just say “take meta 4”
oh and switch the sensor overlay back on or at least SAY them in the mission witch key bombo this ist

there is a lot room for improvements for new players without reinventing the wheel and bring in an again komplex system on top of the komplex system eve and the skills are^^


Start up skills will not be effected. no skill point under 5 mil is extractable. NO skills over the alfa limit will be able to re-arrange.

Its pretty simple straight forward idea with very little DEV effort to implement … … but very difficult to comprehend and evaluate the reflections. for many players . i have rolled this idea nearly 2 months ago…

Now CCP coming with some kind of thing again… And again this is their plan and they wont step down … . and like nearly 8 month later… i am rallying and telling why this is bad way of implementation of idea and how can be replaced with better application … and as usual noone will give ■■■■ now … and go toxic… … and i have to wait. at least 6 months more that that hit peoples head and oooooh!
I think im geting bored of this slightly …

:slight_smile: can we focus more on topic please . subject here is not your hurting butt…

Removed some off topic posts.


Expert System - I like the sound of THAT.
I wish we had more info about it.
How much?
Which skills?
How many SP per?
How long?

Thank you for giving new players options to try things out and see for ourselves. You guys rock!


No info. At lest those are ones that got leaked so far.


7 days.

Its nothing wrong with my 2003 Ford Focus! :frowning:

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Just grant these basic skills to everyone. If the pilot already has them they get the free sp in the bank.

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Do you work for CCP or volunteer for CSM?


Then I want my sp back. I know it’s not much, still…

Oh man, about 15 of us came in from running a BF 42 server. We wanted to pvp . You ppl think CODE is bad.

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Giving people a taste, i’m in favour of:

Let’s be clear, my issue isn’t about people sampling gameplay. My concern is that people will use it as a way to skip the grind in a way that is far more accessible than buying all the required skill injectors.
If everyone is an expert, it makes being an expert less valuable. If you don’t get that I don’t know what to tell you.

Of course, there’s tactical skill and experience that comes into play, but if you fly ■■■■ you don’t know how to effectively pilot, you’re gonna have a bad time; that’s another inevitable result of this change, and it isn’t a good one.

IMO, the game was not broken in the skill training department before and doesn’t require this “fix”.


I agree, I want all those SP’s to be unallocated too.

Don’t know why you had to bring up CODE, I don’t care about them and more importantly, I didn’t say anything about them.

As for PvP, between 2005 and 2008, I was playing another mmorpg called DarkSpace which was centered on PvP. Close to a dozen players, including myself, all slowly migrated over to Eve during those years. Most of us picked various Career’s here in Eve that wasn’t readily available in that game.

I brought up code because before there was them, there were griefers. Being one those, I thought we were worse. (We certainly didn’t pay anyone back like I do now.) But maybe code is hurting the game? What was that thd about changing your mind? I see the problem as CCP took away a lot of pvp gameplay (in my opinion Ridley) and players who like to do pvp has less opportunities?

You are supposed to only pvp with structures.

Hoboleaks basically does database scraping on sisi.

There still are.

Seems code is more a worry now?

But is that actually good for the game?

this will depend on how much value these “expert systems” are. if they provide good value for money, then it shouldn’t be a problem.